Unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour would solve capitalism's natural rate of inefficiency.
1. Capitalism has no “natural rate of inefficiency”. None.

2. Paying people not to work, doesn’t work.

3. If a $15 per hour minimum wage collapses economies (as I have already proven), what do you think a $14 an hour not working would do? Why would I go to work for $1 more when I can stay at home like you do for $1 less? :laugh:
Unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour would solve capitalism's natural rate of inefficiency.
Talk is cheap. It’s time to put your money where your mouth is. I’m going to provide you with a PO Box number. You will send me $560 per week ($14 x 40). I will use that money to purchase things I want. It is the “supply” you claim will send the economy soaring.

Only the left-wing advocates for policies they refuse to live under themselves.
in the long run, higher paid labor must create more demand;
In the long run, I just proved that you’re making shit up. Both left-wing University of Washington and left-wing Seattle Times have confirmed that everything you say is bullshit. And when you are proven wrong, you jus repeat the nonsense.
QUOTE]Seattle’s minimum-wage law is boosting wages for a range of low-paid workers, but the law is causing those workers as a group to lose hours, and it’s also costing jobs
Your claims are all 100% false. The $15 per hour minimum wage creates higher unemployment and lower incomes for the minimum wage worker as their hours are cut to offset the increase minimum. End of story.

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs
a flawed study? a lower unemployment rate means labor should be able to find a second job to make up hours. part-time employment is part-time.
says the People who allegedly want a problem solved with a wall.
Yeah. Defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. So is immigration.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy; we also have a Commerce Clause.

And, providing for the general welfare excludes the general warfare and the common offense.
any more problems the right wing doesn't want to pay for?
Yes! Anything that is not constitutional (like welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.).

Taxes are paid for government services. What service do I receive when my money is taken from me and given to welfare recipients? Oops.
Providing for the general welfare is a general power; end the drug war since it does nothing for the common defense.
Unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour would solve capitalism's natural rate of inefficiency.
Talk is cheap. It’s time to put your money where your mouth is. I’m going to provide you with a PO Box number. You will send me $560 per week ($14 x 40). I will use that money to purchase things I want. It is the “supply” you claim will send the economy soaring.

Only the left-wing advocates for policies they refuse to live under themselves.
sure; i just need a printing press at an official mint and to abolish the drug war to pay for it.
a flawed study?
There is no way to “flaw” when it comes to reporting on people losing their jobs.
a lower unemployment rate means labor should be able to find a second job to make up hours. part-time employment is part-time.
Not at $15 per hour. Nobody is paying unskilled labor that kind of outrageous wage. Nobody. That’s why all of those jobs disappear.
sure; i just need a printing press at an official mint and to abolish the drug war to pay for it.
But the “printing press” wouldn’t pay for your plan, my friend. The tax payer does. In other words, you and I. So you start (since you support it). I’ll PM you a P.O. Box, you make sure there is $560 in it every week.
sure; i just need a printing press at an official mint
Ladies & Gentlemen,

I give you....left-wing “economics”. They actually believe that government revenue comes from “the printing press mint”. Because they don’t hold jobs, they don’t have a concept of having the government confiscate 65% of what you earned.

Not only that, they have zero concept of deflation due to flooding the economy with money.
a flawed study?
There is no way to “flaw” when it comes to reporting on people losing their jobs.
a lower unemployment rate means labor should be able to find a second job to make up hours. part-time employment is part-time.
Not at $15 per hour. Nobody is paying unskilled labor that kind of outrageous wage. Nobody. That’s why all of those jobs disappear.
Labor still needs to be accomplished simply Because, capitalists cannot do it all themselves to save on costs and increase profits.

we don't care if we lose low wage jobs that don't cover the cost of social services; it is the equivalent to subsidizing Capitalists with low wages. Wages needs an institutional upward pressure in our First World economy.
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only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy;
Which is exactly why the border wall will be a financial windfall for the United States!

Trump's Wall Costs $21 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148 Billion Yearly—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
does nothing for the general welfare and is a drain on the budget. we are not at war. The Proof is, the right wing refuses to pay War Time tax rates under our form of Capitalism, for that capital receipt.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy;
P.S. - there is no “capitalist” government. If there were, government wouldn’t need to survive off of taxes.
we have a Commerce Clause; the general welfare clause has a solution that is market friendly.

we should be generating revenue from foreign nationals in the US, and be providing them with a federal id.
end the drug war since it does nothing for the common defense.
I’m with ya, brother! Unfortunately Obama and the Dumbocrats refused to do so even when they had a supermajority. That was our chance.
tax cut economics and no drug war clause in the right wing fantasy doctrine. what more do you need? a federalist, to help out.

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