Minimum wage raise economics to generate more tax revenue
It’s already been proven that minimum wage hikes reduces salaries (resulting in reduced tax revenues) and eliminates jobs (resulting in no tax revenues). Next?
higher paid labor creates more in demand; and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, stabilizes markets.
Minimum wage raise economics to generate more tax revenue
It’s already been proven that minimum wage hikes reduces salaries (resulting in reduced tax revenues) and eliminates jobs (resulting in no tax revenues). Next?
higher paid labor creates more in demand; and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, stabilizes markets.
It’s already been proven that minimum wage hikes reduces salaries (resulting in reduced tax revenues) and eliminates jobs (resulting in no tax revenues). Next?
Minimum wage raise economics to generate more tax revenue
It’s already been proven that minimum wage hikes reduces salaries (resulting in reduced tax revenues) and eliminates jobs (resulting in no tax revenues). Next?
higher paid labor creates more in demand; and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, stabilizes markets.
It’s already been proven that minimum wage hikes reduces salaries (resulting in reduced tax revenues) and eliminates jobs (resulting in no tax revenues). Next?
we need to get rid of low wage jobs that don't cover the cost of social services. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will function as a cost of living adjustment, and higher paid labor creates more in demand and pay more in taxes. the laws of demand and supply work.
we need to get rid of low wage jobs that don't cover the cost of social services.
And that’s exactly what failed left-wing policy does. It gets rid of low-wage jobs and turns them into no-wage jobs as those positions are either automated or outsourced. People simply will not pay $15 per hour for unskilled labor. It’s truly a shame that you can’t grasp basic economics.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will function as a cost of living adjustment.
...will result in higher unemployment and lower wages for those that were lucky enough to hold onto their job. It’s been proven already. In Seattle. In Oakland.
and higher paid labor creates more in demand and pay more in taxes. the laws of demand and supply work.
Except that the law of supply and demand doesn’t apply here. At all. You think by creating supply (more money for unskilled labor), you can create demand. It doesn’t work that way, chief. Demand drives supply. Lack of supply for that demand drives prices higher. You haven’t grasped basic economics yet.
You don't know what you are talking about. Higher paid labor creates more demand, in the long run. The minimum wage is still the minimum wage.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will be a cost of living adjustment. Higher paid labor creates more demand in the long run. Unemployment compensation can pick up the slack in the short run. Seattle has a lower unemployment rate as does San Francisco. That means, more people will look for work with the higher wage.

Yes, the laws of demand and supply always function. Higher paid labor creates more in demand simply because the poor tend to spend most of their incomes.
Higher paid labor creates more in demand simply because the poor tend to spend most of their incomes.
That’s because it takes most of their incomes for the basics, you dimwit. :lmao:

At the end of the day, business will not pay exorbitant salaries for unskilled labor, no matter how lazy or how greedy you are. You’re NOT getting $15 per hour, son. Period.
The minimum wage is still the minimum wage.
By that “logic” sparky, we should lower the minimum wage. I mean, after all, “the minimum wage is still the minimum wage”.
it is about the economic concept of monopsony. it is relevant due to the sovereignty of legal jurisdiction.

The Statutory minimum wage would be fifteen dollars an hour. Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed would be fourteen dollars an hour, to compete with the equivalent cost of social services.

Full employment of capital resources by Labor, regardless of actual employment status can solve simple poverty in our Republic and First World, not Second World, or Third World Economy.
You don't know what you are talking about.
I’ve already proven that you are the one who doesn’t understand basic economics. And I’ll prove it yet again. This is from the left-wing University of Washington in the very left-wing Seattle Times.
Seattle’s minimum-wage law is boosting wages for a range of low-paid workers, but the law is causing those workers as a group to lose hours, and it’s also costing jobs
Oops. Indisputable proof. This argument is officially over. You lose (again).

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

:dance: :dance: :dance:
The Statutory minimum wage would be fifteen dollars an hour. Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed would be fourteen dollars an hour, to compete with the equivalent cost of social services.
The “statutory” unemployment compensation would be $0.00 per hour and we will eliminate “social services”. We’re not paying people not to work - no matter how lazy and greedy you are.
The Statutory minimum wage would be fifteen dollars an hour.
That would cause the “statutory unemployment” to skyrocket (as it has done in Oakland, Seattle, etc.). There is a reason that left-wing cities are shitholes of filth and unemployment. This is from the left-wing University of Washington in the very left-wing Seattle Times.
Seattle’s minimum-wage law is boosting wages for a range of low-paid workers, but the law is causing those workers as a group to lose hours, and it’s also costing jobs
Oops. Indisputable proof. This argument is officially over. You lose (again).

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

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