Why would we be worse off with the social safety net of being able to collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
Because the federal government has absolutely no authority to take my money and give it to people not to work. Taxes exist for government services. I receive no services from the parasite getting paid not to work.
Why would we be worse off with the social safety net of being able to collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
Because if that nonsense actually worked, you wouldn't sit on a site begging people to vote for government to do it. You would start a consortium of private left-wing citizens who all paid into a fund in case any of you had a low-paying job. But you don't. Because you tools know it won't work. :laugh:
unemployment compensation is better for Labor.
No. It isn't. At all. Paying people not to work, doesn't work. It never has. It never will. If it did, you would be sending $560 to my P.O. Box right now. But you're not. Because you're full of shit.
why do you care? it covers the alternative cost of social services; compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is market friendly and complements capital based transactions and market friendliness.
Why would we be worse off with the social safety net of being able to collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
Because paying people not to work, doesn't work.
It must work under any form of capitalism to ensure full employment of capital resources, because higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
Why would we be worse off with the social safety net of being able to collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
Because paying people not to work, doesn't work.
Yes, it must work under Any form of capitalism. Capital based morality takes care of the rest in a market friendly manner under our form of Capitalism.
Why would we be worse off with the social safety net of being able to collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
Because that idiotic communist ideology is what led to us being $21 trillion in debt.
the right wing only alleges to subscribe to capitalism. socialism on a national basis is all they know.

providing for the general welfare must be market friendly to provide for the general prosperity.
Why would we be worse off with the social safety net of being able to collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
Because the federal government has absolutely no authority to take my money and give it to people not to work. Taxes exist for government services. I receive no services from the parasite getting paid not to work.
Yes, it does. That is why we delegate the power to tax, to Congress; to solve the problems of our Republic. Providing for the general welfare and common defense, does that.
Why would we be worse off with the social safety net of being able to collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
Because if that nonsense actually worked, you wouldn't sit on a site begging people to vote for government to do it. You would start a consortium of private left-wing citizens who all paid into a fund in case any of you had a low-paying job. But you don't. Because you tools know it won't work. :laugh:
Stabilizing that market segment helps local and State governments generate revenue on a more consistent basis; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. Unemployment compensation and welfare take care of the rest.
Capital based morality takes care of the rest in a market friendly manner under our form of Capitalism.
You cannot make your desire to steal from others “moral”, no matter how hard you try.

Yes, it does. That is why we delegate the power to tax, to Congress; to solve the problems of our Republic. Providing for the general welfare and common defense, does that.
No, snowflake. We don’t grant the power to tax go “solve the problems of our republic”. We grant the power to tax in order for the government to carry out their constitutional responsibilities. Nothing less. Nothing more.

Furthermore, government doesn’t even exist to “solve problems”. That is astounding ignorance. Unimaginable ignorance. You’re clearly a Paid Russian Troll as no American could be so ignorant about their own government.
Stabilizing that market segment helps local and State governments generate revenue on a more consistent basis;
1. Nothing is “unstable”. Therefore, nothing needs to be “stabilized”
2. Even if the market were unstable, it is not the job of government to “stabilize” it.
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
I’ve already proven that artificially inflating the wages of labor results in lower wage and no wage jobs. Which creates less in taxes and less in market demand. Game over.
why do you care?
1. I care about my country
2. My children’s future depends on it
3. It is illegal/unlawful
4. It doesn’t work
5. It significantly impacts me in a very negative way
providing for the general welfare is a general power; solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is within the scope of the general welfare clause.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is an Institutional upward pressure on wages.
Exactly. And what does pressure do? It causes things to burst. Businesses cannot handle that unnecessary “pressure”.
inflation happens, right wingers; the left didn't invent it. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and create more in demand.

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