Let’s see if we can simplify this. Why does government exist, danielpalos?
Because we are not moral enough to obey Ten simple Commandments from a God?
Nope. As Ronald Reagan said, “if none among us are fit to rule ourselves, who among us is fit to rule others”?

If we’re not “moral enough” to “obey ten simple commandments from God”, how could government be “moral enough”? Government is merely made up of the same people who you just claimed lacked the morality to follow them simple commandments.
We have elections for the socialism of Government.
As always, you didn't answer the question. If people are not "moral enough" to "follow ten simple commandments" how can they be moral enough to control government and control the lives of others? Oops.
Let’s see if we can simplify this. Why does government exist, danielpalos?
Because we are not moral enough to obey Ten simple Commandments from a God?
Nope. As Ronald Reagan said, “if none among us are fit to rule ourselves, who among us is fit to rule others”?

If we’re not “moral enough” to “obey ten simple commandments from God”, how could government be “moral enough”? Government is merely made up of the same people who you just claimed lacked the morality to follow them simple commandments.
We have elections for the socialism of Government.
As always, you didn't answer the question. If people are not "moral enough" to "follow ten simple commandments" how can they be moral enough to control government and control the lives of others? Oops.
we have Elections and elect our representatives to limited Government.
Let’s see if we can simplify this. Why does government exist, danielpalos?
Because we are not moral enough to obey Ten simple Commandments from a God?
Nope. As Ronald Reagan said, “if none among us are fit to rule ourselves, who among us is fit to rule others”?

If we’re not “moral enough” to “obey ten simple commandments from God”, how could government be “moral enough”? Government is merely made up of the same people who you just claimed lacked the morality to follow them simple commandments.
We have elections for the socialism of Government.
As always, you didn't answer the question. If people are not "moral enough" to "follow ten simple commandments" how can they be moral enough to control government and control the lives of others? Oops.
we have Elections and elect our representatives to limited Government.
As always, you didn't answer the question. If people are not "moral enough" to "follow ten simple commandments" how can they be moral enough to control government and control the lives of others? Oops.
Let’s see if we can simplify this. Why does government exist, danielpalos?
Because we are not moral enough to obey Ten simple Commandments from a God?
Nope. As Ronald Reagan said, “if none among us are fit to rule ourselves, who among us is fit to rule others”?

If we’re not “moral enough” to “obey ten simple commandments from God”, how could government be “moral enough”? Government is merely made up of the same people who you just claimed lacked the morality to follow them simple commandments.
It is why we have the Expense of Government.
Let’s see if we can simplify this. Why does government exist, danielpalos?
Because we are not moral enough to obey Ten simple Commandments from a God?
Nope. Our founders had the foresight to explain to the generations why they were implementing government (after fleeing from tyranny). It can be found in the Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.——That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
Government was implemented to secure your rights. That’s it. Nothing more. It doesn’t exist to feed you. It doesn’t exist to provide you with healthcare. It exists to secure your rights. To ensure that nobody takes your rights away from you.
The social power of socialism, at work. Government costs money.
solving for problems is why the power to tax exists.
Yeah....um....no...it’s not. At all. The power of tax exists to cover the costs of government. Things like the patent office. The post office. The Supreme Court. Etc.
Yes, it is.
I know it is. I just told you that. You don't have to reaffirm what I am teaching you. Taxes exist to cover the costs of government. Things like the patent office, the post office, etc. The American people receive a direct service in return for their taxes.

The American people do not receive a service for welfare, food stamps, government housing, etc.
Stabilizing that market segment helps local and State governments generate revenue on a more consistent basis;
1. Nothing is “unstable”. Therefore, nothing needs to be “stabilized”
2. Even if the market were unstable, it is not the job of government to “stabilize” it.
higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
I’ve already proven that artificially inflating the wages of labor results in lower wage and no wage jobs. Which creates less in taxes and less in market demand. Game over.
don't forget about unemployment compensation to solve for this dilemma.
Don’t forget that you refuse to pay me the same “unemployment compensation” that you demand others pay you. Don’t forget that that is the real “dilemma”. Don’t forget that we’re $21 trillion in debt. Don’t forget that what you propose is entirely illegal (unconstitutional). Don’t forget that paying people not to work, doesn’t work.
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. Unemployment compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is a capital vehicle of to improve social services. A positive multiplier effect and automatic stabilization of our economy is what we can expect.
The social power of socialism, at work.
The U.S. Constitution doesn't authorize socialism, sparky. If you want that, you need the votes to amend the U.S. Constitution. If you can't get those votes, respect the fact that We the People have spoken...
Government costs money.
Yes it does. And in return for that money, the American people receive a service.
Unemployment compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is a capital vehicle of to improve social services.
"Of to"? :uhh:

Dude...Vladimir is going to be very disappointed in your performance today. You do know what he does to people who disappoint him, don't you?
solving for problems is why the power to tax exists.
Yeah....um....no...it’s not. At all. The power of tax exists to cover the costs of government. Things like the patent office. The post office. The Supreme Court. Etc.
Yes, it is.
I know it is. I just told you that. You don't have to reaffirm what I am teaching you. Taxes exist to cover the costs of government. Things like the patent office, the post office, etc. The American people receive a direct service in return for their taxes.

The American people do not receive a service for welfare, food stamps, government housing, etc.
I am a federalist, I understand the federal doctrine; unlike the right wing.

Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment via market friendly means is a general dilemma under the comprehension of the general welfare clause.
Unemployment compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is a capital vehicle of to improve social services.
Social services are improved by turning it back over to private charity - where it belongs. History has proven that. Just like it has proven that every claim you have made it complete and total bullshit.

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