it has to do with the common defense; there is no enumerated common offense or general warfare powers delegated to Congress.
There's also no enumerated power of specific welfare. It's only general welfare.

So no federal government program can benefit an individual specifically. So social services are unconstitutional.
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is the general social problem for Labor.

The infrastructure already exists in our Republic; it is a more cost effective solution to simple poverty and more market friendly than Any form of means testing.
The infrastructure already exists in our Republic; it is a more cost effective solution to simple poverty and more market friendly than Any form of means testing.
The idiotic socialism you are proposing doesn't require "infrastructure" genius. :eusa_doh:

It requires money. Money that we don't have ($21 trillion in debt thanks to the ignorant socialism you want more of). You continue to illustrate that you are clueless, causeless, and careless.
The infrastructure already exists in our Republic; it is a more cost effective solution to simple poverty and more market friendly than Any form of means testing.
The idiotic socialism you are proposing doesn't require "infrastructure" genius. :eusa_doh:

It requires money. Money that we don't have ($21 trillion in debt thanks to the ignorant socialism you want more of). You continue to illustrate that you are clueless, causeless, and careless.
It already exists, genius. We merely need to make better capital use of it, Because we allege to subscribe to Capitalism. A more cost effective use of capital resources.
It already exists, genius. We merely need to make better capital use of it, Because we allege to subscribe to Capitalism. A more cost effective use of capital resources.
It doesn’t exist. We do not currently pay people $14 an hour not to work. :eusa_doh:
a simple, "mathematical engineering" problem. The infrastructure is already in place in our Union.
It already exists, genius. We merely need to make better capital use of it, Because we allege to subscribe to Capitalism. A more cost effective use of capital resources.
It’s comical (albeit idiotic) how you attempt to sell your view of more efficient socialism as “capitalism”. You’re not fooling anybody (except yourself).

Capitalism doesn’t pay people not to work, nitwit. Capitalism is private ownership. Government handing out money is the polar opposite of capitalism.
It already exists, genius. We merely need to make better capital use of it, Because we allege to subscribe to Capitalism. A more cost effective use of capital resources.
It’s comical (albeit idiotic) how you attempt to sell your view of more efficient socialism as “capitalism”. You’re not fooling anybody (except yourself).

Capitalism doesn’t pay people not to work, nitwit. Capitalism is private ownership. Government handing out money is the polar opposite of capitalism.
Under Capitalism only capital has to work; it is voluntary for everyone else. That is the reason for it. Only the right wing prefers to use capitalism to punish rather than encourage higher paid labor to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.
Only the right wing prefers to use capitalism to punish rather than encourage higher paid labor to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.
As I have already proven from the Seattle Times article, artificially inflated labor costs results in reduced hours and increased unemployment. All of which results in less purchasing power and less tax revenues.

You’re nonsense is the perfect illustration of why left-wing policies collapse economies!
a simple, "mathematical engineering" problem.
The only thing “simple” is your intellect.
nope; mathematical engineers can handle this portion of it. not my simple intellect; a mathematically engineered solution.
There is nothing to “handle”. You claim you want capitalism. Well, government controlling business (including what they pay labor) is not capitalism. You’ve been caught in your own lie, snowflake.
Under Capitalism only capital has to work; it is voluntary for everyone else.
That’s so idiotic, it’s shameful. Capital is an inanimate object. It is completely and totally incapable of work. Only people can work, stupid.

Please. For the love of God. Take a basic economics course at your local Russian community college. You’re embarrassing the hell out of yourself right now.
There is nothing to “handle”. You claim you want capitalism. Well, government controlling business (including what they pay labor) is not capitalism. You’ve been caught in your own lie, snowflake.

Social programs and governmental regulation of businesses are characteristic of social democracy, which is capitalist by nature. In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist.
Only the right wing prefers to use capitalism to punish rather than encourage higher paid labor to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.
As I have already proven from the Seattle Times article, artificially inflated labor costs results in reduced hours and increased unemployment. All of which results in less purchasing power and less tax revenues.

You’re nonsense is the perfect illustration of why left-wing policies collapse economies!
in the short run; that is what unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is for; fourteen dollars an hour make your right wing special pleading, a mere canard.

Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment helps ensure liquidity in our our markets. That engenders a positive multiplier effect as the ready reserve labor force, pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).
Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment helps ensure liquidity in our our markets. That engenders a positive multiplier effect as ready reserve labor force, pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Awe....look. How precious. The 12-year old Paid Russian Troll figured out how to Google Karl Marx and then copy and paste his content into the responses.
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).

Tell me, what is a "pure" capitalist society?
Only the right wing prefers to use capitalism to punish rather than encourage higher paid labor to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.
As I have already proven from the Seattle Times article, artificially inflated labor costs results in reduced hours and increased unemployment. All of which results in less purchasing power and less tax revenues.

You’re nonsense is the perfect illustration of why left-wing policies collapse economies!
in the short run; that is what unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is for; fourteen dollars an hour make your right wing special pleading, a mere canard. now you just admitted that it lowers purchasing power and taxes (at the very least “in the short run”). So with lower tax revenues due to your socialist idiocy, you then want to pay all of those newly unemployed people $14 per hour.

More government costs. Less government revenue.

Doesn’t take a “mathematical engineer” to figure out those numbers cause an explosion in the deficit (when we already have $21 trillion in national debt). And that doesn’t even account for your astounding ignorance of believing that paying people “X” amount of money not to work and then taking “Y” amount back from them results in a huge net loss in tax revenue.

If I’m the government and I pay you $100 a week and take back $30 a week in taxes, I’m not up $30. I’m down $70, you mental midget. :laugh:
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).

Tell me, what is a "pure" capitalist society?
I just did. The United States circa 1776 to 1935 (or so).
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).

Tell me, what is a "pure" capitalist society?
I just did. The United States circa 1776 to 1935 (or so).

I didn't ask for an example. I asked what it is.

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