In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).
true capitalism only exists in the less developed world.

In the US, Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing out capitalism ever since.
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).
true capitalism only exists in the less developed world.

In the US, Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing out capitalism ever since.

What exactly do you think socialism is?
Under Capitalism only capital has to work; it is voluntary for everyone else.
That’s so idiotic, it’s shameful. Capital is an inanimate object. It is completely and totally incapable of work. Only people can work, stupid.

Please. For the love of God. Take a basic economics course at your local Russian community college. You’re embarrassing the hell out of yourself right now.
Capitalism is about voluntary transactions not forced labor for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.
Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment helps ensure liquidity in our our markets. That engenders a positive multiplier effect as ready reserve labor force, pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
Awe....look. How precious. The 12-year old Paid Russian Troll figured out how to Google Karl Marx and then copy and paste his content into the responses.
It is about ensuring liquidity in our markets regardless of venture capital being ventured on a potentially for-profit basis. Capitalists also may suffer from a natural rate failure.
Only the right wing prefers to use capitalism to punish rather than encourage higher paid labor to pay more in taxes and create more in demand.
As I have already proven from the Seattle Times article, artificially inflated labor costs results in reduced hours and increased unemployment. All of which results in less purchasing power and less tax revenues.

You’re nonsense is the perfect illustration of why left-wing policies collapse economies!
in the short run; that is what unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is for; fourteen dollars an hour make your right wing special pleading, a mere canard. now you just admitted that it lowers purchasing power and taxes (at the very least “in the short run”). So with lower tax revenues due to your socialist idiocy, you then want to pay all of those newly unemployed people $14 per hour.

More government costs. Less government revenue.

Doesn’t take a “mathematical engineer” to figure out those numbers cause an explosion in the deficit (when we already have $21 trillion in national debt). And that doesn’t even account for your astounding ignorance of believing that paying people “X” amount of money not to work and then taking “Y” amount back from them results in a huge net loss in tax revenue.

If I’m the government and I pay you $100 a week and take back $30 a week in taxes, I’m not up $30. I’m down $70, you mental midget. :laugh:
Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment does that; it is profit motivated.
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).
true capitalism only exists in the less developed world.

In the US, Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing out capitalism ever since.

What exactly do you think socialism is?
Government is socialism. The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).
true capitalism only exists in the less developed world.

In the US, Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing out capitalism ever since.

What exactly do you think socialism is?
Government is socialism. The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.

What makes you think the government is socialism?

According to socialists like Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin, socialism is a classless and stateless society where the workers collectively run and own the means of production—meaning there is no government. Do you think they are wrong? If so, why?
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).
true capitalism only exists in the less developed world.

In the US, Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing out capitalism ever since.

What exactly do you think socialism is?
Government is socialism. The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.

What makes you think the government is socialism?

According to socialists like Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin, socialism is a classless and stateless society where the workers collectively run and own the means of production—meaning there is no government. Do you think they are wrong? If so, why?
The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).

Tell me, what is a "pure" capitalist society?
I just did. The United States circa 1776 to 1935 (or so).

Hahaha, actually the opposite is truth, you're very dumb, and should be treated as such.

The Founding Fathers weren't Capitalists, but they were White Supremacists.

I've made threads about the Founding Fathers, you haven't a clue.

Founding Fathers not Capitalists.

Founding Fathers like Arabs, Fascists rather than modern Republicans / Democrats.

Founding Fathers more like Hamas, or Israel?
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).

Tell me, what is a "pure" capitalist society?
I just did. The United States circa 1776 to 1935 (or so).

Hahaha, actually the opposite is truth, you're very dumb, and should be treated as such.

The Founding Fathers weren't Capitalists, but they were White Supremacists.

I've made threads about the Founding Fathers, you haven't a clue.

Founding Fathers not Capitalists.

Founding Fathers like Arabs, Fascists rather than modern Republicans / Democrats.

Founding Fathers more like Hamas, or Israel?

The Founding Fathers were white supremacists?

th it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).
true capitalism only exists in the less developed world.

In the US, Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing out capitalism ever since.

What exactly do you think socialism is?
Government is socialism. The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.

What makes you think the government is socialism?

According to socialists like Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin, socialism is a classless and stateless society where the workers collectively run and own the means of production—meaning there is no government. Do you think they are wrong? If so, why?
The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.

That doesn't answer my question. I agree that socialism allows for free association, but I don't understand how the existence of a government permits such an association to exist—or is even necessary in order for socialism to exist.

Also, what do you mean when you say "Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily"?
In fact, a "mixed economy" is necessary in order for capitalism to exist. it’s not. We had a pure capitalist society from 1776 until 1935. All that did was take a newly founded nation and turn it into the world’s most elite superpower. Our growth since then has been clearly and undeniably stunted (thanks to idiotic left-wing socialism).

Tell me, what is a "pure" capitalist society?
I just did. The United States circa 1776 to 1935 (or so).

You definitely have a limited intellect if you believe the U.S.A was a pure from of Capitalism 1776 - 1935.

You seem to base that on taxation.

Contrary to your opinions, North Korea is the closest to a tax free country in the World, does that make them Capitalist dumb f*ck

Taxation in North Korea - Wikipedia
true capitalism only exists in the less developed world.

In the US, Capitalism died in 1929; socialism has been bailing out capitalism ever since.

What exactly do you think socialism is?
Government is socialism. The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.

What makes you think the government is socialism?

According to socialists like Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin, socialism is a classless and stateless society where the workers collectively run and own the means of production—meaning there is no government. Do you think they are wrong? If so, why?
The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.

That doesn't answer my question. I agree that socialism allows for free association, but I don't understand how the existence of a government permits such an association to exist—or is even necessary in order for socialism to exist.

Also, what do you mean when you say "Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily"?
That is capitalism; voluntary social transactions that result in mutually beneficial trade.

Social-ism defines Government; we have a Constitution.
Capitalists also may suffer from a natural rate failure.
And thank God! You cannot eliminate failure. Stop with the idiotic socialist utopia. It doesn’t exist. Never has. Never will.
one step at a time.

solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner benefits everyone, including our Posterity.
What exactly do you think socialism is?
Government is socialism. The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.

What makes you think the government is socialism?

According to socialists like Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin, socialism is a classless and stateless society where the workers collectively run and own the means of production—meaning there is no government. Do you think they are wrong? If so, why?
The power to do any Thing, is socialism. Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily.

That doesn't answer my question. I agree that socialism allows for free association, but I don't understand how the existence of a government permits such an association to exist—or is even necessary in order for socialism to exist.

Also, what do you mean when you say "Capitalism has to accomplish it, voluntarily"?
That is capitalism; voluntary social transactions that result in mutually beneficial trade.

Social-ism defines Government; we have a Constitution.

What does that even mean? I'm sorry, but your responses are borderline incoherent.
You seem to base that on taxation.
Not at all. Not even a little. You seem to be ignorant. No. Wait. Scratch that. You confirmed it. You definitely are ignorant.

Taxes had nothing to do with my comment.

Socialism is just a regulated, or command economy.

The U.S.A had Teddy Roosevelt in the 1900's trust-busting or breaking up corporations.

The laws in 19th century America while being state run, most states chose Socialistic regulations upon Corporations.

Unequal Protection: The Early Role of Corporations in America

Morris discovered that on the eve of his becoming chief justice of Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, Edward G. Ryan said ominously in his 1873 address to the graduating class of the University of Wisconsin Law School,

[There] is looming up a new and dark power…the enterprises of the country are aggregating vast corporate combinations of unexampled capital, boldly marching, not for economical conquests only, but for political power….The question will arise and arise in your day, though perhaps not fully in mine, which shall rule—wealth or man [sic]; which shall lead—money or intellect; who shall fill public stations—educated and patriotic freemen, or the feudal serfs of corporate capital….1

In researching nineteenth-century laws regulating corporations, Morris found that in Wisconsin, as in most other states at that time:

  • Corporations were required to have a clear purpose, to be fulfilled but not exceeded.2
  • Corporations’ licenses to do business were revocable by the state legis- lature if they exceeded or did not fulfill their chartered purpose(s).3
  • The state legislature could revoke a corporation’s charter if it misbehaved.4
  • The act of incorporation did not relieve corporate management or stockholders/owners of responsibility or liability for corporate acts.5
  • As a matter of course, corporation officers, directors, or agents couldn’t break the law and avoid punishment by claiming they were “just doing their job” when committing crimes but instead could be held criminally liable for violating the law.6
  • State (not federal) courts heard cases where corporations or their agents were accused of breaking the law or harming the public.7
  • Directors of the corporation were required to come from among stockholders.8
  • Corporations had to have their headquarters and meetings in the state where their principal place of business was located.9
  • Corporation charters were granted for a specific period of time, such as twenty or thirty years (instead of being granted “in perpetuity,” as is now the practice).10
  • Corporations were prohibited from owning stock in other corporations, to prevent them from extending their power inappropriately.11
  • Corporations’ real estate holdings were limited to what was necessary to carry out their specific purpose(s).12
  • Corporations were prohibited from making any political contributions, direct or indirect.13
  • Corporations were prohibited from making charitable or civic donations outside of their specific purposes.14
  • State legislatures could set the rates that some monopoly corporations could charge for their products or services.15
  • All corporation records and documents were open to the legislature or the state attorney general.16
Similar laws existed in most other states. It is important to understand that tens of thousands of entrepreneurs did business in the early colonies and continue to do so today without being incorporated—the proverbial butcher, baker, and candlestick maker.

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