sure; i just need a printing press at an official mint
Ladies & Gentlemen,

I give you....left-wing “economics”. They actually believe that government revenue comes from “the printing press mint”. Because they don’t hold jobs, they don’t have a concept of having the government confiscate 65% of what you earned.

Not only that, they have zero concept of deflation due to flooding the economy with money.
more right wing propaganda;

qe already happened.
Labor still need to be accomplished simply Because, capitalists cannot do it all themselves to save on costs and increase profits.
Yes they can. They either automate or they shut down the business. Seattle has already proven that. Oakland has already proven that. Your fantasyland ideology doesn't trump reality.
end the drug war since it does nothing for the common defense.
I’m with ya, brother! Unfortunately Obama and the Dumbocrats refused to do so even when they had a supermajority. That was our chance.
tax cut economics and no drug war clause in the right wing fantasy doctrine. what more do you need? a federalist, to help out.
Why are you changing the topic? You wanted the end of the drug war. Obama and the Dumbocrats had a supermajority. They failed to act. It's on you.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy;
Which is exactly why the border wall will be a financial windfall for the United States!

Trump's Wall Costs $21 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148 Billion Yearly—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
does nothing for the general welfare and is a drain on the budget.
1. It doesn't need to do anything for the "General Welfare". You latched onto that phrase like a dog with a bone ( :laugh: ). The federal government is responsible for both defense and immigration. The wall covers both.

2. It does everything for the budget. It saves the American tax payer $127 billion per year (minimum). Over $1 trillion every 8 years.
Labor still need to be accomplished simply Because, capitalists cannot do it all themselves to save on costs and increase profits.
Yes they can. They either automate or they shut down the business. Seattle has already proven that. Oakland has already proven that. Your fantasyland ideology doesn't trump reality.
lol. special pleading is all the right wing does. We want to lose low wage jobs that have to be subsidized, anyway. It is the reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is a more cost effective use of that social safety net.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy;
Which is exactly why the border wall will be a financial windfall for the United States!

Trump's Wall Costs $21 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148 Billion Yearly—Do The Math | National Economics Editorial
does nothing for the general welfare and is a drain on the budget.
1. It doesn't need to do anything for the "General Welfare". You latched onto that phrase like a dog with a bone ( :laugh: ). The federal government is responsible for both defense and immigration. The wall covers both.

2. It does everything for the budget. It saves the American tax payer $127 billion per year (minimum). Over $1 trillion every 8 years.
there is no common offense or general warfare clause.
higher paid labor makes more, and pay more in taxes and create more in demand. what capital concept.
Higher paid labor costs a business more. Unless that labor can offset the cost by bringing in more to the company than they cost the company, they are not retained.

Unemployed people bring in less ($0), pay less in taxes ($0), and drastically reduce demand for products and services ($0).

This is basic econmics and basic business principles. Two things you are completely clueless about.
higher paid labor makes more, and pay more in taxes and create more in demand. what capital concept.
Higher paid labor costs a business more. Unless that labor can offset the cost by bringing in more to the company than they cost the company, they are not retained.

Unemployed people bring in less ($0), pay less in taxes ($0), and drastically reduce demand for products and services ($0).

This is basic econmics and basic business principles. Two things you are completely clueless about.
Henry Ford proved Good capitalist can, Bad capitalists whine about Labor costs in our First World economy.
We want to lose low wage jobs that have to be subsidized, anyway.
And that’s exactly what your failed left-wing policies do! They lose jobs. That’s why unemployment skyrockets wherever you people are in charge.
so what; they are low wage jobs.
And left wonders why their policies destroy jobs and increase the unemployment numbers (not to mention causing prices to skyrocket).

Low wage jobs are better than NO wage jobs. And...low wage jobs create low cost products and services. This is basic economics. Take a night class at your local community college or something. Sheesh.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is a more cost effective use of that social safety net.
Abiding by the constitution and doing neither is exponentially even more cost effective!
care to explain how that would happen in practical terms.
Why, yes! Yes I would. In practical terms, we would simply do what we did before the idiot dictator FDR assumed power. We would keep the federal government out of it and allow charity to handle it. And everything would be exponentially better.
We want to lose low wage jobs that have to be subsidized, anyway.
And that’s exactly what your failed left-wing policies do! They lose jobs. That’s why unemployment skyrockets wherever you people are in charge.
so what; they are low wage jobs.
And left wonders why their policies destroy jobs and increase the unemployment numbers (not to mention causing prices to skyrocket).

Low wage jobs are better than NO wage jobs. And...low wage jobs create low cost products and services. This is basic economics. Take a night class at your local community college or something. Sheesh.
no, it isn't. unemployment compensation is better for Labor.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is a more cost effective use of that social safety net.
Abiding by the constitution and doing neither is exponentially even more cost effective!
care to explain how that would happen in practical terms.
Why, yes! Yes I would. In practical terms, we would simply do what we did before the idiot dictator FDR assumed power. We would keep the federal government out of it and allow charity to handle it. And everything would be exponentially better.
lol. in other words, nothing but political rhetoric.

Why would we be worse off with the social safety net of being able to collect unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?

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