the Book of Mormon

What would it take for you to read the Book of Mormon and take the challenge?
I read the forward. That by itself proves it's a work of fiction.
It's a load of dingos' kidneys.....Joseph Smith was a con man working in an era of con men.

Who was Joseph Smith ?

I thought this thread was about the book of mormon.
Joseph Smith Sr. was a NYS Freemason who named his third born son Hyrum after Hyrum Abiff the Masonic hero in the ritual of Freemasonry.

Joseph Smith Jr. was his 4th son and 5th child.

List of descendants of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith - Wikipedia
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What would it take for you to read the Book of Mormon and take the challenge?
I've never really like reading Science Fiction..
There is no science in their fiction.

Sailing ships around 600 BC were barely able to ply the Mediterranean and coastal Spain. They were longboats called galleys used by the Greeks and later the Vikings.

There is no way one of these 7th Century BC boats could ply the Atlantic, Indian, or Pacific Ocean(s) and make it all the way to South America. So the boat trip is out of the question.

Even Columbus with his Spanish caravels needed 3 ships to carry enough supplies to get his crews all the way to the Caribbean from Spain. 3 not 1. You need to bring fresh water, salted meats, dried fruits, dried bread called hardtack, etc. You need 3 ships at a minimum, not 1.

The writer of the Bk. of Morm. did not know jack sh!t about sailing or sea travel.
Ever heard of Noah's ark?
What would it take for you to read the Book of Mormon and take the challenge?
I've never really like reading Science Fiction..
There is no science in their fiction.

Sailing ships around 600 BC were barely able to ply the Mediterranean and coastal Spain. They were longboats called galleys used by the Greeks and later the Vikings.

There is no way one of these 7th Century BC boats could ply the Atlantic, Indian, or Pacific Ocean(s) and make it all the way to South America. So the boat trip is out of the question.

Even Columbus with his Spanish caravels needed 3 ships to carry enough supplies to get his crews all the way to the Caribbean from Spain. 3 not 1. You need to bring fresh water, salted meats, dried fruits, dried bread called hardtack, etc. You need 3 ships at a minimum, not 1.

The writer of the Bk. of Morm. did not know jack sh!t about sailing or sea travel.
Ever heard of Noah's ark?
So you are suggesting then that Sidney Rigdon when he composed the Bk. of Morm. plagiarized the story of Noah's Ark from the Bible ?!

We know that Noah's ark was an engineering impossibility as well.

And the story of Noah's ark goes back to 2200 BCE predating even Moses.

Moses must have heard about this as a bedtime story from his princess mother in Egypt after she fished him out of the river. Although she may have made up the river story as well. This story of fishing him out of the river also predates Moses back to 2200 BCE with Sargon The Great.

How Moses' princess mother got hold of him is a mystery.

Maybe his Hebrew family was executed by the Pharaoh and his princess daughter decided to save Moses since he was an infant at the time.

We'll never know. Moses probably did not know either.

Sargon of Akkad - Wikipedia
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When I was younger, and had more time to waste, I used to enjoy spotting and identifying obvious fabrications in it. For example, I have always been fascinated as to why the Book of Mormon is worded exactly like the King James Bible from the 1600's. "And it came to pass..", adding "eth" to words like "seek", so that "seeks" becomes "seeketh", etc., etc. One is forced to conclude that God had decided that the King James language of the 1600's was what he liked, better than the original scriptures, OR the language of the 1800's. Either that, or Joseph Smith was preaching to a pretty naive audience and he was giving them what they expect, rather than what made sense. One would think that if Aramaic was good enough for Jesus, it should have been good enough for Smith. Conversely, if 1800 English was good enough for Smith, it should have been good enough for Maroni.
God's literary ability has unaccountably declined over time. The Old Testament
has many sections of high artistic merit. The Greek of the New Testament is mediocre,
with a few section worthy of praise, but well below the standards of Homer, Pindar,
and countless other masters of the language. When He wrote the Book of Mormon,
He had developed a tin ear and the style of an illiterate.

What would it take for you to read the Book of Mormon and take the challenge?
I've never really like reading Science Fiction..
There is no science in their fiction.

Sailing ships around 600 BC were barely able to ply the Mediterranean and coastal Spain. They were longboats called galleys used by the Greeks and later the Vikings.

There is no way one of these 7th Century BC boats could ply the Atlantic, Indian, or Pacific Ocean(s) and make it all the way to South America. So the boat trip is out of the question.

Even Columbus with his Spanish caravels needed 3 ships to carry enough supplies to get his crews all the way to the Caribbean from Spain. 3 not 1. You need to bring fresh water, salted meats, dried fruits, dried bread called hardtack, etc. You need 3 ships at a minimum, not 1.

The writer of the Bk. of Morm. did not know jack sh!t about sailing or sea travel.
Ever heard of Noah's ark?
So you are suggesting then that Sidney Rigdon when he composed the Bk. of Morm. plagiarized the story of Noah's Ark from the Bible ?!

We know that Noah's ark was an engineering impossibility as well.

And the story of Noah's ark goes back to 2200 BCE predating even Moses.

Moses must have heard about this as a bedtime story from his princess mother in Egypt after she fished him out of the river. Although she may have made up the river story as well. This story of fishing him out of the river also predates Moses back to 2200 BCE with Sargon The Great.

How Moses' princess mother got hold of him is a mystery.

Maybe his Hebrew family was executed by the Pharaoh and his princess daughter decided to save Moses since he was an infant at the time.

We'll never know. Moses probably did not know either.

Sargon of Akkad - Wikipedia
Kon Tikki
When I was younger, and had more time to waste, I used to enjoy spotting and identifying obvious fabrications in it. For example, I have always been fascinated as to why the Book of Mormon is worded exactly like the King James Bible from the 1600's. "And it came to pass..", adding "eth" to words like "seek", so that "seeks" becomes "seeketh", etc., etc. One is forced to conclude that God had decided that the King James language of the 1600's was what he liked, better than the original scriptures, OR the language of the 1800's. Either that, or Joseph Smith was preaching to a pretty naive audience and he was giving them what they expect, rather than what made sense. One would think that if Aramaic was good enough for Jesus, it should have been good enough for Smith. Conversely, if 1800 English was good enough for Smith, it should have been good enough for Maroni.
More significantly, the Bk. Of Morm. contains the exact same mistranslations of the KJV. How is that possible? Did God become stupid?
What would it take for you to read the Book of Mormon and take the challenge?
I've never really like reading Science Fiction..
There is no science in their fiction.

Sailing ships around 600 BC were barely able to ply the Mediterranean and coastal Spain. They were longboats called galleys used by the Greeks and later the Vikings.

There is no way one of these 7th Century BC boats could ply the Atlantic, Indian, or Pacific Ocean(s) and make it all the way to South America. So the boat trip is out of the question.

Even Columbus with his Spanish caravels needed 3 ships to carry enough supplies to get his crews all the way to the Caribbean from Spain. 3 not 1. You need to bring fresh water, salted meats, dried fruits, dried bread called hardtack, etc. You need 3 ships at a minimum, not 1.

The writer of the Bk. of Morm. did not know jack sh!t about sailing or sea travel.
Ever heard of Noah's ark?
So you are suggesting then that Sidney Rigdon when he composed the Bk. of Morm. plagiarized the story of Noah's Ark from the Bible ?!

We know that Noah's ark was an engineering impossibility as well.

And the story of Noah's ark goes back to 2200 BCE predating even Moses.

Moses must have heard about this as a bedtime story from his princess mother in Egypt after she fished him out of the river. Although she may have made up the river story as well. This story of fishing him out of the river also predates Moses back to 2200 BCE with Sargon The Great.

How Moses' princess mother got hold of him is a mystery.

Maybe his Hebrew family was executed by the Pharaoh and his princess daughter decided to save Moses since he was an infant at the time.

We'll never know. Moses probably did not know either.

Sargon of Akkad - Wikipedia
Kon Tikki

When I was younger, and had more time to waste, I used to enjoy spotting and identifying obvious fabrications in it. For example, I have always been fascinated as to why the Book of Mormon is worded exactly like the King James Bible from the 1600's. "And it came to pass..", adding "eth" to words like "seek", so that "seeks" becomes "seeketh", etc., etc. One is forced to conclude that God had decided that the King James language of the 1600's was what he liked, better than the original scriptures, OR the language of the 1800's. Either that, or Joseph Smith was preaching to a pretty naive audience and he was giving them what they expect, rather than what made sense. One would think that if Aramaic was good enough for Jesus, it should have been good enough for Smith. Conversely, if 1800 English was good enough for Smith, it should have been good enough for Maroni.
More significantly, the Bk. Of Morm. contains the exact same mistranslations of the KJV. How is that possible? Did God become stupid?

I have always thought that god was rather absent minded, or perhaps he has been on vacation for a couple of thousand years. If the later, I hope he is having a good time and does not return too soon. He did a lot of "smiting, and "slew" a lot, before that.
I have always thought that god was rather absent minded, or perhaps he has been on vacation for a couple of thousand years. If the later, I hope he is having a good time and does not return too soon. He did a lot of "smiting, and "slew" a lot, before that.
The philosophical concept of a "deist" God makes perfect sense in conjunction with modern society. We don't see visions of angels every day other than some people seeing the Virgin Mary in their cheese sandwiches.

It is fascinating that Brigham Young was able to utilize the Mormon movement to colonize Utah and the west in the 1840's. Currently this state is becoming more secular however, although church hq in Salt Lake City still gets face time on the evening news on issues that are totally insignificant.

Gary Herbert the gov of Utah is a home grown real estate magnate who has been able to keep his flock happy. They hate the Fed's in general and they want Bears' Ears rescinded. Zinki from Montana is Lutheran and unlikely to grant his request however. Most people sympathize with the Native Americans and want their ancient heritage sites protected.

Utah has a goodly Catholic population with offers a sane alternative to the Mormon fanaticism and exploitation.
Any American historian of the 19th century social and religious trends of the time should read it, yes.

Many of my good friends are some sort of Mormon, so, I have read through it from front to back, and have perused it many times.

My favorite portion is Mosiah Chapters 3 and 4. I advise all far right, corporate right, and mean-spirited to read it, think about it, and change their ways.
Ya, My favorite part is where Brigham Young wrestled with the bear, and fell out of the SL Temple window into the Great Salt Lake.
Had a moral to it. Just like the Bible.
That was Jedidiah Smith and the Bear. You are drunk. :lol:
One religion is as bad as another, I suppose, but I have always especially disliked the LDS and the Catholics because of their "Top down" power structure. I would never tolerate a religion that would not let me fire their priest.
One religion is as bad as another, I suppose, but I have always especially disliked the LDS and the Catholics because of their "Top down" power structure. I would never tolerate a religion that would not let me fire their priest.
In Catholicism you may choose you own parish or even diocese.

So if you don't like the priest(s) in one you can go to another.
I have read the Book of Mormon; however, I am convinced that some of those who call themselves Mormons have never read the Book; either that or they elect to ignore certain parts of it.

It is widely known that some Mormons practice polygamy; however, the Book of Mormon specifically and strongly denounces this practice. The following verses are from the Book of Mormon. All verse numbers have been removed for easier reading and all highlights are my own:

“And now it came to pass that the people of Nephi, under the reign of the second king, began to grow hard in their hearts, and indulge themselves somewhat in wicked practices, such as like unto David of old desiring many wives and concubines, and also Solomon, his son” (Jacob 1:15).

“But the word of God burdens me because of your grosser crimes. For behold, thus saith the Lord: This people begin to wax in iniquity; they understand not the scriptures, for they seek to excuse themselves in committing whoredoms, because of the things which were written concerning David, and Solomon his son. Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord. Wherefore, thus saith the Lord, I have led this people forth out of the land of Jerusalem, by the power of mine arm, that I might raise up unto me a righteous branch from the fruit of the loins of Joseph. Wherefore, I the Lord God will not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old. Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none; For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts. Wherefore, this people shall keep my commandments, saith the Lord of Hosts, or cursed be the land for their sakes” (Jacob 2:23,-29).

“And it came to pass that Riplakish did not do that which was right in the sight of the Lord, for he did have many wives and concubines, and did lay that upon men's shoulders which was grievous to be borne; yea, he did tax them with heavy taxes; and with the taxes he did build many spacious buildings” (Ether 10:5).

“And now it came to pass that Zeniff conferred the kingdom upon Noah, one of his sons; therefore Noah began to reign in his stead; and he did not walk in the ways of his father. For behold, he did not keep the commandments of God, but he did walk after the desires of his own heart. And he had many wives and concubines. And he did cause his people to commit sin, and do that which was abominable in the sight of the Lord. Yea, and they did commit whoredoms and all manner of wickedness” (Mosiah 11:1, 2).

For those of you who do not have a copy of the Book of Mormon, here is a link that will get you access to the Book. The site has both word-search and verse-search:

The Book of Mormon -- Simple Searches
One religion is as bad as another, I suppose, but I have always especially disliked the LDS and the Catholics because of their "Top down" power structure. I would never tolerate a religion that would not let me fire their priest.
In Catholicism you may choose you own parish or even diocese.

So if you don't like the priest(s) in one you can go to another.

My x-wife tried to move her daughters marriage to another parish and the priest required her to get the written consent from her home parish priest.

But that isn't the point. The point is that while you can go to another church, you can't fire your priest. No self respecting Protestant would tolerate that.
When I was younger, and had more time to waste, I used to enjoy spotting and identifying obvious fabrications in it. For example, I have always been fascinated as to why the Book of Mormon is worded exactly like the King James Bible from the 1600's. "And it came to pass..", adding "eth" to words like "seek", so that "seeks" becomes "seeketh", etc., etc. One is forced to conclude that God had decided that the King James language of the 1600's was what he liked, better than the original scriptures, OR the language of the 1800's. Either that, or Joseph Smith was preaching to a pretty naive audience and he was giving them what they expect, rather than what made sense. One would think that if Aramaic was good enough for Jesus, it should have been good enough for Smith. Conversely, if 1800 English was good enough for Smith, it should have been good enough for Maroni.
More significantly, the Bk. Of Morm. contains the exact same mistranslations of the KJV. How is that possible? Did God become stupid?

I have always thought that god was rather absent minded, or perhaps he has been on vacation for a couple of thousand years. If the later, I hope he is having a good time and does not return too soon. He did a lot of "smiting, and "slew" a lot, before that.

Well, if he ever decides on a "second coming", the nutters will demand he cut his hair, put on some clothes and get a job.

Doubt that will ever become a problem though.

Note to Avatar4321 Lots of questions in your thread. Why is it you never ever actually address real questions?
One religion is as bad as another, I suppose, but I have always especially disliked the LDS and the Catholics because of their "Top down" power structure. I would never tolerate a religion that would not let me fire their priest.
In Catholicism you may choose you own parish or even diocese.

So if you don't like the priest(s) in one you can go to another.

My x-wife tried to move her daughters marriage to another parish and the priest required her to get the written consent from her home parish priest.

But that isn't the point. The point is that while you can go to another church, you can't fire your priest. No self respecting Protestant would tolerate that.

Oh wow. You made me remember the same thing happening to family members of mine.

Screwy and just plain dumb that people let religions control their lives.
PBS Frontline or American Experience did a long documentary on the Mormons, and focused a lot of attention on Jos. Smith Jr.

It is online and anyone who wants to sit through it can get a pretty good historical background from it.

In the USA you need to be able to deal with the Catholic Church, the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church, and the Mormon Church, so the documentary is useful. Those are the top 4 religions in the USA.

In Canada I would imagine you focus needs to be on Catholic and Anglican.

In Mexico, just Catholic.

It all depends on where you live and what you must confront in your environment.

Jews tend to be clannish and mind their own business. They don't seek conversions, not even if you fall in love/lust with a Jewish Princess. Like the Catholics as long as you raise the kids Jewish they are happy. You don't need to convert.

Mormons have a massive missionary effort therefore this show will come to your town and neighborhood sometime eventually if not sooner.

I suggest getting a 2 1/2 minute hourglass egg timer for yourself or else you won't be able to get equal time during the discussions. The egg timer also helps with the J/W's too, so it is a good investment.

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