The BP Disaster Was Obama's 3 A.M. Emergency Call. He Hung Up And Went Back To Sleep


May 29, 2010
And with a big smile on his face no doubt. This is what Hillary warned us about during the campaign about him and she was right. He didn't have the experience to handle it and he really didn't want to handle it because he knew his moment to let this turn into a major disaster was at hand even though he knew nothing about drilling unlike Sarah Palin who had hands on experience dealing with Oil Companies in Alaska. If Palin had a 3 a.m. call she would have acted immediately and contacted BP and made arrangements to head to the region or possible the scene of the accident to get first hand knowledge of the event just like George Bush went to the scene of the remains of the Twin Towers, crawling up on the pile of rubble while dead bodies were underneath that hadn't been extracted yet.

Sarah Palin would have never halted drilling because time is money for these companies and money puts food on the table for the workers families. That shows, compassion, courage and patriotism in a time of disaster and tragedy. Obama has not showed any compassion or courage in this disaster nor did he show any attempt of urgency to enact emergency powers to help in the affected areas of the gulf region within the first 72 hours. It is 72 days later now and red tape is still holding things up. He has failed as a leader in epic proportions and there is no end in sight. Palin on the other hand would have cut throught the red tape because she has compassion for people and she is driven by ambition to see that Americas gulf coast is restored and the peoples lives are put back together by allowing drilling evrywhere which I highly support. East Coast offshore..........West Coast offshore............Onshore federal lands.............we need it all opened up for domestic drilling. America will prosper greatly. Yes Obama has had his 3 a.m. call and he went back to sleep and he is still sleeping.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama's Gulf Oil Spill[/ame]
sarah palin would have wrote bp a check from the government and told them she was sorry they had to be so inconvenienced
Perhaps you should read your messiah's schedule from the start of the disaster forward Erikthedemocrap. Let's see: luxurious gourmet meal, golf, golf, speech at a racist all black college, golf, nappy time, vacation etc and so on. Filthy wal-street puppet.
And the economic crash is just an ant

Under Obama's Boot at our throat...

Ah, poor T. And just what is you reason for being in that position? Trying to kiss our President's ass?

You poor victums. Hopeless, helpless, and full of fleas. Just cannot get on your feet. Lying around letting other people put their feet on your necks. And whining, mewling, and puking about the fact that you are born so spineless:lol:
Perhaps you should read your messiah's schedule from the start of the disaster forward Erikthedemocrap. Let's see: luxurious gourmet meal, golf, golf, speech at a racist all black college, golf, nappy time, vacation etc and so on. Filthy wal-street puppet.

Perhaps you should try telling the truth. It would surely be a new experiance for you.
Now Teabagger Ted, seems to me that the message was a wake-up call for all of us. How much are we willing to give of our nations natural beauty and bounty to feed our oil addiction. Time to cease all offshore drilling.
Character assassination by total conjecture?

How very convincing.
Now Teabagger Ted, seems to me that the message was a wake-up call for all of us. How much are we willing to give of our nations natural beauty and bounty to feed our oil addiction. Time to cease all offshore drilling.

So what will fuel the country and how much are you willing to pay for petroleum to fuel your vehicle? Also if you shut down drilling in Louisiana and off its coast prepare for massive price hikes in goods and services. I am in the business and I know. We need massive drilling permits here in the states and the federal government needs to open up ANWAR and the lands in the lower 48 to domestic drilling. It would be worth it. Believe me.
I feel sorry for you.

Why is it that obama can get something’s done but could not get off his lazy ass to prevent the spill from getting as big as it has? Why didn't he accept the help that was offered from other countries in the first week of the oil leak? This fuck up was intentional on obama's part. He has no intentions of trying to slow down the leak the worse it is the better for his agenda to be passed.
Now Teabagger Ted, seems to me that the message was a wake-up call for all of us. How much are we willing to give of our nations natural beauty and bounty to feed our oil addiction. Time to cease all offshore drilling.

How many leaks from an offshore platform have we had in the 60 years we have been conductlng offshore drilling?
Now Teabagger Ted, seems to me that the message was a wake-up call for all of us. How much are we willing to give of our nations natural beauty and bounty to feed our oil addiction. Time to cease all offshore drilling.

So what will fuel the country and how much are you willing to pay for petroleum to fuel your vehicle? Also if you shut down drilling in Louisiana and off its coast prepare for massive price hikes in goods and services. I am in the business and I know. We need massive drilling permits here in the states and the federal government needs to open up ANWAR and the lands in the lower 48 to domestic drilling. It would be worth it. Believe me.

We have less than 3% of the world's oil reserves, and use 25% of the world's oil. No, I do not believe you. Nor does any geologist who understands how the oil producing formations were created.

We cannot drill our way out of this, and we cannot afford anymore destruction of our natural treasures and food sources.
Now Teabagger Ted, seems to me that the message was a wake-up call for all of us. How much are we willing to give of our nations natural beauty and bounty to feed our oil addiction. Time to cease all offshore drilling.

So what will fuel the country and how much are you willing to pay for petroleum to fuel your vehicle? Also if you shut down drilling in Louisiana and off its coast prepare for massive price hikes in goods and services. I am in the business and I know. We need massive drilling permits here in the states and the federal government needs to open up ANWAR and the lands in the lower 48 to domestic drilling. It would be worth it. Believe me.

We have less than 3% of the world's oil reserves, and use 25% of the world's oil. No, I do not believe you. Nor does any geologist who understands how the oil producing formations were created.

We cannot drill our way out of this, and we cannot afford anymore destruction of our natural treasures and food sources.

If we cannot afford anymore destruction of our natural treasures and food sources why didn't obama move more quickly then he did?Why didn't he accept the help that was offered from other country's obama is way over his head or it's intentional. Why send a swat team to an oil leak? When he should have been sending oil removal equiptment.
Why did BP lie for over a month concerning the size of the oil leak? And there are a huge number of ships on that leak right now. However, a million to two million gallons of oil a day, much of it subsurface until it nears land, is not that easy to take care of.

What the President sent were people to try to judge the severity of the situation, and decide the best way to handle it. The US Government does not have any means of capping an oil well 5000 feet below the surface. And, as it turns out, contrary to prior statements, neither does the oil industry. The last major leak took 10 months to fix, and it was in only 150 feet of water.

And the hurricane season is upon us, looks to be one like 2005. Murphys.

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