The Brainiac Banker


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This short-story I wrote was inspired by modern age capitalism/consumerism related woes/angst and reflects IMO the social appeal of American films such as Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Needful Things, and Other People's Money.

My only question is, "Who is a bigger fan of this tale, President Donald Trump or First Lady Melania Trump?"

This story was also inspired by the multitude of vigilantism-fantasy comic book adapted films such as The Avengers and Ant-Man and my overall frustration with going to banks and meeting unhelpful tellers or finding broken ATMs or discovering terrible interest rates (and even fouled up computer records!).


"Diary Entry January 2015:

It's been some time now that I've retired as Batman, America's favorite vigilante. No one has yet deduced my 'society-identity,' Max Kady, NYC's most prominent socialite and businessman. My company Kady Toys is now a rival of the super-chain Toys 'R Us, and people equate the idealism in mercantilism and manufacturing advertised by Kady Toys with the same sort of urban optimism regarding crime-fighting that Batman made his signature. Sometimes I wonder, however, if I am more Batman or more Max Kady.

Since this is a momentous diary entry, I thought about making it a long reminiscence of my life to now, and perhaps it will serve as the basis of an autobiography someday. I've enjoyed playing the role of Batman, but I've also cherished the honors and capital successes of Kady Toys and the social networks geared towards beneficial success-based leadership that I've endorsed as Max Kady. I suppose I should start ruminating on my early days.

The fact that my father was an alcoholic factory-worker instilled in me both a frustration about dismal upward mobility in American society and also an insatiable (but idealistic) attitude towards being part of society as a contributing citizen. These conflicting feelings made me turn to rebelliousness during my college days (when my father passed away), but when I thought about the responsibility of taking care of my mother (whom I love very much), I realized I did not want to squander my prestigious Ivy League education (Yale University) by spending my days experimenting with bohemian lifestyle.

I graduated from college and decided to go on a sabbatical of sorts to Nepal, climbing the Himalayas and meditating about social justice and the American Dream. It was in the snowy mountains where I had a vision of encountering the Hindu god Shiva (lord of destruction) who guided me on the proper use of celebrity, power, wealth, and intelligence. When I returned to NYC (to my modest apartment, which I purchased after my mother passed away), I decided to become the American vigilante 'Batman,' dressing in a bat-shaped mask and cape and prowling the urban landscape looking for serious crimes to handle that seemed to elude the police.

To keep my identity as Batman a secret, I decided to start working at Toys 'R Us and it was then that I had the spark of brilliance to start my own toy manufacturing company (Kady Toys), which became a super-success within ten years, thanks to my excellent toy design team (which I named 'The Kady Elves'). The Kady Elves were charged with designing toys that dissuaded kids from violence and aggression, and we were nominated for the Nobel Prize! This added to my passion to be Batman, since no one would suspect that a businessman would be interested in 'street-work.'

As Batman, I dealt with a handful of ghoulish criminals and evil-doers whom I nicknamed according to their insidious 'talents.' Scarecrow (an eco-terrorist who believed dreams should be corrupted in an industrialized world), Two-Face and Scarlet (a boyfriend-girlfriend pair of bank-robbers who undermined basic civics in NYC), and the Red Hood Gang (a band of bandits responsible for drug-trafficking, burglaries, and cop-killings) really stood out for their malicious mischief. However, one 'deacon of evil' I could not forget --- the 'Brainiac Banker.'

The Brainiac Banker was a man named Max Thomas who worked for NYC's Mellon Bank (a very respected bank) as an executive and used his position and connections to build profitable links to crime syndicates across America and drug cartels in South America. The Brainiac Banker was a real Satan of the modern world who made me realize that my purpose in life as Batman reflected a sincere concern about the moral dangers created by untempered capitalism and unchecked profiteerism. While Scarecrow, the Red Hood Gang, and others may have been more 'ugly' criminals in my 'crime-fighting resume,' the Brainiac Banker seemed to be a very dangerous Shylock-type evil-doer. Sometimes I wonder if the Brainiac Banker was a clear sign that America had somehow lost its 'banking soul' in the shuffle of 'modern profit-gauged' networks/contracts.

End of Entry!"


Lucky Charms!

Here's a mock dialogue about capitalism and consumerism light-heartedness between Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation) and Shiva (Hindu god destruction).


KRISHNA: Banks are like toys.
SHIVA: That's the opinion of critics of federalism and banking systems.
KRISHNA: Are you a fan of Alexander Hamilton?
SHIVA: Who isn't?
KRISHNA: Americans love credit cards.
SHIVA: It's the legacy of Reaganomics perhaps.
KRISHNA: Consumerism is the new 'philosophy.'
SHIVA: Some say the Trump Administration is too capitalism-subjective.
KRISHNA: Trump was the owner of a casino in Atlantic City!
SHIVA: So what? Reagan was a movie actor...
KRISHNA: Do you think Americans should trust a venture-capitalist to run the country?
SHIVA: They trusted a movie actor!
KRISHNA: In the age of media and journalism, politics has become 'social dialogue.'
SHIVA: Only in a democracy can you 'use' the free press.
KRISHNA: Maybe President Trump will use the media/press to hype his market successes.
SHIVA: Trump hosted the show Celebrity Apprentice before entering politics...
KRISHNA: Americans should get ready for a new generation of 'anti-government' bank robbers!
SHIVA: Move over Bonnie and Clyde!
KRISHNA: Do you know how many comic book films are made in Hollywood now?
SHIVA: Too many. Americans are hypnotized by 'self-governance' and even 'vigilantism'!
KRISHNA: We should invest in Wall Street together...
SHIVA: Nah! I prefer collecting baseball cards (e.g., Ryne Sandberg, Kirby Puckett, Chase Utley, Bo Jackson).
KRISHNA: You're such a consumer! I bet you eat Lucky Charms cereal while perusing your baseball card collection!
SHIVA: Only on Sunday afternoons...


Metroplex: Macro-Psychology

Here's a historian's fantasia tale about 'credit-card culture fitness.'


Metroplex was observing Earth from a station in space right by the planet's moon. He was visiting from his robotics planet Cyboerton but was intrigued by the Gaia Hypothesis of Evolution endorsed by several scholars whose posts on the Internet were picked up by sophisticated frequency signal translators on Cybertron, and it drew Metroplex (a robot who transformed into a giant city as well as a rather large battle-station vehicle) to it. Metroplex was busy studying the history of the Cold War between the USA and the USSR and traced the development of 'progressive politics' from JFK to Clinton. Metroplex was all the while in a station cloaked by a special signal-scrambling-numbing device which rendered his spacecraft undetectable to radar.

Metroplex realized that the emergence of populism in modern mercantilism-gauged geo-political networking (e.g., European Union, NATO, etc.) came right before the rise of consumerism culture (e.g., Burger King, eBay, Facebook, etc.). Metroplex made notes about humanity's tendency to use Machiavellian economics to justify corporation-based approaches to governance (e.g., Scandinavia, Hong Kong, etc.). Metroplex described his analysis as 'macro-psychology,' since it drew from multiple fields such as cognitive sociology, behavioral psychology, and deviance/social control. Metroplex took his notes back to Cybertron.

When Metroplex revisited his 'spy-station' location by Earth's moon then next time, the Trump Administration was replaced by the administration of female African-American entertainer/social figure turned politician Oprah Winfrey. 'The Republic of Oprah' was how people whimsically referred to the logistical fingerprinting of such a 'media-based' political regime. TrumpUSA was replaced by OprahAmerica, and it inspired women from all nations to consider their contributions to economics and politics in the age of multi-gender multicultural networking (real world and cyber-space). Melania Trump was now considering running for President!




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