The Brave Heros of Standing Rock


there you have it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Golly gee...I see "Unceded Sioux Territory under 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie.....hmmmmmmmmmm

It's not their land,get over it.
Show us the changes to the Ft Laramie treaty that changes what is their land.

So you think the Sioux own half of South Dakota? Is that your claim?

there you have it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Golly gee...I see "Unceded Sioux Territory under 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie.....hmmmmmmmmmm

It's not their land,get over it.
Show us the changes to the Ft Laramie treaty that changes what is their land.

So you think the Sioux own half of South Dakota? Is that you claim?
If that's what the current standing treaty says...and it hasn't been legally cancelled...then they should.
Cant wait for the water cannons when the temps really drop.
In the mean time they can amuse me with the rubber bullet damage photos.
Not surprised that you support fascist thugs in uniforms.

Maybe if they weren't protesting about a pipe line thats not even on their property.
Actually, it a treaty that has never been revoked or altered.

There are thousands of such treaties. When the courts recognize them, let us know. you don't think that treaties hold any weight legally.
No, they don't. The U.S. government can break a treaty any time it wants. It has done so many times. That's the fundamental law of treaties: they are valid only so long as both sides observe them.
Not surprised that you support fascist thugs in uniforms.

Maybe if they weren't protesting about a pipe line thats not even on their property.
Actually, it a treaty that has never been revoked or altered.

There are thousands of such treaties. When the courts recognize them, let us know. you don't think that treaties hold any weight legally.
No, they don't. The U.S. government can break a treaty any time it wants. It has done so many times. That's the fundamental law of treaties: they are valid only so long as both sides observe them.

Look at this, will you? "The U.S. government can break a treaty any time it wants"....doesn't make it right or legal.

there you have it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Golly gee...I see "Unceded Sioux Territory under 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie.....hmmmmmmmmmm

It's not their land,get over it.
Show us the changes to the Ft Laramie treaty that changes what is their land.

So you think the Sioux own half of South Dakota? Is that you claim?
If that's what the current standing treaty says...and it hasn't been legally cancelled...then they should.

ROFL! Sorry, but no court has ever ruled that property with a valid title actually belongs to an indian tribe. Most treaties aren't worth the paper they are written on.
Maybe if they weren't protesting about a pipe line thats not even on their property.
Actually, it a treaty that has never been revoked or altered.

There are thousands of such treaties. When the courts recognize them, let us know. you don't think that treaties hold any weight legally.
No, they don't. The U.S. government can break a treaty any time it wants. It has done so many times. That's the fundamental law of treaties: they are valid only so long as both sides observe them.

Look at this, will you? "The U.S. government can break a treaty any time it wants"....doesn't make it right or legal.
If it's not legal, then why don't the courts enforce the treaties the federal government made with the Indians?

there you have it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Golly gee...I see "Unceded Sioux Territory under 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie.....hmmmmmmmmmm

It's not their land,get over it.
Show us the changes to the Ft Laramie treaty that changes what is their land.

It's not their land.

The Protests Over The Dakota Access Pipeline Explained

Dakota Access Pipeline protesters vow to stay put despite Army Corps' order

Pipeline protesters vow to stay camped on federal land

Dakota Access Pipeline Facts Protesters Don’t Want You to Know
Maybe if they weren't protesting about a pipe line thats not even on their property.
Actually, it a treaty that has never been revoked or altered.

There are thousands of such treaties. When the courts recognize them, let us know. you don't think that treaties hold any weight legally.
No, they don't. The U.S. government can break a treaty any time it wants. It has done so many times. That's the fundamental law of treaties: they are valid only so long as both sides observe them.

Look at this, will you? "The U.S. government can break a treaty any time it wants"....doesn't make it right or legal.
It's 100% legal. Whether it's "right" is a matter only history can settle.

there you have it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Golly gee...I see "Unceded Sioux Territory under 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie.....hmmmmmmmmmm

It's not their land,get over it.
Show us the changes to the Ft Laramie treaty that changes what is their land.
Obviously you know nothing of real Indian life, no real Indian thinks any land is his. Lol
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! The Left continues to eat itself:

Protestor Alicia Smith wrote on Facebook: "On my way back from the camps. Need to get something off my chest that I witnessed and found very disturbing in my brief time there that I believe many others have started to speak up about as well.

"White people are colonizing the camps. I mean that seriously. Plymouth rock seriously. They are coming in, taking food, clothing and occupying space without any desire to participate in camp maintenance and without respect of tribal protocols.

"These people are treating it like it is Burning Man or The Rainbow Gathering and I even witnessed several wandering in and out of camps comparing it to those festivals."...

Standing Rock demonstrators say white people are treating the protest like Burning Man festival

there you have it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Golly gee...I see "Unceded Sioux Territory under 1851 Treaty of Ft. Laramie.....hmmmmmmmmmm

It's not their land,get over it.
Show us the changes to the Ft Laramie treaty that changes what is their land.
Obviously you know nothing of real Indian life, no real Indian thinks any land is his. Lol

Yep. They didnt understand the concept of owning land when the settlers moved in.
God bless these people for being so brave and strong.

The original real Americans.
Why am I not surprised to see the Alt-Right (WSs) against the protests.

Bod the protestors are not even Standing Rock
Lying little bitch you are. I personally know better. Many are my wife's cousins. And many of the protesters are indigenous people from other nations, as well as from the many tribes here in the US. And there are many citizens of the US who are not native Americans,but realize that it could be their water at risk.

Yes, you are exactly a lying little bitch. And doubt that you have anything to do with any first people's nation.

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