The Brits Plan The Welcome Trump Deserves


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Trump's visit to Britain faces protest marches — and a giant blimp

Worldwide, the idiot trump is well known as a big, angry baby with tiny hands and a fragile ego. The same billions of people also know he is a racist demagogue who is a danger to women, immigrants and minorities and a mortal threat to world peace and the very future of life on earth. Moral outrage is water off a duck’s back to the idiot trump. But he really hates it when people make fun of him.

So when the idiot trump visits the UK on Friday the 13th of July this year, citizens there want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him. That's why a crowdfunding campaign commissioned a 20-foot blimp known as “Trump Baby”, made by a professional inflatables company.

Replete with realistic Trumpian details like a snarled face and a cell phone in one tiny hand, plus less-realistic ones like an old-timey cloth diaper and a full head of hair, the giant inflatable tribute to everyone’s least favorite tanning booth addict was created to welcome the president to London in July.

Plans are to fly “Trump Baby” in the skies over Parliament Square during the idiot trump's visit.

The campaign doubled its initial goal in less than 24 hours, and has since more than doubled its stretch goal. With 14 days to go donations continue to pour in.

Organizers hope to raise enough additional money to give out up to 1000 helium balloons featuring Trump Baby to passersby throughout Trump Baby's maiden flight. And, to enable the hiring of a barge to guarantee that Trump Baby will fly, should permit issues prevent flying him from Parliament Square Gardens, and organizers are unable to find an alternate central location suitable for their purpose.

All leftover funds will be donated to various charities directly related to issues inflamed by the idiot trump's policies.




Trump's visit to Britain faces protest marches — and a giant blimp

Worldwide, the idiot trump is well known as a big, angry baby with tiny hands and a fragile ego. The same billions of people also know he is a racist demagogue who is a danger to women, immigrants and minorities and a mortal threat to world peace and the very future of life on earth. Moral outrage is water off a duck’s back to the idiot trump. But he really hates it when people make fun of him.

So when the idiot trump visits the UK on Friday the 13th of July this year, citizens there want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him. That's why a crowdfunding campaign commissioned a 20-foot blimp known as “Trump Baby”, made by a professional inflatables company.

Replete with realistic Trumpian details like a snarled face and a cell phone in one tiny hand, plus less-realistic ones like an old-timey cloth diaper and a full head of hair, the giant inflatable tribute to everyone’s least favorite tanning booth addict was created to welcome the president to London in July.

Plans are to fly “Trump Baby” in the skies over Parliament Square during the idiot trump's visit.

The campaign doubled its initial goal in less than 24 hours, and has since more than doubled its stretch goal. With 14 days to go donations continue to pour in.

Organizers hope to raise enough additional money to give out up to 1000 helium balloons featuring Trump Baby to passersby throughout Trump Baby's maiden flight. And, to enable the hiring of a barge to guarantee that Trump Baby will fly, should permit issues prevent flying him from Parliament Square Gardens, and organizers are unable to find an alternate central location suitable for their purpose.

All leftover funds will be donated to various charities directly related to issues inflamed by the idiot trump's policies.

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Trump ought to save a few bucks and cancel the trip. No need to visit idiots.
The left continues to illustrate what petulant children they are.

You plan on yelling and screaming a lot, and probably attacking any Trump supporter.

Remember when the left at least attempted to pretend to be the party of intellectuals?
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By the way, they won’t be able to fly it. So a waste of money by the petulant left.

Trump's visit to Britain faces protest marches — and a giant blimp

Worldwide, the idiot trump is well known as a big, angry baby with tiny hands and a fragile ego. The same billions of people also know he is a racist demagogue who is a danger to women, immigrants and minorities and a mortal threat to world peace and the very future of life on earth. Moral outrage is water off a duck’s back to the idiot trump. But he really hates it when people make fun of him.

So when the idiot trump visits the UK on Friday the 13th of July this year, citizens there want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him. That's why a crowdfunding campaign commissioned a 20-foot blimp known as “Trump Baby”, made by a professional inflatables company.

Replete with realistic Trumpian details like a snarled face and a cell phone in one tiny hand, plus less-realistic ones like an old-timey cloth diaper and a full head of hair, the giant inflatable tribute to everyone’s least favorite tanning booth addict was created to welcome the president to London in July.

Plans are to fly “Trump Baby” in the skies over Parliament Square during the idiot trump's visit.

The campaign doubled its initial goal in less than 24 hours, and has since more than doubled its stretch goal. With 14 days to go donations continue to pour in.

Organizers hope to raise enough additional money to give out up to 1000 helium balloons featuring Trump Baby to passersby throughout Trump Baby's maiden flight. And, to enable the hiring of a barge to guarantee that Trump Baby will fly, should permit issues prevent flying him from Parliament Square Gardens, and organizers are unable to find an alternate central location suitable for their purpose.

All leftover funds will be donated to various charities directly related to issues inflamed by the idiot trump's policies.

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Yeah, Trumps an asshole, but he won, and is winning. You lubtards arent. Let them fly their blimp. No one cares.
The left continues to illustrate what petulant children they are.

You plan on yelling and screaming a lot, and probably attacking any Trump supporter.

Remember when the left at least attempted to pretend to be the party of intellectuals?

Remember when the right had integrity?
(Ahem) Let me channel my inner republican for a second:

Look at all the whiny conservative snowflakes in this thread, upset over a little balloon. The UK has them triggered and I love it.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go wash my mouth out for lowering myself to their level.
Trump should send an F35 over, and shoot the darn thing down! :muahaha: :wink_2:

Trump's visit to Britain faces protest marches — and a giant blimp

Worldwide, the idiot trump is well known as a big, angry baby with tiny hands and a fragile ego. The same billions of people also know he is a racist demagogue who is a danger to women, immigrants and minorities and a mortal threat to world peace and the very future of life on earth. Moral outrage is water off a duck’s back to the idiot trump. But he really hates it when people make fun of him.

So when the idiot trump visits the UK on Friday the 13th of July this year, citizens there want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him. That's why a crowdfunding campaign commissioned a 20-foot blimp known as “Trump Baby”, made by a professional inflatables company.

Replete with realistic Trumpian details like a snarled face and a cell phone in one tiny hand, plus less-realistic ones like an old-timey cloth diaper and a full head of hair, the giant inflatable tribute to everyone’s least favorite tanning booth addict was created to welcome the president to London in July.

Plans are to fly “Trump Baby” in the skies over Parliament Square during the idiot trump's visit.

The campaign doubled its initial goal in less than 24 hours, and has since more than doubled its stretch goal. With 14 days to go donations continue to pour in.

Organizers hope to raise enough additional money to give out up to 1000 helium balloons featuring Trump Baby to passersby throughout Trump Baby's maiden flight. And, to enable the hiring of a barge to guarantee that Trump Baby will fly, should permit issues prevent flying him from Parliament Square Gardens, and organizers are unable to find an alternate central location suitable for their purpose.

All leftover funds will be donated to various charities directly related to issues inflamed by the idiot trump's policies.

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Trump ought to save a few bucks and cancel the trip. No need to visit idiots.
I would pay more than a few bucks for him to be locked away.

Trump's visit to Britain faces protest marches — and a giant blimp

Worldwide, the idiot trump is well known as a big, angry baby with tiny hands and a fragile ego. The same billions of people also know he is a racist demagogue who is a danger to women, immigrants and minorities and a mortal threat to world peace and the very future of life on earth. Moral outrage is water off a duck’s back to the idiot trump. But he really hates it when people make fun of him.

So when the idiot trump visits the UK on Friday the 13th of July this year, citizens there want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him. That's why a crowdfunding campaign commissioned a 20-foot blimp known as “Trump Baby”, made by a professional inflatables company.

Replete with realistic Trumpian details like a snarled face and a cell phone in one tiny hand, plus less-realistic ones like an old-timey cloth diaper and a full head of hair, the giant inflatable tribute to everyone’s least favorite tanning booth addict was created to welcome the president to London in July.

Plans are to fly “Trump Baby” in the skies over Parliament Square during the idiot trump's visit.

The campaign doubled its initial goal in less than 24 hours, and has since more than doubled its stretch goal. With 14 days to go donations continue to pour in.

Organizers hope to raise enough additional money to give out up to 1000 helium balloons featuring Trump Baby to passersby throughout Trump Baby's maiden flight. And, to enable the hiring of a barge to guarantee that Trump Baby will fly, should permit issues prevent flying him from Parliament Square Gardens, and organizers are unable to find an alternate central location suitable for their purpose.

All leftover funds will be donated to various charities directly related to issues inflamed by the idiot trump's policies.

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Trump ought to save a few bucks and cancel the trip. No need to visit idiots.
I would pay more than a few bucks for him to be locked away.

Seeing "Trump Baby" floating in the sky, could give the old orange idiot a stroke.

Trump's visit to Britain faces protest marches — and a giant blimp

Worldwide, the idiot trump is well known as a big, angry baby with tiny hands and a fragile ego. The same billions of people also know he is a racist demagogue who is a danger to women, immigrants and minorities and a mortal threat to world peace and the very future of life on earth. Moral outrage is water off a duck’s back to the idiot trump. But he really hates it when people make fun of him.

So when the idiot trump visits the UK on Friday the 13th of July this year, citizens there want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him. That's why a crowdfunding campaign commissioned a 20-foot blimp known as “Trump Baby”, made by a professional inflatables company.

Replete with realistic Trumpian details like a snarled face and a cell phone in one tiny hand, plus less-realistic ones like an old-timey cloth diaper and a full head of hair, the giant inflatable tribute to everyone’s least favorite tanning booth addict was created to welcome the president to London in July.

Plans are to fly “Trump Baby” in the skies over Parliament Square during the idiot trump's visit.

The campaign doubled its initial goal in less than 24 hours, and has since more than doubled its stretch goal. With 14 days to go donations continue to pour in.

Organizers hope to raise enough additional money to give out up to 1000 helium balloons featuring Trump Baby to passersby throughout Trump Baby's maiden flight. And, to enable the hiring of a barge to guarantee that Trump Baby will fly, should permit issues prevent flying him from Parliament Square Gardens, and organizers are unable to find an alternate central location suitable for their purpose.

All leftover funds will be donated to various charities directly related to issues inflamed by the idiot trump's policies.

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Butthurt knows no borders.
Possible World Tour for “Trump Baby” Blimp


The group that created “Trump Baby” has proposed a world tour for the 20-foot-tall blimp, after “Trump Baby” helps protesters show the idiot trump how the people of the UK have absolutely zero respect for the “orange sex pest”.

The idiot trump’s staff has already altered his schedule so as to avoid protests in London that would hurt his feelings and damage his fragile ego.

Leo Murray, one of the organizers of the protests, said, " ‘we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him [the idiot trump] and laughing at him.' " Murray plans the world tour for “Trump Baby” as a way for other countries, states, cities, and communities to employ the blimp for the same purpose.

Given how many billions of people around the world know that the idiot trump is a disgusting individual with absolutely no redeeming qualities, and the successful way “Trump Baby” ran the idiot trump out of London, offering the services of one “Trump Baby” blimp could make it necessary to manufacture many, many more. Not to mention the licensing potential for the likeness of “Trump Baby” on T-shirts, mugs, children’s lunch boxes, etc.

Trump baby blimp to go on 'world tour'

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Wow, what a rude, juvenile, and hateful OP.

Hardcore liberals are finally showing their true colors and showing how bigoted, intolerant, and divisive they are.

The only people to whom Trump poses a "danger" are those who want to turn America into Venezuela or Cuba.
Wow, what a rude, juvenile, and hateful OP.

Hardcore liberals are finally showing their true colors and showing how bigoted, intolerant, and divisive they are.

The only people to whom Trump poses a "danger" are those who want to turn America into Venezuela or Cuba.

This post about sums it up.
What a Hoot…

liberals are the same worldwide….

Dumb and Dumber…..

The muslim mayor may end up having that balloon

shoved up his ass….

There is a certain KARMA that seems to

Plague Trumps detractors.
Leftists in Europe don't like Donald Trump? STOP THE PRESSES!

Leftists in American don't like Donald Trump. Leftists EVERYWHERE don't like Donald Trump! Donald Trump doesn't care and neither do I.

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