The Browning of America


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan
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And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan

Hispanic Electorate Likely To Double By 2030
Nov 14, 2012
The record number of Latinos who cast ballots for president this year are the leading edge of an ascendant ethnic voting bloc that is likely to double in size within a generation, according to a Pew Hispanic Center analysis based on U.S. Census Bureau data, Election Day exit polls and a new nationwide survey of Hispanic immigrants.
The nation’s 53 million Hispanics comprise 17% of the total U.S. population but just 10% of all voters this year, according to the national exit poll. To borrow a boxing metaphor, they still “punch below their weight.”
However, their share of the electorate will rise quickly for several reasons. The most important is that Hispanics are by far the nation’s youngest ethnic group. Their median age is 27 years—and just 18 years among native-born Hispanics—compared with 42 years for that of white non-Hispanics. In the coming decades, their share of the age-eligible electorate will rise markedly through generational replacement alone.
- See more at: Hispanic Electorate Likely To Double By 2030 - The Pew Charitable Trusts
The surprise will come when liberals find out that except for giving them stuff hispanics have no interest in them. White libs have tax slavery to look forward to.

Do you really think a hispanic majority will fall in line? Yeah. The same time muslims go along with gay rights.
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The surprise will come when liberals find out that except for giving them stuff hispanics have no interest in them. White libs have tax slavery to look forward to.

Do you really think a hispanic majority will fall in line? Yeah. The same time muslims go along with gay rights.

Cry me a river teacracker :eusa_boohoo:
So Hispanics have no interest in whites, yet we see whites and Hispanics married and raising children...

Whites being the minority, being part Native American I can say is

And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan
Boy, are YOU naive?! They're destroying our economy as we speak. Wake up and smell the coffee.
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan

(emphasis added)

You said:

"And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY"

LMAO you did not read that article at all did you?

The man never mentions Hispanics, let alone "legal Hispanics". He does however mention, Jews, Iranians, Blacks, Thai and Whites.

*still giggling*

The article is about interracial marriage.
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Should we really be excited about a hispanic majority in the US? What part of how things are run in Mexico should we be looking to duplicate? People are so wrapped up into race, when culture is what we should be concerned about. Brown skin doesnt bother me, but the corruption and incompetence in Mexico isnt something I want for the US. Not are cultures are created equal, clearly.
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And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan

You should read, think and then decide to post.
The surprise will come when liberals find out that except for giving them stuff hispanics have no interest in them. White libs have tax slavery to look forward to.

Do you really think a hispanic majority will fall in line? Yeah. The same time muslims go along with gay rights.

Cry me a river teacracker :eusa_boohoo:

Do you really think youre winning anyone over with your despicable racism?
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan

You should read, think and then decide to post.

Oops, too late. :lol:
The evidence of this demographic timebomb, which is likely to alter the face and character of the U.S. far more fundamentally than any number of elections, was made plain in the summer in a new report by the U.S. Census Bureau.
It revealed that for the first time in American history, ethnic minorities now account for more than half the babies born in the U.S.
Of the four million children born in the year to July 2011, 50.4 per cent were ethnic minorities — black, Asian, mixed-race and, above all, Hispanic.
It was a long-expected milestone on the road to an America in which, according to experts, within 30 years whites will no longer be the majority.

For Republicans struggling to understand their defeat at the polls, the most chilling statistic in this week’s presidential election was this: Mitt Romney won the biggest share of the white vote that any Republican White House contender ever has — and he still lost.
In an election battle that was defined as much as anything by race, Mitt Romney won the support of 59 per cent of whites, but just 27 per cent of Latinos, 26 per cent of Asian-Americans and 6 per cent of African-Americans.
Thirty years ago, being unpopular with ethnic minorities would hardly have stopped a white establishment candidate like Romney from trouncing Barack Obama. But back then, whites accounted for almost 90 per cent of voters. Now they make up just 72 per cent of the electorate, and that figure is shrinking by the year.

The Republican party, said one pollster, ‘will be doomed if they lose black and Latino votes by these same margins in the future’.
He’s not exaggerating. As the election highlighted, white America is dying — and in a quite literal sense.
Death of white America: How will US adapt to millions of black and Hispanic voters who put Obama back into power | Mail Online
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cheering for the takeover of our country by anyone (brown, black, pink, purple) is sick..but they see it as votes for a party so we might as we well face it, they are selling us out for politics and laughing you in face while doing it

take that article as an example
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Should we really be excited about a hispanic majority in the US? What part of how things are run in Mexico should we be looking to duplicate? People are so wrapped up into race, when culture is what we should be concerned about. Brown skin doesnt bother me, but the corruption and incompetence in Mexico isnt something I want for the US. Not are cultures are created equal, clearly.

America will be a better place as a multi-racial multi-cultural county. Black, Latino, white Asian and other groups

It's coming, the fear and paranoia form the right will be racketed up for a while , then it will quite down as the younger generation takes over

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And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests.

Why "radically different political interests," other than your obvious crass, transparent desire to race-bait?
And this is about Hispanics who are here LEGALLY

This browning of America is happening in parallel with the graying of America. The result will be a country with both an aging white population and a younger brown population with radically different political interests. This will profoundly impact every institution in American life.

"Demographic changes are providing young people with ample opportunity to date outside of their race or ethnic group, and they are taking full advantage of it. Does this mean we are living in a post-racial society? Have we or, more specifically, millennials conquered racism? Of course not. Nor should we think of racial progress as inevitable, taking place on a linear line.

But the amazing diversity of this generation and its liberal views as it relates to race do mean that we have a wonderful opportunity to do more about long-standing problems.

For those who fear the “browning” of America or the loss of some Anglo-Saxon “cultural” identity, all I can say is, sorry. Between now and 2050, the vast majority of population growth will come from racial minorities. By 2050, the America that many on the right are so nostalgic about will be a thing of the past.

The truth is that the changes taking place are not something to fear. They only will make America stronger."

The ?browning? of America - The Daily Iowan

here in S.Cal we are decades ahead of the rest of you.....
The surprise will come when liberals find out that except for giving them stuff hispanics have no interest in them. White libs have tax slavery to look forward to.

Do you really think a hispanic majority will fall in line? Yeah. The same time muslims go along with gay rights.

Cry me a river teacracker :eusa_boohoo:

but she is right.....Hispanics will change the Democratic party when they take it over,and they will eventually take it over.....i can see many a white Democrat leaving when that happens...

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