The Buffalo Shooter draws a BLACK JUDGE - should he get the Death Penalty?

should he [Buffalo Shooter] get the Death Penalty?

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Not what the autopsy said. He had twice the limit in his system.
On Monday afternoon, an independent autopsy ordered by George's family found his passing was "caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain." .
Just think if the liberal justice system did their job. The shooter would be in jail and the dead would still be alive.
It is only liberal when someone white is on trial.
Sure, but the death penalty is illegal in New York.

Should Darryl Brooks be executed?

What about any other black mass killer?
What about any other white mass killer? Should they be executed or just the black killers.
I wanted to know if you have ever had a knee on your neck while your hands were cuffed behind your back? If the answer is NO, then STFU.

You never have either so what was the point of the question? And no, I will not STFU. You’re going to have to do better than just trying to shout me down.
I never claimed to know, you did. I have never examined his body, so how would I know more than the ME that did.

Has the ME ever been handcuffed facedown with a knee on his neck?

Look, my skepticism about the testmonies and the verdict in the Floyd case is based on a number of things: The drug cocktail in his system combined with his heart condition and high blood pressure;
his highly agitated state that verged on panic (probably due to the drugs);
the fact that he was complaining that he couldn’t breathe when he was still standing and before they had him on the ground and before Chauvin’s knee was on his neck;
the fact that people, celebrities, the MSM and politicians were screaming “murder!” even before an investigation took place;
the fact that everyone overreacted and crucified Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse before all the facts came to light and they do this with every case of this type.

I could give more examples but I think you get the gist. The biggest and most damning factor to the prosecution’s case of asphyxiation is that Floyd said he couldn’t breathe when he was still standing and before the knee on his neck. I didn’t follow the trial but I’m betting no one addressed this.

Anyway given all these factors, I’m not convinced that the prosecution or the MEs were as objective as they should have been.
And his life will end. Let’s talk Justice. There are two ways to run a Justice System. Revenge. Rehabilitation. We have chosen Revenge. We assume that the Prisons, if they are awful enough, will frighten people into obeying the law. It hasn’t worked. We argue that at least those imprisoned won’t commit more crimes. They do. But their victims are fellow criminals. We look at the Recidivism numbers and argue that we need to make it all tougher. It isn’t scaring the people like it is supposed to.

In some cases when Life without Parole is the sentence. Rehabilitation is a moot point. Like this case. The Buffalo Shooter isn’t ever getting out of Prison.

So what is Justice? The numbers suggest that sending someone to Prison is akin to making them a career criminal. They come out worse than they went in. Tennessee just made it a Felony for Homeless to camp on public property. A felony punishable by eight years in prison. They say they can’t imagine anyone actually being punished under that statute. That’s a lie. You know it. I know it. But the Politicians had to be seen doing something about the problem they got complaints about. And in a year or two someone will be prosecuted under the law.

Then someone else. And a few more. And then it will be routine.

We don’t have a Justice System. We have a club we want to wave about.

And the Death Penalty is far more cruel. To the families of the victims. Twenty years or more of endless appeals. Of hearing that the guy may get released if his appeal goes through. Of the never ending torture of wondering if some technicality will let him off. Days and weeks and months turn into years with this hanging over your head. You can’t imagine the strain it puts on families.

On the other hand. One and done. Sentenced to life without parole. Done. Any appeals are unlikely to succeed. And they have to be paid by the defendant. The convicted crook. Instead of the taxpayer. Yes. You pay for those twenty years of appeals. Both sides. Prosecution and defense. In California it cost about $108,000 a year to keep a criminal in prison. It costs at least $5 million to put him to death. At least. It can and will cost more in this case.

Twenty years. Or more. While the family grows old and dies wondering if the sentence will ever be carried out. Dreading every update.

It doesn’t do anything anyone claims it does. It costs a lot more money. It doesn’t bring closure. It doesn’t do anything good. Because the families never move on. They never feel it is done. And when it is finally done. It is too late.

The Death Penalty is cruel. But not to the man or woman sentenced to death. To the families of the victims.

A justice system is designed to take the impetus of justice from the person wrong or the family of the person wronged and devolve it to the State (State as in government entity, not specifically our States). It's designed to allow civilization to determine punishment for wrongs. Rehabilitation and Revenge are results of this system, not the reasons for it.

You assume too much about how the families feel, I'm sure there are plenty out there that want the murderers dead. But besides that a Justice system also protects the CRIMINAL from excessive punishment for a given crime.

It appears we are trending towards a system that will soon not meet the victims expectations of compensation or protection, or even revenge (you say that like that's a bad thing) and people who don't think the system works for them will stop using and trusting the system and take matters into their own hands.
You never have either so what was the point of the question? And no, I will not STFU. You’re going to have to do better than just trying to shout me down.

Has the ME ever been handcuffed facedown with a knee on his neck?

Look, my skepticism about the testmonies and the verdict in the Floyd case is based on a number of things: The drug cocktail in his system combined with his heart condition and high blood pressure;
his highly agitated state that verged on panic (probably due to the drugs);
the fact that he was complaining that he couldn’t breathe when he was still standing and before they had him on the ground and before Chauvin’s knee was on his neck;
the fact that people, celebrities, the MSM and politicians were screaming “murder!” even before an investigation took place;
the fact that everyone overreacted and crucified Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse before all the facts came to light and they do this with every case of this type.

I could give more examples but I think you get the gist. The biggest and most damning factor to the prosecution’s case of asphyxiation is that Floyd said he couldn’t breathe when he was still standing and before the knee on his neck. I didn’t follow the trial but I’m betting no one addressed this.

Anyway given all these factors, I’m not convinced that the prosecution or the MEs were as objective as they should have been.
Did you examine George Floyd's body?

We can argue opinions, but you can't argue against facts. I will take the reports of trained Medical professionals over some internet clown who doesn't want to accept the fact that Chauvin murdered Floyd and his ass is exactly where he needs to be.
Did you examine George Floyd's body?

We can argue opinions, but you can't argue against facts. I will take the reports of trained Medical professionals over some internet clown who doesn't want to accept the fact that Chauvin murdered Floyd and his ass is exactly where he needs to be.

No, and I do think that Chauvin had a role in Floyd's death. I always have. I think Chauvin got exactly what he deserved.

He is piece of shit who gives good cops a bad name.
And his life will end. Let’s talk Justice. There are two ways to run a Justice System. Revenge. Rehabilitation. We have chosen Revenge. We assume that the Prisons, if they are awful enough, will frighten people into obeying the law. It hasn’t worked. We argue that at least those imprisoned won’t commit more crimes. They do. But their victims are fellow criminals. We look at the Recidivism numbers and argue that we need to make it all tougher. It isn’t scaring the people like it is supposed to.

In some cases when Life without Parole is the sentence. Rehabilitation is a moot point. Like this case. The Buffalo Shooter isn’t ever getting out of Prison.

So what is Justice? The numbers suggest that sending someone to Prison is akin to making them a career criminal. They come out worse than they went in. Tennessee just made it a Felony for Homeless to camp on public property. A felony punishable by eight years in prison. They say they can’t imagine anyone actually being punished under that statute. That’s a lie. You know it. I know it. But the Politicians had to be seen doing something about the problem they got complaints about. And in a year or two someone will be prosecuted under the law.

Then someone else. And a few more. And then it will be routine.

We don’t have a Justice System. We have a club we want to wave about.

And the Death Penalty is far more cruel. To the families of the victims. Twenty years or more of endless appeals. Of hearing that the guy may get released if his appeal goes through. Of the never ending torture of wondering if some technicality will let him off. Days and weeks and months turn into years with this hanging over your head. You can’t imagine the strain it puts on families.

On the other hand. One and done. Sentenced to life without parole. Done. Any appeals are unlikely to succeed. And they have to be paid by the defendant. The convicted crook. Instead of the taxpayer. Yes. You pay for those twenty years of appeals. Both sides. Prosecution and defense. In California it cost about $108,000 a year to keep a criminal in prison. It costs at least $5 million to put him to death. At least. It can and will cost more in this case.

Twenty years. Or more. While the family grows old and dies wondering if the sentence will ever be carried out. Dreading every update.

It doesn’t do anything anyone claims it does. It costs a lot more money. It doesn’t bring closure. It doesn’t do anything good. Because the families never move on. They never feel it is done. And when it is finally done. It is too late.

The Death Penalty is cruel. But not to the man or woman sentenced to death. To the families of the victims.
Rehabilitation doesn't work. Prison is punishment and the removal of p[eople not willing to live within society's rules.
And his life will end. Let’s talk Justice. There are two ways to run a Justice System. Revenge. Rehabilitation. We have chosen Revenge. We assume that the Prisons, if they are awful enough, will frighten people into obeying the law. It hasn’t worked. We argue that at least those imprisoned won’t commit more crimes. They do. But their victims are fellow criminals. We look at the Recidivism numbers and argue that we need to make it all tougher. It isn’t scaring the people like it is supposed to.

In some cases when Life without Parole is the sentence. Rehabilitation is a moot point. Like this case. The Buffalo Shooter isn’t ever getting out of Prison.

So what is Justice? The numbers suggest that sending someone to Prison is akin to making them a career criminal. They come out worse than they went in. Tennessee just made it a Felony for Homeless to camp on public property. A felony punishable by eight years in prison. They say they can’t imagine anyone actually being punished under that statute. That’s a lie. You know it. I know it. But the Politicians had to be seen doing something about the problem they got complaints about. And in a year or two someone will be prosecuted under the law.

Then someone else. And a few more. And then it will be routine.

We don’t have a Justice System. We have a club we want to wave about.

And the Death Penalty is far more cruel. To the families of the victims. Twenty years or more of endless appeals. Of hearing that the guy may get released if his appeal goes through. Of the never ending torture of wondering if some technicality will let him off. Days and weeks and months turn into years with this hanging over your head. You can’t imagine the strain it puts on families.

On the other hand. One and done. Sentenced to life without parole. Done. Any appeals are unlikely to succeed. And they have to be paid by the defendant. The convicted crook. Instead of the taxpayer. Yes. You pay for those twenty years of appeals. Both sides. Prosecution and defense. In California it cost about $108,000 a year to keep a criminal in prison. It costs at least $5 million to put him to death. At least. It can and will cost more in this case.

Twenty years. Or more. While the family grows old and dies wondering if the sentence will ever be carried out. Dreading every update.

It doesn’t do anything anyone claims it does. It costs a lot more money. It doesn’t bring closure. It doesn’t do anything good. Because the families never move on. They never feel it is done. And when it is finally done. It is too late.

The Death Penalty is cruel. But not to the man or woman sentenced to death. To the families of the victims.
It cost less than two hundred dollars to put someone to death. What is expensive are the endless and pointless appeals allowed to convicted prisoners facing the death penalty.
On Monday afternoon, an independent autopsy ordered by George's family found his passing was "caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain." .
So he didn't have the fentanyl in his body? He had twice the lethal dose in him. White or black a person that has robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint with the gun pointed at her baby. In her womb, shouldn't of been out on the streets. You have your liberal courts that let violent criminals back out on the streets. The system failed him.
So he didn't have the fentanyl in his body? He had twice the lethal dose in him. White or black a person that has robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint with the gun pointed at her baby. In her womb, shouldn't of been out on the streets. You have your liberal courts that let violent criminals back out on the streets. The system failed him.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, the police are not Judge, Jury and Executioner. These aren't the good old days, were you could take a black man and lynch him.
Did you examine George Floyd's body?

Did you?
We can argue opinions, but you can't argue against facts. I will take the reports of trained Medical professionals over some internet clown who doesn't want to accept the fact that Chauvin murdered Floyd and his ass is exactly where he needs to be.

I’m not accepting their findings until they or somebody objectively addresses the fact that Floyd had trouble breathing before Chauvin had his knee on his neck. As far as I know, no one has.

The prosecution didn’t address it; the media didn’t acknowlege it; the MEs didn’t address it and no one in this discussion, including you, has acknowleged it even though I’ve mentioned it multiple times.

So explain that one to me. Better yet, have one of those MEs explain it. Have them explain why they convicted Chauvin for asphyxiating Floyd and completely ignored the fact that he had trouble breathing before Chauvin had his knee on his neck.
On Monday afternoon, an independent autopsy ordered by George's family found his passing was "caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain." .
Lol, was the one that did the autopsy?
Did you?

I’m not accepting their findings until they or somebody objectively addresses the fact that Floyd had trouble breathing before Chauvin had his knee on his neck. As far as I know, no one has.

The prosecution didn’t address it; the media didn’t acknowlege it; the MEs didn’t address it and no one in this discussion, including you, has acknowleged it even though I’ve mentioned it multiple times.

So explain that one to me. Better yet, have one of those MEs explain it. Have them explain why they convicted Chauvin for asphyxiating Floyd and completely ignored the fact that he had trouble breathing before Chauvin had his knee on his neck.
One doesn’t necessarily exclude the other. Even if the knee only contributed to the death, it’s still murder.

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