The Buffalo Shooter draws a BLACK JUDGE - should he get the Death Penalty?

should he [Buffalo Shooter] get the Death Penalty?

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Think for a moment. Which is more cruel. Life in prison without parole. Or the death penalty?

For criminals, 3 hots and a cot probably isn't as bad as it would be for someone like me and you. Plus a person can get institutionalized over time.

I am not worried about cruelty, I am worried about justice, and for some crimes when you end the lives of a person or people, your life deserves to get ended as well.
And every post I make has not been about racism, nor does the fact that I post about racism make me a racist. I am only a racist to uneducated, dumb, white racist trash.
No. You’re a racist all the time to everyone. Your identity is completely encased in your racism. You’re a troll. But you’re also stupid and misguided.
I guess that is suppose to make black folks feel better that you unjustly incarcerate or murder some of us. Man if you don't go on somewhere with that bullshit.
I see your racist focus is still out of focus. I’m not trying to make black folks or white folks or any folks feel better. I’m trying to correct your perpetual dis information. And if you don’t like it, that’s fine. The point, you ignorant shit head, is that your constant whining and carping and crying about racism isn’t going to accomplish anything. Especially since you are one of the more odious obnoxious offenders. You point to incarceration and claim racism. But people of any race can be and are wrongly convicted just like people of all races can be and are wrongly acquitted. So, obviously, except to a studious dope like you, the root of the problem is not racism. The root of that problem is the imperfections of our system of Justice. We can work on that. But not when we waste time and energy addressing your fictional problem of “systemic racism.” 🙄

Fuck off with that horseshit.
For criminals, 3 hots and a cot probably isn't as bad as it would be for someone like me and you. Plus a person can get institutionalized over time.

I am not worried about cruelty, I am worried about justice, and for some crimes when you end the lives of a person or people, your life deserves to get ended as well.

And his life will end. Let’s talk Justice. There are two ways to run a Justice System. Revenge. Rehabilitation. We have chosen Revenge. We assume that the Prisons, if they are awful enough, will frighten people into obeying the law. It hasn’t worked. We argue that at least those imprisoned won’t commit more crimes. They do. But their victims are fellow criminals. We look at the Recidivism numbers and argue that we need to make it all tougher. It isn’t scaring the people like it is supposed to.

In some cases when Life without Parole is the sentence. Rehabilitation is a moot point. Like this case. The Buffalo Shooter isn’t ever getting out of Prison.

So what is Justice? The numbers suggest that sending someone to Prison is akin to making them a career criminal. They come out worse than they went in. Tennessee just made it a Felony for Homeless to camp on public property. A felony punishable by eight years in prison. They say they can’t imagine anyone actually being punished under that statute. That’s a lie. You know it. I know it. But the Politicians had to be seen doing something about the problem they got complaints about. And in a year or two someone will be prosecuted under the law.

Then someone else. And a few more. And then it will be routine.

We don’t have a Justice System. We have a club we want to wave about.

And the Death Penalty is far more cruel. To the families of the victims. Twenty years or more of endless appeals. Of hearing that the guy may get released if his appeal goes through. Of the never ending torture of wondering if some technicality will let him off. Days and weeks and months turn into years with this hanging over your head. You can’t imagine the strain it puts on families.

On the other hand. One and done. Sentenced to life without parole. Done. Any appeals are unlikely to succeed. And they have to be paid by the defendant. The convicted crook. Instead of the taxpayer. Yes. You pay for those twenty years of appeals. Both sides. Prosecution and defense. In California it cost about $108,000 a year to keep a criminal in prison. It costs at least $5 million to put him to death. At least. It can and will cost more in this case.

Twenty years. Or more. While the family grows old and dies wondering if the sentence will ever be carried out. Dreading every update.

It doesn’t do anything anyone claims it does. It costs a lot more money. It doesn’t bring closure. It doesn’t do anything good. Because the families never move on. They never feel it is done. And when it is finally done. It is too late.

The Death Penalty is cruel. But not to the man or woman sentenced to death. To the families of the victims.

BLACK JUDGE walked in this morning and said "Hey there" to the shooter, who killed 10 blacks less than a week ago. Should this kid get the DEATH PENALTY?

If you support breaking the law for political reasons, sure. Go for it. I would LOVE to see this dude get the death penalty, because he's white and because he committed a thought crime and the Leftists cheer for
The kid just killed 10 african americans and has an entire book written about how he hates black people. Stop acting stupid, Mike.

Neither did Massachussetts, and yet here we are with the Marathon bomber about to get the Penalty.


I agree, to be honest.
The only crime he committed was murder. The manifesto is protected speech. If the judge gives the manifesto any consideration in how he conducts the trial, then he's a crooked piece of shit and should be impeached.
Think for a moment. Which is more cruel. Life in prison without parole. Or the death penalty?
Who cares. Pieces of shit like this should be put down like the animals they are.

In prison they will still kill. They are violent sociopaths.

Kill them and save somebody else.
Just think if the liberal justice system did their job. The shooter would be in jail and the dead would still be alive.

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