the "Bush Doctrine" and the Arab Spring.


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
So, as you all know one of the Biggest arguments of Invading Afghanistan and Iraq was that effect establishing Free Democracies in the region would have on the rest of the Nations around it.

So, When are we all going to give some Credit to those people who pushed that idea? We are watching Popular Uprisings all over the Very Area supporters of the Doctrine Said would be effected.

I was one of those voices. I was not even for Invading Iraq, as I thought Afghanistan needed to be finished first, But once it was clear we were going. I did say that if we succeeded in Removing Saddam, and keeping the Taliban at Bay In Afghanistan. That it would surely Fuel the Fire of Oppositions Movements all across the Middle East.

10 Years later, after watching the Arab Spring this year. I have to say I think we may have been right about that. It seems the Power of all those ink Stained Thumbs on World Wide TV sets had the Effect we hoped for, it dumped Fuel on a fire that was already there, Burning in every Arab country in the Region living under oppression and Brutality.
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Yep how did Palestine turn out in their democratic election?

The domcratic rlcetions just lets the marority rule and the majority of Arabic people do not like the USA very much. Many with good reason.

Reason 1 we often supported those who kept the people under their thumbs.

We supported Sadam till he joined OPEC and supported him thru inaction when he used chemical WMD's on the Iranians.
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So, as you all know one of the Biggest arguments of Invading Afghanistan and Iraq was that effect establishing Free Democracies in the region would have on the rest of the Nations around it.
Yeah.....that's what it was all-about......


[ame=]Iraq War Profiteers: Part 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]
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So, as you all know one of the Biggest arguments of Invading Afghanistan and Iraq was that effect establishing Free Democracies in the region would have on the rest of the Nations around it.So, When are we all going to give some Credit to those people who pushed that idea?

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So, as you all know one of the Biggest arguments of Invading Afghanistan and Iraq was that effect establishing Free Democracies in the region would have on the rest of the Nations around it.

So, When are we all going to give some Credit to those people who pushed that idea? We are watching Popular Uprisings all over the Very Area supporters of the Doctrine Said would be effected.

I was one of those voices. I was not even for Invading Iraq, as I thought Afghanistan needed to be finished first, But once it was clear we were going. I did say that if we succeeded in Removing Saddam, and keeping the Taliban at Bay In Afghanistan. That it would surely Fuel the Fire of Oppositions Movements all across the Middle East.

10 Years later, after watching the Arab Spring this year. I have to say I think we may have been right about that. It seems the Power of all those ink Stained Thumbs on World Wide TV sets had the Effect we hoped for, it dumped Fuel on a fire that was already there, Burning in every Arab country in the Region living under oppression and Brutality.

The ‘Bush Doctrine’ was a clear failure, not to mention illegal.

The United States is in no position to dictate to other nations the government they should have, and the Doctrine’s authorization of ‘pre-emptive strikes’ policy is offensive to the international community and rule of law.

The Arab Spring occurred in spite of the Doctrine, not as a result of it, and it’s authors are entitled to no ‘credit,’ only denunciation.
So, as you all know one of the Biggest arguments of Invading Afghanistan and Iraq was that effect establishing Free Democracies in the region would have on the rest of the Nations around it.

So, When are we all going to give some Credit to those people who pushed that idea? We are watching Popular Uprisings all over the Very Area supporters of the Doctrine Said would be effected.

I was one of those voices. I was not even for Invading Iraq, as I thought Afghanistan needed to be finished first, But once it was clear we were going. I did say that if we succeeded in Removing Saddam, and keeping the Taliban at Bay In Afghanistan. That it would surely Fuel the Fire of Oppositions Movements all across the Middle East.

10 Years later, after watching the Arab Spring this year. I have to say I think we may have been right about that. It seems the Power of all those ink Stained Thumbs on World Wide TV sets had the Effect we hoped for, it dumped Fuel on a fire that was already there, Burning in every Arab country in the Region living under oppression and Brutality.
The Bush Doctrine?

In what respect Charlie?

Yep how did Palestine turn out in their democratic election?

The domcratic rlcetions just lets the marority rule and the majority of Arabic people do not like the USA very much. Many with good reason.

Reason 1 we often supported those who kept the people under their thumbs.

We supported Sadam till he joined OPEC and supported him thru inaction when he used chemical WMD's on the Iranians.

The main reason they don't like us isn't because we did anything to them, but that we aren't Muslims.

Personally I'm tired of freeing these assholes and then having them turn on us once they don't need us anymore.

Fuck em.

The only Arabs I trust at all are the Kuwaitis.

The rest of them can go to hell.
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The ‘Bush Doctrine’ was a clear failure, not to mention illegal.

The United States is in no position to dictate to other nations the government they should have, and the Doctrine’s authorization of ‘pre-emptive strikes’ policy is offensive to the international community and rule of law.

The Arab Spring occurred in spite of the Doctrine, not as a result of it, and it’s authors are entitled to no ‘credit,’ only denunciation.

Spoken like a true partisan hack!

The world is free from a vicious dictator who threated the stability of the entire planet. The people of Iraq are free from a vicious dictator with the worst human rights record in world history.

Isn't it comical how the idiot liberal dumbocrats like you shed giant crocodile tears for someone who can't afford a $400,000 home and you call for the redistribution of wealth to correct that "injustice: :)lol:) but when real human rights tragedies occur, you people couldn't care any less. You're more than happy to sit back and watch women brutally raped, men brutally tortured, and children brutally slaughtered.
You'll never get the idiot liberal dumbocrat to acknowledge any positive results from the Bush Administration, just like you'll never get them to acknowledge anything negative from the Obama Administration.

At the end of the day, they are going to fellate any radical marxist who pledges to punish the successful and reward their laziness with wealth redistribution. And they are going to hate anyone who ensures a constitutional government.
The 'Arab Spring' is owned, lock stock and barrel, by Obama.

He screwed up.

Not that he would ever admit it.
So, as you all know one of the Biggest arguments of Invading Afghanistan and Iraq was that effect establishing Free Democracies in the region would have on the rest of the Nations around it.

So, When are we all going to give some Credit to those people who pushed that idea? We are watching Popular Uprisings all over the Very Area supporters of the Doctrine Said would be effected.

I was one of those voices. I was not even for Invading Iraq, as I thought Afghanistan needed to be finished first, But once it was clear we were going. I did say that if we succeeded in Removing Saddam, and keeping the Taliban at Bay In Afghanistan. That it would surely Fuel the Fire of Oppositions Movements all across the Middle East.

10 Years later, after watching the Arab Spring this year. I have to say I think we may have been right about that. It seems the Power of all those ink Stained Thumbs on World Wide TV sets had the Effect we hoped for, it dumped Fuel on a fire that was already there, Burning in every Arab country in the Region living under oppression and Brutality.

I've posted many a time..that I thought the Iraqi invasion gave way to the Arab Spring.

It's probably just not the way you think it effected it, however.
To Muslims, all relationships are of dominance/submission.
The natural order of things ordained by Allah is that Muslims must dominate infidels and extort protection money (jizya) under the system of dhimmitude. Any society where infidels are equal to Muslims, or even worse where they have authority over Muslims, is an insult and dishonor to both the Muslims and to Allah himself.

Consequently, Muslims are perpetually seeking to redress the balance by humiliating or defeating the infidels, often in the most repulsive ways, eg sexually assaulting non-Muslim children, and spitting at unaccompanied non-Muslim women. This combination of perceived superiority and sense of automatic unearned entitlement, contrasted with their actual cultural and intellectual inferiority is what makes some of them so arrogantly obnoxious. As the old joke says, a well balanced Muslim is one with a chip on both shoulders.

Muslim arrogant ingratitude
Muslims believe that the Earth and everything on it belongs to them, and non-Muslims should only possess property with the permission of Muslims. Consequently, all their ever-growing demands are just asking for what is rightfully theirs in the first place, and the infidels can expect no thanks for giving it to them. Living with Islam is about give and take - we give, they take.

Info on Islam: Muslim Arrogance, Supremacism and Sense of Unearned Entitlement

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