The Bush family are proven failures and so are the Clintons


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The Bush family has given us two failed Presidencies, so Republicans are not eager to elect a Bush, and get a third failure.

On the other hand, the last Clinton Presidency was eight years of scandal, corruption, sleeze, and violent attacks on women.

Why are Democrats so dumb that they will vote for THAT again.

Maybe it's because Republicans are smarter than Democrats.

Also, Republicans have choices, so Jeb Bush is almost gone from the race before the first caucus is held in Iowa.

Hillary Clinton has no accomplishments, but has a proven track record of failure after failure.

She tried to impose Hillarycare, but failed to negotiate with the Republicans or the health care industry. Hillary Clinton's healthcare plan was DOA as soon as it hit Congress.

Why 'HillaryCare' Failed and 'ObamaCare' Succeeded

As Secretary of State, her one major accomplishment was a "reset" button given to Russia, which was mistranslated to "overcharged."

Clinton Goofs on Russian Translation, Tells Diplomat She Wants to 'Overcharge' Ties

To demonstrate incompetence like this to America's most dangerous enemy is appalling and suicidal.

Another main accomplishment was lying about Benghazi, a fiasco where four Americans, including an Ambassador died. The Obama administration with the full backing of Clinton, lied to the American people that the attack was caused by a YouTube video. Then they threw the director of the video into prison -- possibly America's first political prisoner since the Civil War.

And then there was Hillary's lie that a sniper started shooting at her when she landed in Bosnia:

Hillary Clinton calls Bosnia sniper story a mistake

But despite all that, Democrats will go the polls and like mindless zombies pull the lever for this utterly desicable evil woman, who is also incredibly incompetent and has failed at everything she ever tried to do.

And to top it all off, Hillary recently made a commercial saying that victims of rape and sexual abuse "deserve to be believed"

No, Hillary Clinton, Rape Victims Don’t Have ‘Right to Be Believed’


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