The Bush/GOP Shiite Government in Iraq was bound to fall.

Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

And you far left drones made sure of that!

So you far left drones still spit on the Troops!

Just because you wanted another few thousand Americans to die in Iraq (how sick is that) didn't make it a good idea.
You've never had a good idea in your life.

See how the far left still spits on the Troops?

They even claim their sacrifice was for nothing..

This proves that the far left is more dangerous than ISIS!

Their sacrifice was for nothing. Their lives were flushed down the toilet by GW Bush and you couldn't be happier.

Wow, I really stuck a nerve...NYC done gone batshit crazy after my post.

We never should have gone into Iraq...but we did. In the end we got rid of a dictator that butchered and gassed his own people, and we liberated a nation.

Once upon a time a Democrat who knew what it was to cherish freedom and who had balls declared this nation would bear any burden, pay any price, to stand with those who fought for freedom.
-- That, of course, was before the Democratic Party was hijacked by radicals, before they began aiding this nation's enemies (drug cartels, terrorists, perpetrators of terrorist attacks on US soil), and before they started running Socialists as Presidential nominees.

All Barry had to do was safeguard the sacrifices made, protect the investment made, and instead he f*ed it up.

It all began with his disastrous 'Red Line', for which he embarassingly tried to blame the world. He then became so focused on trying to redeem himself that he began a proxy war with Syria, helped create ISIS, believed he could contain them and that they would help overthrow Assad (like Al Qaeida helped overthrow Qadaffi), and allowed them to freely - without opposition - enter Iraq and begin taking over cities / territory that had already been liberated at great expense by our military.

Happy about it, you ignorant asshole? As one who fought there I am PISSED, as YOU should be, but you're too stupid and too indictrinated to see Bush is not the only one with whom you should be mad!

After losing what he had been entrusted with - a liberated Iraq, Obama is now sending MORE troops BACK IN to RETAKE territory that should NOT have been lost in the 1st place. This is now the 3rd or 4th time Obama is sending in MORE troops back to fix what HE f*ed up.

Your personal attacks on me are misplaced, my friend. I am not the one who LIED to your ass by telling you there would be no more 'boots on the ground' in Iraq! Obama lied to you when he said that - where is your outrage against Barry, NYC? Yeah, I thought so...

I bet you actually believed him when he said if you liked your plan you could keep your plan, too. No outrage over that one either....just more Obamappologist BS then, as well.
A secondary mistake hardly outweighs the primary one. 'W's illegal invasion and following, resultant failures made the situation F.U.B.A.R. It is extremely difficult to imagine who could have redeemed things. Obama was not the one, granted, but none better were on offer. Some of us who didn't vote for him see this reality.
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.

Malarkey. Yes, disbanding the army THIRTEEN YEARS AGO was a mistake. Are you chugging the Kool Aid that says this is what caused the massive failure of Lame Duck President Obama in Iraq? Really?

President Obama refused to negotiate another Status of Forces with Iraq. IN SPITE of what his advisors had told him, he demanded that all of our troops leave Iraq. Once that happened, Iraq collapsed and ISIS took over. Now the entire Middle East is on fire.

Poor President Obama, after so many failures, now has BOOTS ON THE GROUND...AGAIN, in Iraq. Had he not been so arrogant and spitful, he'd have actually LISTENED to his advisors and worked out a deal whereby we kept 10,000 to 15,000 troops in Iraq for the foreseeable future. The entire World would have been in a better place than we are today!
You just made yourself into a dumbass. Obama did listen to his advisers.

(sigh) I guess I need to educate you. Oh well, it will only take a minute.

Iraq wanted to be able to prosecute US Military if an American is accused of breaking Iraqi law. That means once charged, they would be required to be turned over to Iraqi police for detention and for charges. And if found guilty, they would be punished by the Iraqi's.

If you don't understand why that is a terrible idea, ask and I will explain it to you. For normal people, the answer is obvious.

This is still Bush's doing. Little mistakes, we can forget and move on.

Perpetrate a disaster, and you'll be remembered forever.
Clearly, it's only a disaster when Democrats to it. When Republicans do it, it's the Democrat's "fault". Something different entirely.
Boohoo, poor wittle me....libs getting picked on...

No one said its only wrong when Democrats do it, rdean. It's just that libs always claim they are never wrong, and it's someone else's fault...

"Ir's not MY 'Red Line''s the WORLD's 'Red Line'."

No, Barry - that was all YOUR f*-up! Man up & own it.
Last edited:
Wanna know who profits??
The first name that comes to everyone’s mind here is Halliburton. According to MSN Money, Halliburton’s KBR, Inc. division bilked government agencies to the tune of $17.2 billion in Iraq war-related revenue from 2003-2006 alone. This is estimated to comprise a whopping one-fifth of KBR’s total revenue for the 2006 fiscal year. The massive payoff is said to have financed the construction and maintenance of military bases, oil field repairs, and various infrastructure rebuilding projects across the war-torn nation. This is just the latest in a long string of military/KBR wartime partnerships, thanks in no small part to Dick Cheney’s former role with the parent company.

No other company in the US was able to do what Halliburton could do.

Vice President Dick Cheney had no interest, whatsoever in the success or failure of Halliburton.

He had no stock in the company, his investments were in a blind trust.

His substantial retirement package was in the form of an insurance policy which had been paid for by Halliburton but had no link, again...whatsoever.

IF Halliburton and doubled their profits, Vice President Cheney would not have profited. IF they had gone bankrupt, his retirement package would continue as if nothing had happened.

Amusing...Progressives allege that they are the party looking forward to solutions.

Now that Lame Duck President Obama has so massively failed, they're whining and moaning, looking for excuses. AGAIN!
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.

Malarkey. Yes, disbanding the army THIRTEEN YEARS AGO was a mistake. Are you chugging the Kool Aid that says this is what caused the massive failure of Lame Duck President Obama in Iraq? Really?

President Obama refused to negotiate another Status of Forces with Iraq. IN SPITE of what his advisors had told him, he demanded that all of our troops leave Iraq. Once that happened, Iraq collapsed and ISIS took over. Now the entire Middle East is on fire.

Poor President Obama, after so many failures, now has BOOTS ON THE GROUND...AGAIN, in Iraq. Had he not been so arrogant and spitful, he'd have actually LISTENED to his advisors and worked out a deal whereby we kept 10,000 to 15,000 troops in Iraq for the foreseeable future. The entire World would have been in a better place than we are today!
You just made yourself into a dumbass. Obama did listen to his advisers.

(sigh) I guess I need to educate you. Oh well, it will only take a minute.

Iraq wanted to be able to prosecute US Military if an American is accused of breaking Iraqi law. That means once charged, they would be required to be turned over to Iraqi police for detention and for charges. And if found guilty, they would be punished by the Iraqi's.

If you don't understand why that is a terrible idea, ask and I will explain it to you. For normal people, the answer is obvious.
I like your amended history lesson, rdean. Try sharing ALL of it, not just your favorite part. The President of Iraq was ready to sign the SOFA agreement when at the 'last minute' Obama insisted on something that had never been requested EVER before - he declared the President's signature was not good enough and demanded the entire Iraqi parliment, made up of opposing disjointed tribal leaders, all approve / sign it...which did not happen. In essence Barry sabotaged the SOFA agreement. It's documented...look it up.
A secondary mistake hardly outweighs the primary one. 'W's illegal invasion and following, resultant failures made the situation F.U.B.A.R. It is extremely difficult to imagine who could have redeemed things. Obama was not the one, granted, but none better were on offer. Some of us who didn't vote for him see this reality.

No one said a secondary mistake outweighs the 1st. Barry DID f* up, though, and alliwed ISIS to undo everything our molitary succeeded in doing, so stop kissing Barry's ass, stop making excuses for him, and stip trying to cover Barry's f* ups by continuing to point to Bush.

Obama, and libs, need to man up and own their OWN failures for once!
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.
back to the GOP out of bernie material?....
Bernie is close to having been taken care of.
so dean a question for you.....should Bernie support Hillary when he concedes?...or would that be compromising his principles as i feel it would if he does...after all he made a big deal about her being a corporate lackey....
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.

Malarkey. Yes, disbanding the army THIRTEEN YEARS AGO was a mistake. Are you chugging the Kool-Aid that says this is what caused the massive failure of Lame Duck President Obama in Iraq? Really?

President Obama refused to negotiate another Status of Forces with Iraq. IN SPITE of what his advisors had told him, he demanded that all of our troops leave Iraq. Once that happened, Iraq collapsed and ISIS took over. Now the entire Middle East is on fire.

Poor President Obama, after so many failures, now has BOOTS ON THE GROUND...AGAIN, in Iraq. Had he not been so arrogant and spiteful, he'd have actually LISTENED to his advisors and worked out a deal whereby we kept 10,000 to 15,000 troops in Iraq for the foreseeable future. The entire World would have been in a better place than we are today!
You just made yourself into a dumbass. Obama did listen to his advisers.

(sigh) I guess I need to educate you. Oh well, it will only take a minute.

Iraq wanted to be able to prosecute US Military if an American is accused of breaking Iraqi law. That means once charged, they would be required to be turned over to Iraqi police for detention and for charges. And if found guilty, they would be punished by the Iraqi's.

If you don't understand why that is a terrible idea, ask and I will explain it to you. For normal people, the answer is obvious.

What you take three lines to say, is a STATUS OF FORCES agreement which I said was needed in my post.

Your words exactly.
Iraq wanted to be able to prosecute US Military if an American is accused of breaking Iraqi law. That means once charged, they would be required to be turned over to Iraqi police for detention and for charges. And if found guilty, they would be punished by the Iraqi's.

Here is how you used a word salad to say...STATUS OF FORCES. Follow me, I'll teach you a few things. We could not keep troops in Iraq without such an agreement. Lame Duck President Obama, as you have learned, is a weak, impotent negotiator. Iraq said NO. President Obama said...OKAY, you win! President Wussie!
Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

And you far left drones made sure of that!

So you far left drones still spit on the Troops!

Just because you wanted another few thousand Americans to die in Iraq (how sick is that) didn't make it a good idea.
You've never had a good idea in your life.

See how the far left still spits on the Troops?

They even claim their sacrifice was for nothing..

This proves that the far left is more dangerous than ISIS!

Their sacrifice was for nothing. Their lives were flushed down the toilet by GW Bush and you couldn't be happier.

Wow, I really stuck a nerve...NYC done gone batshit crazy after my post.

We never should have gone into Iraq...but we did. In the end we got rid of a dictator that butchered and gassed his own people, and we liberated a nation.

Once upon a time a Democrat who knew what it was to cherish freedom and who had balls declared this nation would bear any burden, pay any price, to stand with those who fought for freedom.
-- That, of course, was before the Democratic Party was hijacked by radicals, before they began aiding this nation's enemies (drug cartels, terrorists, perpetrators of terrorist attacks on US soil), and before they started running Socialists as Presidential nominees.

All Barry had to do was safeguard the sacrifices made, protect the investment made, and instead he f*ed it up.

It all began with his disastrous 'Red Line', for which he embarassingly tried to blame the world. He then became so focused on trying to redeem himself that he began a proxy war with Syria, helped create ISIS, believed he could contain them and that they would help overthrow Assad (like Al Qaeida helped overthrow Qadaffi), and allowed them to freely - without opposition - enter Iraq and begin taking over cities / territory that had already been liberated at great expense by our military.

Happy about it, you ignorant asshole? As one who fought there I am PISSED, as YOU should be, but you're too stupid and too indictrinated to see Bush is not the only one with whom you should be mad!

After losing what he had been entrusted with - a liberated Iraq, Obama is now sending MORE troops BACK IN to RETAKE territory that should NOT have been lost in the 1st place. This is now the 3rd or 4th time Obama is sending in MORE troops back to fix what HE f*ed up.

Your personal attacks on me are misplaced, my friend. I am not the one who LIED to your ass by telling you there would be no more 'boots on the ground' in Iraq! Obama lied to you when he said that - where is your outrage against Barry, NYC? Yeah, I thought so...

I bet you actually believed him when he said if you liked your plan you could keep your plan, too. No outrage over that one either....just more Obamappologist BS then, as well.

Wow, so much ignorance, stupidity and lies in one post. I'm amazed you were able to pack so much bullshit into one small space. Is that the bullshit other right wingers believe?

No wonder you didn't post any links. How can you link to delusion?

Start off with the Iraq/GOP constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

Republicans created a Theocracy. Doomed to fail.
Republicans put only Shiite into power. Making Iraq friends with Iran. Doomed to fail.

Under the Bush/GOP/Iraq agreement, Obama had to leave.

Obama refused to sign plan in place to leave 10,000 troops in Iraq, Bush says

When Obama took office in January 2009, he inherited a plan that President George W. Bush forged in 2008 with then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. That Status of Forces Agreement called for the withdrawal of all American troops by the end of 2011.

Negotiations led to the idea of a smaller, continuous force of 3,500 troops, with up to 1,500 more rotating in and out, and about a half-dozen F-16’s. But this plan ran into several roadblocks, including the insistence by Washington that those troops be immune to Iraqi -- although not American -- prosecution should they commit a crime.

Austin Long, a Columbia University international and public affairs professor, said al-Maliki allegedly supported the residual force and may have signed a new plan, but the Iraqi parliament would not.
The Iraq government didn't want us. And letting our troops be open to prosecution would have caused a mess in Iraq. They would have been arrested for everything. Does that even have to be explained?

The violence never stopped in Iraq. There was no al Qaeda or Isis there until Bush let them in. Saddam didn't allow them into his country.

When you find some facts, come back. But only then.
"The Bush/GOP Shiite Government in Iraq was bound to fall."

Consistent with starting a failed, illegal war in Iraq.

The Bush Iraq debacle is one of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH come 2017.
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.
back to the GOP out of bernie material?....
Bernie is close to having been taken care of.
so dean a question for you.....should Bernie support Hillary when he concedes?...or would that be compromising his principles as i feel it would if he does...after all he made a big deal about her being a corporate lackey....

Bernie Sanders is looking for a good speaking time in the convention and to be able to influence the Democrat platform. You know, "FREE" something. Like me, he's an old man. The race is the last big thrill of his life and he's enjoying it to the hilt.
"The Bush/GOP Shiite Government in Iraq was bound to fall."

Consistent with starting a failed, illegal war in Iraq.

The Bush Iraq debacle is one of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH come 2017.

Why would you lie about the Iraq war? Does that come of ignorance or denial?

Lame Duck President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden claimed victory in Iraq and took credit for the victory. After that, they OWN the war on terror which, as the world knows is a major...SNAFU.

Clinton also said Bush should not be faulted if banned weapons of mass destruction aren't found.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.

- Former President Clinton Wednesday, April 16, 200

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.

And now the Obama administration wants to TAKE CREDIT for the Iraq war…whew….
Oh! One more thing...15 out of 19 hijackers came from saudi araibia. We go into iraq.....

My guess is that you had a point here...but, like so many Progressive efforts, it is hidden.
"The Bush/GOP Shiite Government in Iraq was bound to fall."

Consistent with starting a failed, illegal war in Iraq.

The Bush Iraq debacle is one of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH come 2017.

You mean so a war-mongering democrat like Obama, who started a failed an illegal war in Libya and completely destroyed it can get into the White House?
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.

Oh look more debunked far left religious scripture.

There was no army to disband and what is known as ISIS was formed in 1999, did not get it's name and spread like wild fire until Obama..
Oh look more debunked far left religious scripture.

There was no army to disband

Saddam had no army?????????????????????

An ignorant right wingernut turd with actual shit for brains.

How the ‘catastrophic’ American decision to disband Saddam's military helped fuel the rise of ISIL

Who disbanded the Iraqi army?

Envoy: Bush OK'd Plan To Disband Iraq Army

BBC NEWS | Americas | US row over Iraq army dismantling

And now ignorant right wingers believe Saddam had no military? What did he invade Kuwait with? Bartenders?

Oh please God. Spare me the ignorance of the right wing.

Saddam had no army and no matter how many far left blog sites you quote, the reality is they were not getting paid so they left.

Another far left drone failed post that can not admit that Obama is a failure..

So Saddam, with no military, was such a threat (called the next Hitler, remember?) was so dangerous we had to invade the country and stop him...

Stop him from what? Rude remarks? Halloween pranks?

Start on these, I have LOTS from from your Progressive comrades

"The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow."
- President Clinton in 1998

[…], when I say to Saddam Hussein, "You cannot defy the will of the world", and when I say to him, "You have used weapons of mass destruction before; we are determined to deny you the capacity to use them again.”
- President Clinton , Jan. 27, 1998 – State of the Union

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
- President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 .

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
- President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998.

“Earlier today, I ordered America’s armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraqis nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.”

“Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world.”

“Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.”

- President Bill Clinton, Dec. 16, 1998

"We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction."
- Madeline Albright, Feb 1, 1998 Clinton Secretary of State

"Saddam's goal ... is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. We cannot, we must not and we will not let him succeed."
- Madeline Albright, 1998 Clinton Secretary of State
Yes it was bound to fail...

...especially when our effort / success was placed in Barry's hands to manage...

...especially since he allowed ISIS to drive mile-long armored convoys into Iraq without any opposition to take over much of the nation our military liberated at great cost...
- Now he is sending more troops back to Iraq, asking them to retake cities / land they already won in order to fix his f*-up

...especially since Barry was more interested in supporting 'the other team' - terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, take iver their own countries...
- Barry even supplied, armed, trained, & financed, and protected ISIS, acted as their 'PR' manager believing they could be contained and would help him overthrow Assad / Syria

Why are you so eager to see Americans die in place of Iraq soldiers if they won't fight to defend their own country?

That's ghoulish, to say the least.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

Why do you support more 9/11 magnitude attacks on our country? How is that a good thing for America?
Yes it was bound to fail...

...especially when our effort / success was placed in Barry's hands to manage...

...especially since he allowed ISIS to drive mile-long armored convoys into Iraq without any opposition to take over much of the nation our military liberated at great cost...
- Now he is sending more troops back to Iraq, asking them to retake cities / land they already won in order to fix his f*-up

...especially since Barry was more interested in supporting 'the other team' - terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, take iver their own countries...
- Barry even supplied, armed, trained, & financed, and protected ISIS, acted as their 'PR' manager believing they could be contained and would help him overthrow Assad / Syria

Why are you so eager to see Americans die in place of Iraq soldiers if they won't fight to defend their own country?

That's ghoulish, to say the least.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

And you far left drones made sure of that!

So you far left drones still spit on the Troops!

Just because you wanted another few thousand Americans to die in Iraq (how sick is that) didn't make it a good idea.
You've never had a good idea in your life.

Why do you support a few thousand Americans dying on the streets in America?

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