The Bush/GOP Shiite Government in Iraq was bound to fall.


This is still Bush's doing. Little mistakes, we can forget and move on.

Perpetrate a disaster, and you'll be remembered forever.

Yes Nixon ends the Vietnam War and you think Obama would have learned how to end war, right?

Silly far left drone!

McCain wanted the war to go on in Iraq for another 100 years.

More far left drone religious dogma!

It would seem that a small US force of 50,000 that was being pushed by non far left members would have worked better than the failed cut and run policy of Obama.

And now Obama is sending troops back into Iraq and now into Syria.

Notice how these far left drones will support the illegal wars of Obama!

You can always enlist if it means that much to you.

Another far left drone failed post!

Resorts to far left drone program #1234

The far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!
Oh look more debunked far left religious scripture.

There was no army to disband and what is known as ISIS was formed in 1999, did not get it's name and spread like wild fire until Obama..
Oh look more debunked far left religious scripture.

There was no army to disband

Saddam had no army?????????????????????

An ignorant right wingernut turd with actual shit for brains.

How the ‘catastrophic’ American decision to disband Saddam's military helped fuel the rise of ISIL

Who disbanded the Iraqi army?

Envoy: Bush OK'd Plan To Disband Iraq Army

BBC NEWS | Americas | US row over Iraq army dismantling

And now ignorant right wingers believe Saddam had no military? What did he invade Kuwait with? Bartenders?

Oh please God. Spare me the ignorance of the right wing.

Saddam had no army and no matter how many far left blog sites you quote, the reality is they were not getting paid so they left.

Another far left drone failed post that can not admit that Obama is a failure..

So Saddam, with no military, was such a threat (called the next Hitler, remember?) was so dangerous we had to invade the country and stop him...

Stop him from what? Rude remarks? Halloween pranks?

See how the far left will deny facts..

After Saddam was removed from power the army disbanded itself..

Silly far left drones!

No, it didn't.

You can read the dissolution order here:

Section 3
Employees and Service Members

1) Any military or other rank, title, or status granted to a former employee or
functionary of a Dissolved Entity by the former Regime is hereby cancelled.

2) All conscripts are released from their service obligations. Conscriptions is
suspended indefinitely, subject to decisions by future Iraq governments
concerning whether a free Iraq should have conscription.

3) Any person employed by a Dissolved Entity in any form or capacity, is dismissed
effective as of April 16, 2003. Any person employed by a Dissolved Entity, in
any from or capacity remains accountable for acts committed during such

4) A termination payment in an amount to be determined by the Administrator will
be paid to employees so dismissed, except those who are Senior Party Members
as defined in the Administrator’s May 16, 2003 Order of the Coalition Provisional
Authority De-Ba`athification of Iraqi Society, CPA/ORD/2003/01 (“Senior Party
Members”) (See Section 3.6).

5) Pensions being paid by, or on account of service to, a Dissolved Entity before
April 16, 2003 will continue to be paid, including to war widows and disabled
veterans, provided that no pension payments will be made to any person who is a
Senior Party Member (see Section 3.6) and that the power is reserved to the
Administrator and to future Iraqi governments to revoke or reduce pensions as a
penalty for past or future illegal conduct or to modify pension arrangements to
eliminate improper privileges granted by the Ba`athist regime or for similar

6) Notwithstanding any provision of this Order, or any other Order, law, or
regulation, and consistent with the Administrator’s May 16, 2003 Order of the
Coalition Provisional Authority De-Ba`athification of Iraqi Society,
CPA/ORD/2003/01, no payment, including a termination or pension payment,
will be made to any person who is or was a Senior Party Member. Any personholding the rank under the former regime of Colonel or above, or its equivalent,
will be deemed a Senior Party Member, provided that such persons may seek,
under procedures to be prescribed, to establish to the satisfaction of the
Administrator, that they were not a Senior Party Member.

CPA/ORD/23 May 2003/02


Order 2: Dissolution of Entities with Annex A - Wikisource, the free online library

Yes it did!

Notice how they still can not prove their religious dogma!

Per Bremmer, there was no military to disband because the Iraqi Army had already dissolved in the face of the invasion. This of course ignores the fact that a temporary disbandment could have been reversed by offering to continuing paying the soldiers.

Another far left drone religious scripture defeated.
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.

So was the Al Queda puppet government in Libya that the Obama Administration installed also doomed for failure.

When it comes to war, there is no difference between democrats and republicans .. except democrats claiming to be 'antiwar.'
Yes it was bound to fail...

...especially when our effort / success was placed in Barry's hands to manage...

...especially since he allowed ISIS to drive mile-long armored convoys into Iraq without any opposition to take over much of the nation our military liberated at great cost...
- Now he is sending more troops back to Iraq, asking them to retake cities / land they already won in order to fix his f*-up

...especially since Barry was more interested in supporting 'the other team' - terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, take iver their own countries...
- Barry even supplied, armed, trained, & financed, and protected ISIS, acted as their 'PR' manager believing they could be contained and would help him overthrow Assad / Syria

Why are you so eager to see Americans die in place of Iraq soldiers if they won't fight to defend their own country?

That's ghoulish, to say the least.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.

So was the Al Queda puppet government in Libya that the Obama Administration installed also doomed for failure.

When it comes to war, there is no difference between democrats and republicans .. except democrats claiming to be 'antiwar.'
Evidently there IS a difference between Republicans and Democrats: A Republican went before Congress and got approval / authority to go to war after 9/11/01. Obama dragged the country into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator ON HIS OWN, bypassing Congress, to aid he perpetrators of 9/11/01 - Al Qaeida - take over Libya.
Yes it was bound to fail...

...especially when our effort / success was placed in Barry's hands to manage...

...especially since he allowed ISIS to drive mile-long armored convoys into Iraq without any opposition to take over much of the nation our military liberated at great cost...
- Now he is sending more troops back to Iraq, asking them to retake cities / land they already won in order to fix his f*-up

...especially since Barry was more interested in supporting 'the other team' - terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, take iver their own countries...
- Barry even supplied, armed, trained, & financed, and protected ISIS, acted as their 'PR' manager believing they could be contained and would help him overthrow Assad / Syria

Why are you so eager to see Americans die in place of Iraq soldiers if they won't fight to defend their own country?

That's ghoulish, to say the least.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.
Oh look more debunked far left religious scripture.

There was no army to disband

Saddam had no army?????????????????????

An ignorant right wingernut turd with actual shit for brains.

How the ‘catastrophic’ American decision to disband Saddam's military helped fuel the rise of ISIL

Who disbanded the Iraqi army?

Envoy: Bush OK'd Plan To Disband Iraq Army

BBC NEWS | Americas | US row over Iraq army dismantling

And now ignorant right wingers believe Saddam had no military? What did he invade Kuwait with? Bartenders?

Oh please God. Spare me the ignorance of the right wing.

Saddam had no army and no matter how many far left blog sites you quote, the reality is they were not getting paid so they left.

Another far left drone failed post that can not admit that Obama is a failure..

So Saddam, with no military, was such a threat (called the next Hitler, remember?) was so dangerous we had to invade the country and stop him...

Stop him from what? Rude remarks? Halloween pranks?

See how the far left will deny facts..

After Saddam was removed from power the army disbanded itself..

Silly far left drones!

No, it didn't.

You can read the dissolution order here:

Section 3
Employees and Service Members

1) Any military or other rank, title, or status granted to a former employee or
functionary of a Dissolved Entity by the former Regime is hereby cancelled.

2) All conscripts are released from their service obligations. Conscriptions is
suspended indefinitely, subject to decisions by future Iraq governments
concerning whether a free Iraq should have conscription.

3) Any person employed by a Dissolved Entity in any form or capacity, is dismissed
effective as of April 16, 2003. Any person employed by a Dissolved Entity, in
any from or capacity remains accountable for acts committed during such

4) A termination payment in an amount to be determined by the Administrator will
be paid to employees so dismissed, except those who are Senior Party Members
as defined in the Administrator’s May 16, 2003 Order of the Coalition Provisional
Authority De-Ba`athification of Iraqi Society, CPA/ORD/2003/01 (“Senior Party
Members”) (See Section 3.6).

5) Pensions being paid by, or on account of service to, a Dissolved Entity before
April 16, 2003 will continue to be paid, including to war widows and disabled
veterans, provided that no pension payments will be made to any person who is a
Senior Party Member (see Section 3.6) and that the power is reserved to the
Administrator and to future Iraqi governments to revoke or reduce pensions as a
penalty for past or future illegal conduct or to modify pension arrangements to
eliminate improper privileges granted by the Ba`athist regime or for similar

6) Notwithstanding any provision of this Order, or any other Order, law, or
regulation, and consistent with the Administrator’s May 16, 2003 Order of the
Coalition Provisional Authority De-Ba`athification of Iraqi Society,
CPA/ORD/2003/01, no payment, including a termination or pension payment,
will be made to any person who is or was a Senior Party Member. Any personholding the rank under the former regime of Colonel or above, or its equivalent,
will be deemed a Senior Party Member, provided that such persons may seek,
under procedures to be prescribed, to establish to the satisfaction of the
Administrator, that they were not a Senior Party Member.

CPA/ORD/23 May 2003/02


Order 2: Dissolution of Entities with Annex A - Wikisource, the free online library

Yes it did!

Notice how they still can not prove their religious dogma!

Per Bremmer, there was no military to disband because the Iraqi Army had already dissolved in the face of the invasion. This of course ignores the fact that a temporary disbandment could have been reversed by offering to continuing paying the soldiers.

Another far left drone religious scripture defeated.

Per Bremer? Who has been in cover-his-ass mode ever since? His word is useless.

btw, ISIS now has ex-Saddam officers in their military.
Yes it was bound to fail...

...especially when our effort / success was placed in Barry's hands to manage...

...especially since he allowed ISIS to drive mile-long armored convoys into Iraq without any opposition to take over much of the nation our military liberated at great cost...
- Now he is sending more troops back to Iraq, asking them to retake cities / land they already won in order to fix his f*-up

...especially since Barry was more interested in supporting 'the other team' - terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, take iver their own countries...
- Barry even supplied, armed, trained, & financed, and protected ISIS, acted as their 'PR' manager believing they could be contained and would help him overthrow Assad / Syria

Why are you so eager to see Americans die in place of Iraq soldiers if they won't fight to defend their own country?

That's ghoulish, to say the least.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

And you far left drones made sure of that!

So you far left drones still spit on the Troops!
Saddam had no army and no matter how many far left blog sites you quote, the reality is they were not getting paid so they left.

Another far left drone failed post that can not admit that Obama is a failure..

So Saddam, with no military, was such a threat (called the next Hitler, remember?) was so dangerous we had to invade the country and stop him...

Stop him from what? Rude remarks? Halloween pranks?

See how the far left will deny facts..

After Saddam was removed from power the army disbanded itself..

Silly far left drones!

No, it didn't.

You can read the dissolution order here:

Section 3
Employees and Service Members

1) Any military or other rank, title, or status granted to a former employee or
functionary of a Dissolved Entity by the former Regime is hereby cancelled.

2) All conscripts are released from their service obligations. Conscriptions is
suspended indefinitely, subject to decisions by future Iraq governments
concerning whether a free Iraq should have conscription.

3) Any person employed by a Dissolved Entity in any form or capacity, is dismissed
effective as of April 16, 2003. Any person employed by a Dissolved Entity, in
any from or capacity remains accountable for acts committed during such

4) A termination payment in an amount to be determined by the Administrator will
be paid to employees so dismissed, except those who are Senior Party Members
as defined in the Administrator’s May 16, 2003 Order of the Coalition Provisional
Authority De-Ba`athification of Iraqi Society, CPA/ORD/2003/01 (“Senior Party
Members”) (See Section 3.6).

5) Pensions being paid by, or on account of service to, a Dissolved Entity before
April 16, 2003 will continue to be paid, including to war widows and disabled
veterans, provided that no pension payments will be made to any person who is a
Senior Party Member (see Section 3.6) and that the power is reserved to the
Administrator and to future Iraqi governments to revoke or reduce pensions as a
penalty for past or future illegal conduct or to modify pension arrangements to
eliminate improper privileges granted by the Ba`athist regime or for similar

6) Notwithstanding any provision of this Order, or any other Order, law, or
regulation, and consistent with the Administrator’s May 16, 2003 Order of the
Coalition Provisional Authority De-Ba`athification of Iraqi Society,
CPA/ORD/2003/01, no payment, including a termination or pension payment,
will be made to any person who is or was a Senior Party Member. Any personholding the rank under the former regime of Colonel or above, or its equivalent,
will be deemed a Senior Party Member, provided that such persons may seek,
under procedures to be prescribed, to establish to the satisfaction of the
Administrator, that they were not a Senior Party Member.

CPA/ORD/23 May 2003/02


Order 2: Dissolution of Entities with Annex A - Wikisource, the free online library

Yes it did!

Notice how they still can not prove their religious dogma!

Per Bremmer, there was no military to disband because the Iraqi Army had already dissolved in the face of the invasion. This of course ignores the fact that a temporary disbandment could have been reversed by offering to continuing paying the soldiers.

Another far left drone religious scripture defeated.

Per Bremer? Who has been in cover-his-ass mode ever since? His word is useless.

btw, ISIS now has ex-Saddam officers in their military.

More far left drone failures based on their religious dogma..

They have to justify voting for worse than Bush twice..
This is still Bush's doing. Little mistakes, we can forget and move on.

Perpetrate a disaster, and you'll be remembered forever.

Yes Nixon ends the Vietnam War and you think Obama would have learned how to end war, right?

Silly far left drone!

McCain wanted the war to go on in Iraq for another 100 years.

More far left drone religious dogma!

It would seem that a small US force of 50,000 that was being pushed by non far left members would have worked better than the failed cut and run policy of Obama.

And now Obama is sending troops back into Iraq and now into Syria.

Notice how these far left drones will support the illegal wars of Obama!

You can always enlist if it means that much to you.

Another far left drone failed post!

Resorts to far left drone program #1234

The far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

I've proven you wrong. Jabbering like a monkey won't change that .
Yes it was bound to fail...

...especially when our effort / success was placed in Barry's hands to manage...

...especially since he allowed ISIS to drive mile-long armored convoys into Iraq without any opposition to take over much of the nation our military liberated at great cost...
- Now he is sending more troops back to Iraq, asking them to retake cities / land they already won in order to fix his f*-up

...especially since Barry was more interested in supporting 'the other team' - terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, take iver their own countries...
- Barry even supplied, armed, trained, & financed, and protected ISIS, acted as their 'PR' manager believing they could be contained and would help him overthrow Assad / Syria

Why are you so eager to see Americans die in place of Iraq soldiers if they won't fight to defend their own country?

That's ghoulish, to say the least.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

And you far left drones made sure of that!

So you far left drones still spit on the Troops!

Just because you wanted another few thousand Americans to die in Iraq (how sick is that) didn't make it a good idea.
You've never had a good idea in your life.
Yes Nixon ends the Vietnam War and you think Obama would have learned how to end war, right?

Silly far left drone!

McCain wanted the war to go on in Iraq for another 100 years.

More far left drone religious dogma!

It would seem that a small US force of 50,000 that was being pushed by non far left members would have worked better than the failed cut and run policy of Obama.

And now Obama is sending troops back into Iraq and now into Syria.

Notice how these far left drones will support the illegal wars of Obama!

You can always enlist if it means that much to you.

Another far left drone failed post!

Resorts to far left drone program #1234

The far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

I've proven you wrong. Jabbering like a monkey won't change that .

No you haven't not any level, but the far left drones thinks that their religious dogma is "fact".
Yes it was bound to fail...

...especially when our effort / success was placed in Barry's hands to manage...

...especially since he allowed ISIS to drive mile-long armored convoys into Iraq without any opposition to take over much of the nation our military liberated at great cost...
- Now he is sending more troops back to Iraq, asking them to retake cities / land they already won in order to fix his f*-up

...especially since Barry was more interested in supporting 'the other team' - terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, take iver their own countries...
- Barry even supplied, armed, trained, & financed, and protected ISIS, acted as their 'PR' manager believing they could be contained and would help him overthrow Assad / Syria

Why are you so eager to see Americans die in place of Iraq soldiers if they won't fight to defend their own country?

That's ghoulish, to say the least.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

And you far left drones made sure of that!

So you far left drones still spit on the Troops!

Just because you wanted another few thousand Americans to die in Iraq (how sick is that) didn't make it a good idea.
You've never had a good idea in your life.

See how the far left still spits on the Troops?

They even claim their sacrifice was for nothing..

This proves that the far left is more dangerous than ISIS!
McCain wanted the war to go on in Iraq for another 100 years.

More far left drone religious dogma!

It would seem that a small US force of 50,000 that was being pushed by non far left members would have worked better than the failed cut and run policy of Obama.

And now Obama is sending troops back into Iraq and now into Syria.

Notice how these far left drones will support the illegal wars of Obama!

You can always enlist if it means that much to you.

Another far left drone failed post!

Resorts to far left drone program #1234

The far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

I've proven you wrong. Jabbering like a monkey won't change that .

No you haven't not any level, but the far left drones thinks that their religious dogma is "fact".

That's the monkey jabber I'm referring to.
Why are you so eager to see Americans die in place of Iraq soldiers if they won't fight to defend their own country?

That's ghoulish, to say the least.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

And you far left drones made sure of that!

So you far left drones still spit on the Troops!

Just because you wanted another few thousand Americans to die in Iraq (how sick is that) didn't make it a good idea.
You've never had a good idea in your life.

See how the far left still spits on the Troops?

They even claim their sacrifice was for nothing..

This proves that the far left is more dangerous than ISIS!

Their sacrifice was for nothing. Their lives were flushed down the toilet by GW Bush and you couldn't be happier.
More far left drone religious dogma!

It would seem that a small US force of 50,000 that was being pushed by non far left members would have worked better than the failed cut and run policy of Obama.

And now Obama is sending troops back into Iraq and now into Syria.

Notice how these far left drones will support the illegal wars of Obama!

You can always enlist if it means that much to you.

Another far left drone failed post!

Resorts to far left drone program #1234

The far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they are wrong!

I've proven you wrong. Jabbering like a monkey won't change that .

No you haven't not any level, but the far left drones thinks that their religious dogma is "fact".

That's the monkey jabber I'm referring to.

And more proof how the far left will deny the truth that they voted for worse than Bush twice!

They still pit on the Troops every chance they get.
Americans did die in Iraq liberating that country, abd Obama pissed their sacrifice away. What is ghoulish is HIS now sending hundreds more BACK to Iraq to RETAKE wbat HE allowed to be lost.

Their sacrifice was for NOTHING. No need for the war. Nothing to show for it at all.

And you far left drones made sure of that!

So you far left drones still spit on the Troops!

Just because you wanted another few thousand Americans to die in Iraq (how sick is that) didn't make it a good idea.
You've never had a good idea in your life.

See how the far left still spits on the Troops?

They even claim their sacrifice was for nothing..

This proves that the far left is more dangerous than ISIS!

Their sacrifice was for nothing. Their lives were flushed down the toilet by GW Bush and you couldn't be happier.

And more spitting on the troops by the far left, they wanted those sacrifices to be for nothing! All that so they could try make their religious dogma from 2003 - 2009 be true.

All it has done is how how they will destroy nations and watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

So you claiming Obama lied and people died?
Why drone on about Nixon's failure as if that has anything to do with Obama. Obama has been a disappointment. It is by comparison with his predecessor that he looks good.
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.
back to the GOP out of bernie material?....
Bernie is close to having been taken care of.
When Bush disbanded Saddam's military and installed a Shiite government friendly with Iran, two things were bound to happen.

1. Iran's influence on the Iraqi government and in the region grew.

2. The partisan government was bound to fall.

This only highlights the GOP's complete ignorance about the people of the Middle East.

Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army'

How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

Bush signed a treaty with Iraq making us leave. Obama followed the Bush/GOP signed agreement.. Now watch Republicans try to blame the violence in Iraq on Obama. Even with all the media, the video and the recent history. Republicans are counting on the ignorance and the short attention span of the American people.

Malarkey. Yes, disbanding the army THIRTEEN YEARS AGO was a mistake. Are you chugging the Kool Aid that says this is what caused the massive failure of Lame Duck President Obama in Iraq? Really?

President Obama refused to negotiate another Status of Forces with Iraq. IN SPITE of what his advisors had told him, he demanded that all of our troops leave Iraq. Once that happened, Iraq collapsed and ISIS took over. Now the entire Middle East is on fire.

Poor President Obama, after so many failures, now has BOOTS ON THE GROUND...AGAIN, in Iraq. Had he not been so arrogant and spitful, he'd have actually LISTENED to his advisors and worked out a deal whereby we kept 10,000 to 15,000 troops in Iraq for the foreseeable future. The entire World would have been in a better place than we are today!

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