The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.
Why would you expect a self professed anarchist to be happy?

Now that's a good question. But I figured he was being all he could be and that alone would make him a little more of a happy camper.

Then again, there is a reason anarchy has never made it big in this country. To whiny and bitchy.
Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.

Liberal Dictionary:
hate - winning an argument with a liberal

I see no evidence that liberals in this forum are happy. If there's anyone spewing hatred, it's liberals. Just look at all the bile and venom spewed at George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Republicans, Southerners, Christians, the "1%", CEOs, Wall street, yada, yada, yada.
The government has never provided any service cheaper than private enterprise.
Social Security?

If you call being robbed a "service." Any private firm would be more than happy to take 15% of your income then give it back to you 35 years later with a 2% return.

And if that firm went out of business? This is what makes government programs a better investment.

Your IRA doesn't go out of business. On the other hand, government changes SS all the time. It as reduced benefits and increased the taxes to pay for it.

My IRA's went down quite a bit in 2008. Social Security is always there for us.
Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.
Why would you expect a self professed anarchist to be happy?

Now that's a good question. But I figured he was being all he could be and that alone would make him a little more of a happy camper.

Then again, there is a reason anarchy has never made it big in this country. To whiny and bitchy.

Says one that supports the far left without question or hesitation..
The government has never provided any service cheaper than private enterprise.
Social Security?

If you call being robbed a "service." Any private firm would be more than happy to take 15% of your income then give it back to you 35 years later with a 2% return.

And if that firm went out of business? This is what makes government programs a better investment.

Your IRA doesn't go out of business. On the other hand, government changes SS all the time. It as reduced benefits and increased the taxes to pay for it.

My IRA's went down quite a bit in 2008. Social Security is always there for us.

More far left propaganda not connected to reality..
Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.

Look at the far left hate filled racist drone that makes ironic comments..

Now here we have another example of a failure in life wanting to blame anyone or everyone else for their failure.
And of course, this person is a Republican.

Anybody see a trend here?
The government has never provided any service cheaper than private enterprise.
Social Security?

If you call being robbed a "service." Any private firm would be more than happy to take 15% of your income then give it back to you 35 years later with a 2% return.

And if that firm went out of business? This is what makes government programs a better investment.

Your IRA doesn't go out of business. On the other hand, government changes SS all the time. It as reduced benefits and increased the taxes to pay for it.

My IRA's went down quite a bit in 2008. Social Security is always there for us.

Where are they now? Unless, like a dummy, you sold all your stocks, it's higher now than it was in 2008.
Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.
Why would you expect a self professed anarchist to be happy?

Now that's a good question. But I figured he was being all he could be and that alone would make him a little more of a happy camper.

Then again, there is a reason anarchy has never made it big in this country. To whiny and bitchy.

Anarchy is theoretically viable. But it would require a society that has fully internalized the ethic that it is beneath humanity to force one's will on another. I don't see that happening for a good long time, if ever.
Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.

Liberal Dictionary:
hate - winning an argument with a liberal

I see no evidence that liberals in this forum are happy. If there's anyone spewing hatred, it's liberals. Just look at all the bile and venom spewed at George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Republicans, Southerners, Christians, the "1%", CEOs, Wall street, yada, yada, yada.

There's hate on both sides. I see your picture of a little kid flipping the bird. Is that the bird of happiness?
Social Security?

If you call being robbed a "service." Any private firm would be more than happy to take 15% of your income then give it back to you 35 years later with a 2% return.

And if that firm went out of business? This is what makes government programs a better investment.

Your IRA doesn't go out of business. On the other hand, government changes SS all the time. It as reduced benefits and increased the taxes to pay for it.

My IRA's went down quite a bit in 2008. Social Security is always there for us.

Where are they now? Unless, like a dummy, you sold all your stocks, it's higher now than it was in 2008.

I was lucky enough to ride the storm. People that needed at that time were screwed. Socialism rocks. God Bless FDR and LBJ. We haven't had any lefties in the white house since then, unfortunately.
Last edited:
I see Kosh remarking. No need to look, I know that the phrase far left is there waiting for me, Kosh being programmed to think we have far lefties in charge and all.
I see no evidence that liberals in this forum are happy. If there's anyone spewing hatred, it's liberals. Just look at all the bile and venom spewed at George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Republicans, Southerners, Christians, the "1%", CEOs, Wall street, yada, yada, yada.

The satisfaction you have for your life has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the names you listed above.
They are plutocrats that don't know and don't care that you are alive. Arguing about them means nothing.
Expressing anger, hatred or anything else about those people is a vent. Means nothing.

But when you start hating poor people. Hating the working poor. Rooting for hardship for the middle class that you belong to, when you start thinking that ultra rich people are somehow better than the rest of us, there must be a reason for that.

And the only one I can think of is that people like you and Koshy are failures. Looking for someone to blame.
Anything to blame. Blame unions,.blame government, blame poor people, It doesn't seem to matter WHO you blame as long as you have someone to blame.

I would consider that a failure on your part to think that anyone else is somehow responsible for your position and situation in your life.

And I don't read the liberals or the Democrats or anyone but Repubs and anarchists crying the blues like you all do. Makes me think that the liberals, dems and what nots are doing ok and pretty well satisfied.
I see no evidence that liberals in this forum are happy. If there's anyone spewing hatred, it's liberals. Just look at all the bile and venom spewed at George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Republicans, Southerners, Christians, the "1%", CEOs, Wall street, yada, yada, yada.

The satisfaction you have for your life has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the names you listed above.
They are plutocrats that don't know and don't care that you are alive. Arguing about them means nothing.
Expressing anger, hatred or anything else about those people is a vent. Means nothing.

But when you start hating poor people. Hating the working poor. Rooting for hardship for the middle class that you belong to, when you start thinking that ultra rich people are somehow better than the rest of us, there must be a reason for that.

And the only one I can think of is that people like you and Koshy are failures. Looking for someone to blame.
Anything to blame. Blame unions,.blame government, blame poor people, It doesn't seem to matter WHO you blame as long as you have someone to blame.

I would consider that a failure on your part to think that anyone else is somehow responsible for your position and situation in your life.

And I don't read the liberals or the Democrats or anyone but Repubs and anarchists crying the blues like you all do. Makes me think that the liberals, dems and what nots are doing ok and pretty well satisfied.

Since the far left drones like you use illegal slave labor, what do you know about anything?
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.
Yet businesses do better under Democratic control

So our economy is thriving more today then when the Republican controlled Congress and Democrat President Bill Clinton had to find a way to compromise and work together? I think the facts speaks for themselves.

REALLY? REALLY? What happened in 2001-2007 when the GOP had FULL control of Congress AND the W/H again?

If Obama implements a growth policy on Tuesday and the nation is not back in the black on Thursday, this is a "failed policy."

If Bush in eight years brings us from surplus to crushing deficit, rampant unemployment, an economic black hole, a) his policies just "needed more time to work," and b) it was all Barney Franks' fault. If Obama in eight years, with no economic engine left to work with and a 100% obstructionist congress opposing him at every turn recovers the stock market, reverses the unemployment trend, restores growth and puts the nation back on sound economic footing, but after six years we're not as well off as at the end of the Clinton presidency, these are "failed policies."

You can't make this stuff up.
I see no evidence that liberals in this forum are happy. If there's anyone spewing hatred, it's liberals. Just look at all the bile and venom spewed at George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Republicans, Southerners, Christians, the "1%", CEOs, Wall street, yada, yada, yada.

The satisfaction you have for your life has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the names you listed above.
They are plutocrats that don't know and don't care that you are alive. Arguing about them means nothing.
Expressing anger, hatred or anything else about those people is a vent. Means nothing.

But when you start hating poor people. Hating the working poor. Rooting for hardship for the middle class that you belong to, when you start thinking that ultra rich people are somehow better than the rest of us, there must be a reason for that.

And the only one I can think of is that people like you and Koshy are failures. Looking for someone to blame.
Anything to blame. Blame unions,.blame government, blame poor people, It doesn't seem to matter WHO you blame as long as you have someone to blame.

I would consider that a failure on your part to think that anyone else is somehow responsible for your position and situation in your life.

ROFL! The idiocies you post are so ironic I can't stop laughing. So it's OK to hate some people but not others? Is that your claim?

BTW, I don't hate poor people or the middle class. However, I do blame unions and government social programs for fucking this country up. Your theory that they can't possibly be responsible for any problems and that criticizing the is "hate" only shows what a brainwashed little toad you are.

If anyone who blames others for their position in life, it's liberal turds like you. "The white man is always holding you down." "The glass ceiling is keeping women out of the boardroom." "Republicans won't approve Obama's jobs bill."

Get a grip.

And I don't read the liberals or the Democrats or anyone but Repubs and anarchists crying the blues like you all do. Makes me think that the liberals, dems and what nots are doing ok and pretty well satisfied.

Puhleeze. You can't be serious. All you liberal turds every do is whine. You're constantly whining about the 1%, about Christians, about how the rich are exploiting the middle class, about gays, about how women are so abused. The list is endless.

You just can't take it whenever anyone criticizes all your idiotic notions.
If you call being robbed a "service." Any private firm would be more than happy to take 15% of your income then give it back to you 35 years later with a 2% return.

And if that firm went out of business? This is what makes government programs a better investment.

Your IRA doesn't go out of business. On the other hand, government changes SS all the time. It as reduced benefits and increased the taxes to pay for it.

My IRA's went down quite a bit in 2008. Social Security is always there for us.

Where are they now? Unless, like a dummy, you sold all your stocks, it's higher now than it was in 2008.

I was lucky enough to ride the storm. People that needed at that time were screwed. Socialism rocks. God Bless FDR and LBJ. We haven't had any lefties in the white house since then, unfortunately.

ROFL! Even when you include downturns like 2008, and IRA offers a far better return than Social Security.

You're a big dumb sucker.
Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.

Liberal Dictionary:
hate - winning an argument with a liberal

I see no evidence that liberals in this forum are happy. If there's anyone spewing hatred, it's liberals. Just look at all the bile and venom spewed at George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Republicans, Southerners, Christians, the "1%", CEOs, Wall street, yada, yada, yada.

There's hate on both sides. I see your picture of a little kid flipping the bird. Is that the bird of happiness?

I despise liberals. I'm not the slightest bit ashamed to admit that. But I don't go whining about "hate" all the time like your ilk does.
Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.

Liberal Dictionary:
hate - winning an argument with a liberal

I see no evidence that liberals in this forum are happy. If there's anyone spewing hatred, it's liberals. Just look at all the bile and venom spewed at George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Republicans, Southerners, Christians, the "1%", CEOs, Wall street, yada, yada, yada.

There's hate on both sides. I see your picture of a little kid flipping the bird. Is that the bird of happiness?

I despise liberals. I'm not the slightest bit ashamed to admit that. But I don't go whining about "hate" all the time like your ilk does.
Seems that is all you do
Nope. Constant compromising with evil (liberalism) is how this country fell as low as it is now.

Dude. Sometimes I don't think we live in the same country. Don't you ever wonder how it is that you live a miserable, hate filled life and you support Republicans for the most part. And you have a lot of company on this message board who also live miserable hate filled lives and they to are Repubs.

But the ones that are seemingly pretty happy and successful with some money in their pockets are the ones you call Democrats. Me included.

Maybe you ought to try believing something else beside what you believe. Cause the shit you've been swallowing has made you sick. If you aren't successful with some money, in this country, that's on you dude.

Liberal Dictionary:
hate - winning an argument with a liberal

I see no evidence that liberals in this forum are happy. If there's anyone spewing hatred, it's liberals. Just look at all the bile and venom spewed at George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Republicans, Southerners, Christians, the "1%", CEOs, Wall street, yada, yada, yada.

There's hate on both sides. I see your picture of a little kid flipping the bird. Is that the bird of happiness?

I despise liberals. I'm not the slightest bit ashamed to admit that. But I don't go whining about "hate" all the time like your ilk does.
Seems that is all you do

Wrong. Not only do I despise liberals, I prove they are despicable.

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