The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

Tell me which of these two translations of his thinking makes the most sense, if any, to you:

"The free development of each (individual) is the condition for the free development of all"


"The free development of all is the condition for the free development of each."

I have no idea what "free development" is supposed to mean. Sounds like a trojan. I you replaced it with the word "freedom" - both statements would be equally valid.
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.
Democrats AND Republicans want to make it hard for small businesses AND labor unions in order to maximize shareholder value; that's why the US economy has "recovered" for the richest 10 percent of Americans.

The Federal Reserve has been the sole reason for the market recovery.

The Federal Reserve is one of the main reasons for the market collapse.

LOL, SURE it was

Did the Fed Cause the housing Bubble?

According to research by Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi and Alessandro Rebucci, the housing bubble was caused by "regulatory rather than monetary-policy failures":

Economist s View Did the Fed Cause the housing Bubble

Was it easy money or easy regulation that caused the housing bubble?

after the Fed started to tighten its monetary-policy stance and the prime segment of the mortgage market promptly turned around, the subprime segment of the mortgage market continued to boom, with increased perceived risk of loans portfolios and declining lending standards. Despite this evidence, the first regulatory action to rein in those financial excesses was undertaken only in late 2006, after almost two years of steady increases in the federal funds rate. …

When regulators finally decided to act, it was too late:

Was it easy money or easy regulation that caused the housing bubble AEI Pethokoukis Blog AEIdeas

As a matter of fact, the share of non-prime mortgage over total mortgage originations went from about 20% in 2001 to more than 50% in 2006 (Panel a), experiencing the largest increase in 2004, while the Fed was already tightening its monetary policy stance. A similar pattern emerges in issuance of mortgage-backed securities (MBS), whose share sharply increased in the 2003-06 period (Panel b). Moreover, the share of high-LTV ratio mortgages in the US spiked in 2005 (Panel c), two years after the beginning of monetary-policy tightening. Finally, while the level of perceived risk increased sharply starting in 2004, banks began to ease their lending standards in 2003 and did so even more in the 2004-05 period (Panel d

In the context of our model and according to this evidence, regulatory rather than monetary-policy failures are largely to blame for the occurrence and the severity of the Great Recession. Only by assuming that the Fed was the sole institutional guardian of financial stability, or at least the main one, is it possible to contend that monetary policy is to blame for the 2007-09 financial crisis and the ensuing Great Recession.

Is the Federal Reserve breeding the next financial crisis VOX CEPR s Policy Portal

he Federal Reserve is one of the main reasons for the market collapse.
Do you think the problem results from central banks as an institution or the way the US central bank operates?

All central banks are prone to the same affliction. Debasing the currency is the reason they were created. That's also the primary cause of financial panics.

Libertarians forgetting history

List of recessions in the United States

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.
Democrats AND Republicans want to make it hard for small businesses AND labor unions in order to maximize shareholder value; that's why the US economy has "recovered" for the richest 10 percent of Americans.

The Federal Reserve has been the sole reason for the market recovery.

The Federal Reserve is one of the main reasons for the market collapse.

When was that? The Fed has been pumping in billions every month and the market is still about 17,000 the last time I checked.
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.
Democrats AND Republicans want to make it hard for small businesses AND labor unions in order to maximize shareholder value; that's why the US economy has "recovered" for the richest 10 percent of Americans.

The Federal Reserve has been the sole reason for the market recovery.

The Federal Reserve is one of the main reasons for the market collapse.

When was that? The Fed has been pumping in billions every month and the market is still about 17,000 the last time I checked.
We should have solved simple poverty with that, instead of merely bailing out the wealthiest Capitalists with the (other) Peoples' tax monies.
Since big business controls our gov't I would say the gov't is working hard to give big business anything it wants.

Big business owns the Republicans.


41 Republican Senators Voted Against a Landmark Veterans Bill in February Today They Blame the VA H. A. Goodman

House Republicans vote for business tax cut with no offset -

Republicans want to screw our veterans, but help business with higher profits.

Another example of why bills should be written and passed by consensus.
Too much politics with people pushing to ADD separate clauses to a bill, or REFUSING to vote on them separately,
so we can't tell what they are voting for or objecting to.

if we took the solutions people wanted, and wrote that into the legislation where all sides agree,
we might get better laws passed instead of this political football.

Example of a well written federal law passed unanimously by Congress:
the Code of Ethics for Govt Service
You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

Would a developer do anything he's not required to do? Really?

If you worked out development plans as a community,
these decisions can be made together, not necessarily forced by law,
but out of effectiveness, good business and good design.

In my home district, it has been a disaster trying to get the city and
the developers to do anything with respect to national history,
regardless of the laws or not. If there isn't that respectful relationship,
no amount of laws is going to guarantee anything anyway.

So don't do business with developers or cities that don't respect
the consent of the community in the first place.

If you work with community friendly business leaders, then
you won't have these problems. Laws are not enough,
there has to be agreement to respect the consent of others
and to resolve conflicts and make decisions by consensus.
And again, I've never promoted Socialism, I've pointed out that Socialist Ideals help the middle class prosper.

Free education for children and abolishing child labor are Marxism. Think we should reverse those?

the difference is where people AGREE to govt regulations, or managing some things through govt.
with public schools, no, there has been an ongoing issue with what things can and cannot be
taught in schools since people of mixed beliefs are funding these. It is getting to the point that
communities may need to buy out their local schools and make decisions locally per district,
instead of fighting through states. One size or one rule does not fit all, and we are outgrowing that model.

As for your business OnePercenter
you said how you give millions to USO from your business.
this is by free market choice, and not mandated by govt.
If you were forced to do it by law, that becomes different.

What about people who want their money to go into
historic preservation or environmental restoration of national landmarks
that there is not funding to pay for?

Why is govt mandating that people pay for health insurance to private companies
and not have equal options of paying for historic preservation to save endangered communities,
even including restoring health care programs and services so the plans include health care?

Dictating what we should pay for becomes problematic.
If it's national security, those costs should still be accountable.
If it's for education, health care, and other subjective costs,
the consent of the public must be the basis of such agreements what and how to pay for them
since this involves social values.

Do you take into consideration the difference also between
laws passed on a state level, vs. federal laws that are not directly voted on or checked by the people?

I do want to encourage you to get involved in business reforms of govt.
I see this happening by working locally and with states, and organizations
especially Vet programs such as USO and USAA (insurance) to set up
better business models. And then after proving what works, replicate those solutions
and train more Vets, business and govt leaders, to run these programs and
base govt on that. The most effective sustainable solutions will sell themselves by example.

Do you like the idea of setting up business models and campus districts
to train vets to run businesses, schools, teaching hospital and health care facilities,
prisons and correctional programs for rehab recovery and restitution, and local govt
before running for higher office? what do you think of this plan: Earned Amnesty
You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

Would a developer do anything he's not required to do? Really?

If you worked out development plans as a community,
these decisions can be made together, not necessarily forced by law,
but out of effectiveness, good business and good design.

In my home district, it has been a disaster trying to get the city and
the developers to do anything with respect to national history,
regardless of the laws or not. If there isn't that respectful relationship,
no amount of laws is going to guarantee anything anyway.

So don't do business with developers or cities that don't respect
the consent of the community in the first place.

If you work with community friendly business leaders, then
you won't have these problems. Laws are not enough,
there has to be agreement to respect the consent of others
and to resolve conflicts and make decisions by consensus.

Getting the government involved is why these things are so fucked up.
Getting the government involved is why these things are so fucked up.
Giving rich capitalists control over government is why society and the global economy appear as fucked up as they do.
"Historical materialism is a methodological approach to the study of society, economics, and history first articulated by Karl Marx (1818–1883) as the materialist conception of history. It is a theory of socioeconomic development according to which changes in material conditions (technology and productive capacity) are the primary influence on how society and the economy are organised."
Historical materialism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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I have no idea what "free development" is supposed to mean. Sounds like a trojan. I you replaced it with the word "freedom" - both statements would be equally valid.
I suppose "free development" would include free education and health care for all citizens in exchange for a 50% federal tax rate on all forms of income.
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.
Democrats AND Republicans want to make it hard for small businesses AND labor unions in order to maximize shareholder value; that's why the US economy has "recovered" for the richest 10 percent of Americans.

The Federal Reserve has been the sole reason for the market recovery.

The Federal Reserve is one of the main reasons for the market collapse.

When was that? The Fed has been pumping in billions every month and the market is still about 17,000 the last time I checked.
We should have solved simple poverty with that, instead of merely bailing out the wealthiest Capitalists with the (other) Peoples' tax monies.

How would you do that? Give everyone a handful of money that didn't have any and tell them they are no longer in poverty?
A form of minimum wage as compensation for simply being unemployed would provide more stimulus than simply bailing out the wealthiest.
You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

Would a developer do anything he's not required to do? Really?

If you worked out development plans as a community,
these decisions can be made together, not necessarily forced by law,
but out of effectiveness, good business and good design.

In my home district, it has been a disaster trying to get the city and
the developers to do anything with respect to national history,
regardless of the laws or not. If there isn't that respectful relationship,
no amount of laws is going to guarantee anything anyway.

So don't do business with developers or cities that don't respect
the consent of the community in the first place.

If you work with community friendly business leaders, then
you won't have these problems. Laws are not enough,
there has to be agreement to respect the consent of others
and to resolve conflicts and make decisions by consensus.

Getting the government involved is why these things are so fucked up.

Hi bripat9643 Did you see the thread I started, citing the principles of the Veterans Party ? Cool Veterans Party of America social legislation is unconstitutional US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Best description I ever read, that all "social legislation" is unconstitutional because the govt is not authorized to legislate.
You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

Would a developer do anything he's not required to do? Really?

If you worked out development plans as a community,
these decisions can be made together, not necessarily forced by law,
but out of effectiveness, good business and good design.

In my home district, it has been a disaster trying to get the city and
the developers to do anything with respect to national history,
regardless of the laws or not. If there isn't that respectful relationship,
no amount of laws is going to guarantee anything anyway.

So don't do business with developers or cities that don't respect
the consent of the community in the first place.

If you work with community friendly business leaders, then
you won't have these problems. Laws are not enough,
there has to be agreement to respect the consent of others
and to resolve conflicts and make decisions by consensus.

Getting the government involved is why these things are so fucked up.

Hi bripat9643 Did you see the thread I started, citing the principles of the Veterans Party ? Cool Veterans Party of America social legislation is unconstitutional US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Best description I ever read, that all "social legislation" is unconstitutional because the govt is not authorized to legislate.

Doomed to failure. The last thing we need is another right-wing political party.
You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

Would a developer do anything he's not required to do? Really?

If you worked out development plans as a community,
these decisions can be made together, not necessarily forced by law,
but out of effectiveness, good business and good design.

In my home district, it has been a disaster trying to get the city and
the developers to do anything with respect to national history,
regardless of the laws or not. If there isn't that respectful relationship,
no amount of laws is going to guarantee anything anyway.

So don't do business with developers or cities that don't respect
the consent of the community in the first place.

If you work with community friendly business leaders, then
you won't have these problems. Laws are not enough,
there has to be agreement to respect the consent of others
and to resolve conflicts and make decisions by consensus.

Getting the government involved is why these things are so fucked up.

Hi bripat9643 Did you see the thread I started, citing the principles of the Veterans Party ? Cool Veterans Party of America social legislation is unconstitutional US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Best description I ever read, that all "social legislation" is unconstitutional because the govt is not authorized to legislate.

Doomed to failure. The last thing we need is another right-wing political party.

bripat9643 Why not delegate reform projects to EACH party to form their own solutions around?
Why not have a Pres/VP form their teams and cabinets using the best leaders and solutions from each party
that PROVES their solutions/reforms work best?

instead of wasting millions or billions on candidates running against each other,
why not invest that into solutions they BELIEVE and WANT to prove works to SHOW their leadership.

So we have 10 candidates investing 10 million each to solve problems they have good solutions for,
And the public wins either way
a. either prove those things DIDN'T work without experimenting on taxpayers, but using donation funded by supporters only
b. prove those programs DO work, again using donor and support funds, not gambling at taxpayer expense
c. possibly KEEPING these solutions in the PRIVATE sector and NOT passing legislation to implement through govt
(so shifting from govt back to business or community programs run independently)
d. campaigning for future office holders using PROOF of what works and how well they lead/manage in which areas

Think of all the money and campaigning these parties do collectively and individually.
Why not invest that directly into solutions and make them pay to prove what works and who are the best leaders?
Would a developer do anything he's not required to do? Really?

If you worked out development plans as a community,
these decisions can be made together, not necessarily forced by law,
but out of effectiveness, good business and good design.

In my home district, it has been a disaster trying to get the city and
the developers to do anything with respect to national history,
regardless of the laws or not. If there isn't that respectful relationship,
no amount of laws is going to guarantee anything anyway.

So don't do business with developers or cities that don't respect
the consent of the community in the first place.

If you work with community friendly business leaders, then
you won't have these problems. Laws are not enough,
there has to be agreement to respect the consent of others
and to resolve conflicts and make decisions by consensus.

Getting the government involved is why these things are so fucked up.

Hi bripat9643 Did you see the thread I started, citing the principles of the Veterans Party ? Cool Veterans Party of America social legislation is unconstitutional US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Best description I ever read, that all "social legislation" is unconstitutional because the govt is not authorized to legislate.

Doomed to failure. The last thing we need is another right-wing political party.

bripat9643 Why not delegate reform projects to EACH party to form their own solutions around?
Why not have a Pres/VP form their teams and cabinets using the best leaders and solutions from each party
that PROVES their solutions/reforms work best?

instead of wasting millions or billions on candidates running against each other,
why not invest that into solutions they BELIEVE and WANT to prove works to SHOW their leadership.

So we have 10 candidates investing 10 million each to solve problems they have good solutions for,
And the public wins either way
a. either prove those things DIDN'T work without experimenting on taxpayers, but using donation funded by supporters only
b. prove those programs DO work, again using donor and support funds, not gambling at taxpayer expense
c. possibly KEEPING these solutions in the PRIVATE sector and NOT passing legislation to implement through govt
(so shifting from govt back to business or community programs run independently)
d. campaigning for future office holders using PROOF of what works and how well they lead/manage in which areas

Think of all the money and campaigning these parties do collectively and individually.
Why not invest that directly into solutions and make them pay to prove what works and who are the best leaders?

Liberals aren't interested in solving problems. They are only interested in expanding government and looting the productive for the benefit of parasites. Any plan that requires their active participation is doomed to failure.

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