The Cancer That Is Netanyahu

Wouldn't know. Based on the archeological evidence, it's doubtful.

Most of what is "The Bible" Wasn't written until the 5th Century BCE. Made up by religious fanatics resettled into the region by the Persians.

The evidence we do have is that Yahweh was just one of many Gods worshipped in the region.

You didn’t know the Tanakh existed before the “The Bible”?

You didnt know the Tanakh and the Bible are different compilations?
A lot of decent Jews see that Zionism is disgracing their beliefs and culture.

Zionism is what happpens when an abused people are allowed to abuse someone else.

And the lefties calling for the death of Israelis makes that number less and less.

ppproblem with spelling?
Except no one is really doing that... man, you guys are great at hyperbole. It's almost stereotypical.

Nope, just a typo, buddy... but if that's all you have to go on, I can see why your arguments are weak.

Yes, they are. Stop trying to speak for the angry brown people.
You didn’t know the Tanakh existed before the “The Bible”?

You didnt know the Tanakh and the Bible are different compilations?

Most Jewish scholars are saying the Tanakh was written between the 9th century BC and the 5th century.

800 years after Moses. Genesis and Exodus were written after the Babylonian exile. They think the laws came first.. namely Leviticus.
Yes, they are. Stop trying to speak for the angry brown people.
No, they aren't. They are calling for the Zionists to stop murdering women and children over a false flag operation.

I haven't seen anyone calling for the death of Israelis. Where are you getting that information from?
Don't you know, a Jewish Student had his feelings hurt on Campus, and it's the worst thing ever.

Just ignore those people they are pulling out of the rubble in Gaza City.
cancer my ass.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's plan is to defeat terrorism. Giving Iran and Hamas free reign to create terror is not the way to long lasting peace.

The key, IMHO, for a tremendous future for Palestinians is for them to renounce Terrorism forever and to surrender unconditionally to the Jews. Then they can move on.

In 1945 President Truman didn't seek a truce or ceasefire from Emperor Hirohito of the Empire of Japan. He sought and obtained capitulation. The Japanese might not have liked it at the time, but in the medium to long run, they've had a very successful run since the one sided peace was signed on the Missouri in Tokyo Bay. Now its time for the Pals to realize they have reached the end of the road.
Bibi is a terrorist himself because he promotes terrorism. That was shown during the false flag 911, and it's shown again with this Oct 7 event.

The Israeli government and its lapdog government in Washington DC are the largest purveyors of violence on the planet. They brought the Global War Of Terror 20 years ago and have not looked back.
Interesting article.

The problem is that Netanyahu isn't the disease, he's just the rash it has broken out into.

The disease is Zionism, which has always been predicated on a lie.

That lie is "A land without a people for a people without a land." Except that land had people on it and they weren't pleased with being displaced.

I remember back in the 1980s, in UIC< every year we'd have the Jewish club, Hillel, would organize an Israeli Independence Day celebration, and every year, the Palestinians students would march around in a circle chanting, "Palestine is Arab Land". and "Reagan, Began you can't hide, we charge you with Genocide".

Here I am now, an old man, 40 years later, and they are still fighting, people who weren't even born yet when those demonstrations happened.

It’s true, there were people there before. But the Arabs were conquered, they also tried to take back the land and failed. Losing wars has consequences. This is the way of the world. Now they started the war back up, and are losing bad.
It’s true, there were people there before. But the Arabs were conquered, they also tried to take back the land and failed. Losing wars has consequences. This is the way of the world. Now they started the war back up, and are losing bad.

Um, yeah, here's the thing.

What does "victory" look like for the Zionists? It seems if they have to keep defeating the Palestinians, then they aren't really winning.
It’s true, there were people there before. But the Arabs were conquered, they also tried to take back the land and failed. Losing wars has consequences. This is the way of the world. Now they started the war back up, and are losing bad.

International law does n't allow colonization of occupied territory. The Israelis just don't care about the law.

Read the Likud Charter. They want a Jewish state from the Jordan River to the sea.

Anything else they say is a lie.
Um, yeah, here's the thing.

What does "victory" look like for the Zionists? It seems if they have to keep defeating the Palestinians, then they aren't really winning.
Netanyahu is doing to the Palestinian cockroaches what Thatcher should have done to the Micks.
I haven't seen anyone calling for the death of Israelis. Where are you getting that information from?

From the river to the sea is a call for extermination. Stop playing slick.

Hamas' charter explicitly calls for it.
No, they aren't. They are calling for the Zionists to stop murdering women and children over a false flag operation.

Don't you know, a Jewish Student had his feelings hurt on Campus, and it's the worst thing ever.

Just ignore those people they are pulling out of the rubble in Gaza City.

Bull fucking shit. Stop pretending your mind can create new realities.

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