The Capitol 'CREEP LIST': Is YOUR CURRENT Elected Representative on the list? Ryan on the Hunt! LOL!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
'Nothing about it felt right': More than 50 people describe sexual harassment on Capitol Hill


That look above is for Ryan's first pick. CIC Great Bone Spur Douche. That be lipless happiness there!

So, on we go with speaker Eddie Munsters CREEP LIST HUNT!
Get that list.

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s office has been in touch with Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell’s people about getting a hold of “The Creep List” if such a thing actually exists, we’re told.

Be extra careful of the male lawmakers who sleep in their offices -- they can be trouble. Avoid finding yourself alone with a congressman or senator in elevators, late-night meetings or events where alcohol is flowing. And think twice before speaking out about sexual harassment from a boss -- it could cost you your career.

On Tuesday, CNN revealed that “an informal roster passed along by word-of-mouth” lists lawmakers who have allegedly practiced inappropriate sexual behavior in the halls of power. Now, a D.C. insider tells us that “high ranking” reps for Ryan and McConnell, have discussed “an investigation” to find out which G.O.P. politicos are on that alleged list so they can deal with them now, rather than facing unwanted surprises when those politicians’ House seats come up for a vote.
Congress has a sexual harassment problem, lawmakers and staffers say - CNNPolitics


I want that list too! Add them all girls. Go for these Family Value FAKES!
Where is Larry Flynt?

FFS! Please find the DC list of CURRENT CREEPS IN OFFICE! Let's stay focused
on possible trials on ALL!:lmao::popcorn:.
btw: I would think Ryan will make a Dems only list to save his ASS!
So, Girls, you need to expose Speaker Eddies upcoming lies!

btw: Really, seems 1/3 of the males and say 20 females should be on the list.
So, that's some 180 plus should be possible.:uhh:
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