The Cappucino Corral

Been gone all day.......went to lunch with friends, now I'm going off again.....but Hi, everyone..


How did you like Survivor this past Wednesday? Tyler is gone....can't feel sorry for him, he wasn't able to win any immunity challenges. But now, it is getting really interesting...if Mike doesn't win the next immunity challenge, he will probably bid adieu....looks like they are all gunning for him.

Rodney really made a spectacle of himself, whining about one of them not giving him their reward....what the heck! They earned it....if you want reward, you need to earn it at least once....he needs to go, too. It's looking pretty good for Carolyn....she still has her immunity idol. and nobody knows about it except Tyler, and he's gone.
Good morning - good people..........

We're getting so much rain was rainy all day yesterday, and we're supposed to get rain this weekend and all of next week....most unusual. It doesn't rain all day, it is just dark and dreary, and it sprinkles in between little showers....much needed, so I'm not complaining at all...:)


How did you like Survivor this past Wednesday? Tyler is gone....can't feel sorry for him, he wasn't able to win any immunity challenges. But now, it is getting really interesting...if Mike doesn't win the next immunity challenge, he will probably bid adieu....looks like they are all gunning for him.

Rodney really made a spectacle of himself, whining about one of them not giving him their reward....what the heck! They earned it....if you want reward, you need to earn it at least once....he needs to go, too. It's looking pretty good for Carolyn....she still has her immunity idol. and nobody knows about it except Tyler, and he's gone.
I'm in California right now, so I haven't been able to see it. WOW Tyler gone! Rodney is a big cry baby :lol: I think Mike will be gone, but I am excited to see who is going to emerge as winner :)
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Morning everybody! I'm just lounging in bed drinking some coffee, surfing the web.

My Sister is coming to visit for a week or so. She wants to visit the Amish Community round here and visit Gettysburg about 15 miles from my house. We'll visit Grandpa down at Arlington Cemetery too. Ill pick her up at about 11:30 tonight. My Wife is in California on business.

I have two other half sisters, one I haven't seen since her wedding in 1979 (or 1980 cant remember) and the other is into weird, New Age, Ascended Master, Pleiades People stuff.

Gotta' go shopping, finish mowing the lawn (great weather for it) and straighten up the house so my sister doesn't think I'm a TOTAL slob!

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