The Cappucino Corral

I had a good day, although it was spent mostly sleeping, or fighting against it. A dark day, a comfy position in my chair....voila!

Mertex, did the birthday cake come through, that I posted for you? If not, my apologies, and next year I'll offer more than one! That way maybe at least one will work...hopefully.

I had a good day, although it was spent mostly sleeping, or fighting against it. A dark day, a comfy position in my chair....voila!

Mertex, did the birthday cake come through, that I posted for you? If not, my apologies, and next year I'll offer more than one! That way maybe at least one will work...hopefully.

I'm glad you mentioned it....I had to go back and look, don't know how I missed it. Usually my alerts take me to the very last post I read....but somehow it skipped over it.

Thank you so looks lovely and was a nice day, lots of good wishes and nice comments. The rain continues....which is good, but every day being dark is kinda depressing.

Thanks, again!
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis of the world, and a good day of Thor to you.
Hope you have enjoyed a hearty helping of happy humpings yesterday!!


Today is Father's Day in Germany, also "Christi Himmelfahrt" (Ascension), which is a national holiday, so most people here have the day off. My daughter came to me yesterday evening because she wanted to celebrate Father's Day with me and just as I suspected from this Sunday posting of mine, she got up before Papa, went to the kitchen and started doing stuff, including making the coffee again. :coffee:

She then came into my bedroom and led me to the breakfast nook in our kitchen and I saw this:

20150514_073731 (Groß).jpg

A little closer up:

20150514_073745 (Groß).jpg

"Dear Papi, (I wish you) everything good for Father's Day."

That made my day.

She's with me until about 2 PM, then she's invited to a friend's birthday party and although most Germans have the day off, I have 3 hours of work in the afternoon and this evening, when the weather cools down, my best buddy and I are doing a 10-15 K run along the Rhine River. :thup:

Have a good one, folks.
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis of the world, and a good day of Thor to you.
Hope you have enjoyed a hearty helping of happy humpings yesterday!!


Today is Father's Day in Germany, also "Christi Himmelfahrt" (Ascension), which is a national holiday, so most people here have the day off. My daughter came to me yesterday evening because she wanted to celebrate Father's Day with me and just as I suspected from this Sunday posting of mine, she got up before Papa, went to the kitchen and started doing stuff, including making the coffee again. :coffee:

She then came into my bedroom and led me to the breakfast nook in our kitchen and I saw this:

View attachment 41220

A little closer up:

View attachment 41221

"Dear Papi, (I wish you) everything good for Father's Day."

That made my day.

She's with me until about 2 PM, then she's invited to a friend's birthday party and although most Germans have the day off, I have 3 hours of work in the afternoon and this evening, when the weather cools down, my best buddy and I are doing a 10-15 K run along the Rhine River. :thup:

Have a good one, folks.

Happy Father's Day, Stat............enjoy every minute of it!

How did you like Survivor last night? I thought it was amazing....I'm so glad Carolyn played her immunity idol, or she would have gone home with it in her pocket. I am so glad that Dan was sent packing. While I wasn't a "Mike" favorite, I disliked Dan even more. Rodney acts like such a baby, wanting everyone to gift him their rewards cause he hasn't been able to win one for himself....what a putz.

Now I'm pulling for Carolyn. She wasn't one of my favorites at the start but she seems to be pulling her weight, winning challenges and truly deserving to win. I can say the same thing about Mike, but I can't overlook Mike's behavior in the past when he didn't keep his word. I hope Joe wins some award.....most "liked" player or something.

Rodney, Will and Sierra have done nothing to deserve winning Survivor, in my opinion....:)

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