The Cappucino Corral

Morning everybody! I'm just lounging in bed drinking some coffee, surfing the web.

My Sister is coming to visit for a week or so. She wants to visit the Amish Community round here and visit Gettysburg about 15 miles from my house. We'll visit Grandpa down at Arlington Cemetery too. Ill pick her up at about 11:30 tonight. My Wife is in California on business.

I have two other half sisters, one I haven't seen since her wedding in 1979 (or 1980 cant remember) and the other is into weird, New Age, Ascended Master, Pleiades People stuff.

Gotta' go shopping, finish mowing the lawn (great weather for it) and straighten up the house so my sister doesn't think I'm a TOTAL slob!

Neat! I hope you have a lot of fun with your family. I am visiting my significant others family in california right now.

How did you like Survivor this past Wednesday? Tyler is gone....can't feel sorry for him, he wasn't able to win any immunity challenges. But now, it is getting really interesting...if Mike doesn't win the next immunity challenge, he will probably bid adieu....looks like they are all gunning for him.

Rodney really made a spectacle of himself, whining about one of them not giving him their reward....what the heck! They earned it....if you want reward, you need to earn it at least once....he needs to go, too. It's looking pretty good for Carolyn....she still has her immunity idol. and nobody knows about it except Tyler, and he's gone.
I'm in California right now, so I haven't been able to see it. WOW Tyler gone! Rodney is a big cry baby :lol: I think Mike will be gone, but I am excited to see who is going to emerge as winner :)


Yep, Mike had to play his immunity idol, and he convinced several to vote for Tyler. Dan and Rodney are hanging on....two that I hate to see go to the end. There's Mike, Will, Rodney and Dan, and from the women only Sierra and Carolyn are left...Mike has to win an immunity idol next Wednesday in order to stay in....I'm sure they will all vote for him if he doesn't. Then it will be slim pickings. I don't want Dan to win, and Rodney and Will would just be weaklings that anyone would take along to the end to insure a win.

I guess from what's left, I like Carolyn the most, and she wasn't one of my favorites until after Joe got booted out.
Hi all, we've had a lot of rain here as well. It's going to get close to 70 today and I will be planting lot of stuff in the garden. My daughter is going over to her cousin's for a sleepover and is super excited.

Have a good Saturday all!!

My veg garden is exploding with all the rain we've had. I've already made some fried green tomatoes, as my plants are bursting with green tomatoes. None have turned red yet...maybe by next week. My radishes did well, but it's getting too hot for them now...they don't like the heat much. I think I might have some nice green beans in a couple of weeks....the plants already have some tiny thin ones hanging on....looking forward to a lot of grilled veggies.

Girls love sleepovers....I remember when my daughter used to have them...I always had to go and quiet them down caused they would giggle and laugh way into the night....and their voices would carry over the AC vents....argh......but they had so much fun. Hope your daughter enjoys herself.
Morning everybody! I'm just lounging in bed drinking some coffee, surfing the web.

My Sister is coming to visit for a week or so. She wants to visit the Amish Community round here and visit Gettysburg about 15 miles from my house. We'll visit Grandpa down at Arlington Cemetery too. Ill pick her up at about 11:30 tonight. My Wife is in California on business.

I have two other half sisters, one I haven't seen since her wedding in 1979 (or 1980 cant remember) and the other is into weird, New Age, Ascended Master, Pleiades People stuff.

Gotta' go shopping, finish mowing the lawn (great weather for it) and straighten up the house so my sister doesn't think I'm a TOTAL slob!

Hey, dude, hope you have a good time with your sister!!

Don't forget to hide the Penthouse-mags way, way, way under the bed!!!


And I'm really glad that you are stopping by the CC so regularly.
Good Morning, Cappuccinistis of the World!

Today, for the first time ever, my daugher made coffee for me and brought it to me in bed. That was 7 AM this morning, about 5 hours ago. Early bird makes the coffee!

She set her alarm clock in her room, got up early, got the coffee pot all set up and brewed the cool stuff for me all on her own. When I am not using my milk frother to make Cappu, I usually brew ground espresso beans. The coffee then tastes stronger but actually has less caffeine and less acid. I heard her get up and her little feet padd off into the kitchen, so I figured she was up to something.

So, she brought it into my room and I tasted it: it was WAY too strong, but with some milk and a little sugar and a BIG hug and kiss from Papa, I got it down.

My heart is now going about 400 over 200 right now...


Usually at this time on Sunday we go swimming, but when we got to the local pool, it apparently had a major plumbing leak overnight and is unexpectedly closed today. Bummer. Then, on the way back home, my bike got a flat and the inner tire that a buddy put in about 9 months ago is non-standard and cannot be blown up by a normal pump. So, we came back home and, seeing dreary clouds in the sky and considering that little Miss Statalina did an overnighter at her best friend's place on Friday and is still tired from it, she is now enjoying a Scooby-Doo marathon on Cartoonito and I am sitting right next to her, USMBing. Later, we will go roller skating. So, Wolfsister77 - I know what you went through. :)

My little daughter also saw some of my fractals on the computer and is now totally turned on by them. I had my fractal program active whilst USMBing...

ALL ON HER OWN, without a hint from me, she looked at the orginal Mandelbrot configuration and said, in German, "Papa, this pattern is all over the place, in plants, in the forests, in animals".

I was floored. She is 8 years old and noticed this all on her own. I then curved my finger and she yipped for joy and said "Papa, this pattern is in US, too". And then I showed her some pics of neigboring galaxies and she said "Papa, it's out there, too". And I just nodded. Smart little cookie, my Princess Statalina.

So, we just had a discussion about the interesting mathematical pattern that makes Mandelbrot so interesting, which is why I just revived this Fractal thread that had been getting dusty:

Fractals US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you haven't been their before, the first posting is really, really helpful. There are now 800 fractals out there, prolly less than 0.001% of all possible fractals to be found on the net, so if you are into that kind of stuff, feel free to help get that thread really revved up again. And though it's a helluva lot of postings, you might want to just scan through all of them really fast, to avoid too many duplications.

Cool stuff. Ok, time to go skating. Please wish me luck that I don't break an ankle.


And have a good Sunday, folks!!!

Derideo_Te - I thought the Mandelbrot account from this morning would especially interest you.
Happy Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there and Happy Birthday Mertex

Although my mom passed away a few years ago, my daughter and I can spend some time together today and that will we wonderful.

Same to you Wolfie....hope you have a great day enjoying spending time with your daughter.
Spent mother's day traipsing all over Arlington Cemetary with my sister visiting Grandpa and the Kennedy's. Saw the Iwo Jima memorial up close for the first time. It's on its own roundabout so it's sorta hard to park there.

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