The Cappucino Corral

Good morning, Cappuccinistis.

In and out a lot today, tons of work.

Just checking in to say HI.



Man....I got up with the biggest sinus headache ever. I didn't want to take an Alka-Seltzer Plus (which usually kicks it right out) because the last time I took one (last week), I was so groggy afterwards all I wanted to do was curl up somewhere and sleep. So, I haven't been here because for some reason reading and responding seems to aggravate the headache even more. It finally went away, on it's own.....must be something in the air I'm allergic to. I usually get these sinus headaches in April and September, so they're a little early this year....:(
Glad you are now feeling better. Strange, my headache went away late last evening...

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Well, as a matter of fact, I've been getting my sinus headaches almost every morning since I got back from my trip. Must be mold in the air or some other stuff I'm allergic to, but I take an Alka Seltzer Plus and it knocks it right out. Haven't had the problem with the sleepiness, it must have been a fluke that day....maybe I didn't get enough sleep the night before. Anyway....I'm glad that we've gotten some rain.
Good morning and TGIF, Cappuccinistis of the world.

I was injured in a bike accident late Wednesday and am still healing, won't be on so much. And typing with one arm is kinda difficult.

Have a good one.




Thanks, brother Deri!
We took these leaded glass panels out of the house were selling and hung them in the master bedroom at the lake house. They're in the east window so cast any tiny rainbows at dawn. Originally from a house in Kansas City many many years ago. The chandeliers are ancient. Four of them and matching sconces. Little by little, getting rid of antiques, books and 30 years of detritus and the lake house looking really nice. Love it and can't imagine living anywhere else.


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Good morning, Cappuccinistis of the world.

This evening is the beginning of the Jewish Day of Atonement, known as YOM KIPPUR, part of the Yomaim No'reem (The days of awe - the 10 days from Rosh Hashonah through Yom Kippur).
About 10 days ago, we started the year 5,776. Pretty old, eh?

Yom Kippur 5776 (2015) | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So, I will be going offline soon and staying offline until Wednesday evening or maybe Thursday morning.

This day is of great importance to me, for my life, and for my after-life.

So, have a good one, have lots of fun here, and I will see you all either Wednesday evening or Thursday.



Oh, and Luddley, I expect a big cookie when I get back!!! :lol:

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