The Cappucino Corral

Well, the weather got down to 5 celcius last night, so, against my inclinations, I may even have to turn the heating on early this year. Brrrrr...... or get a new girlfriend. Just trying to figure out which one is cheaper and less of a headache.


What if the GF wants you to turn on the heat?

Now a fluffy puppy that curled up on the foot of your bed would be a third option. :D


Oh, how I miss my Klia, but that puppy is just outstanding!!! So sweet.

Thanks Deri, that was really nice of you, it warmed my heart, bud.
I think a distraction will help get everyone's mind off politics. So...

Next Tuesday I'll start the signups for my Bastard Mafia game. Yay!
I'm so disappointed with Home Depot.....we were trying to get a bi-fold door to go between our den and our sunroom so we checked with them. Had a guy come out and measure, and told us that Home Depot would be able to cut if need be, one of the many bi-fold doors they carry. After waiting for 3 days and not hearing from them, we called, they couldn't find the paperwork they started on us, but finally the guy was able to find the "measurements" that one of their workers took 3 days before!!! So, we went in, and had to wait for a while as no one was in the "door" area. Finally, after Mr. Mertex went up to customer service and inquired, they sent someone to help us. Well, long story short, they didn't have a door to fit our measurements, and they don't cut or custom make doors, so we just wasted a whole week with them, damn. I found another place that has a web-site and advertises just what we need. Hope this one doesn't do the same as Home Depot!
I have had a lot of trouble there recently as well. They have screwed up several orders for us. I wish we had the old fashioned local hardware stores here but they all went out when HD and Lowes opened.
Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I am super busy with work but I will try to stop by as often as I can. Do I have to be a coffee drinker to join? :wink:

I drink plenty of Caffeine otherwise, LOL.
I'm so disappointed with Home Depot.....we were trying to get a bi-fold door to go between our den and our sunroom so we checked with them. Had a guy come out and measure, and told us that Home Depot would be able to cut if need be, one of the many bi-fold doors they carry. After waiting for 3 days and not hearing from them, we called, they couldn't find the paperwork they started on us, but finally the guy was able to find the "measurements" that one of their workers took 3 days before!!! So, we went in, and had to wait for a while as no one was in the "door" area. Finally, after Mr. Mertex went up to customer service and inquired, they sent someone to help us. Well, long story short, they didn't have a door to fit our measurements, and they don't cut or custom make doors, so we just wasted a whole week with them, damn. I found another place that has a web-site and advertises just what we need. Hope this one doesn't do the same as Home Depot!

Oh, Lord, I forgot completely that Home Depot even exists......

In Germany, when you go to a hardware store (there is one about 4 blocks from my place), you are on your own. Cold shoulder.

I'll use them for whatever things I need that they sell, but I'm crossing them off my list for big projects. It's not the first time that we've had to go elsewhere because Home Depot didn't deliver like they claim they do.
Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I am super busy with work but I will try to stop by as often as I can. Do I have to be a coffee drinker to join? :wink:

I drink plenty of Caffeine otherwise, LOL.

Drink anything you way, Wolfsister77 . Here we don't discriminate against people based on what they drink. In fact, we don't discriminate at all, like (cough, cough, cough) some other places do.... :D
I'm so disappointed with Home Depot.....we were trying to get a bi-fold door to go between our den and our sunroom so we checked with them. Had a guy come out and measure, and told us that Home Depot would be able to cut if need be, one of the many bi-fold doors they carry. After waiting for 3 days and not hearing from them, we called, they couldn't find the paperwork they started on us, but finally the guy was able to find the "measurements" that one of their workers took 3 days before!!! So, we went in, and had to wait for a while as no one was in the "door" area. Finally, after Mr. Mertex went up to customer service and inquired, they sent someone to help us. Well, long story short, they didn't have a door to fit our measurements, and they don't cut or custom make doors, so we just wasted a whole week with them, damn. I found another place that has a web-site and advertises just what we need. Hope this one doesn't do the same as Home Depot!
I have had a lot of trouble there recently as well. They have screwed up several orders for us. I wish we had the old fashioned local hardware stores here but they all went out when HD and Lowes opened.

I guess they are okay for plants, tools, and other things they carry, but not so sure about major jobs, unless you have a lot of patience and don't mind dealing with people that may not be experts in that particular field.
I'm so disappointed with Home Depot.....we were trying to get a bi-fold door to go between our den and our sunroom so we checked with them. Had a guy come out and measure, and told us that Home Depot would be able to cut if need be, one of the many bi-fold doors they carry. After waiting for 3 days and not hearing from them, we called, they couldn't find the paperwork they started on us, but finally the guy was able to find the "measurements" that one of their workers took 3 days before!!! So, we went in, and had to wait for a while as no one was in the "door" area. Finally, after Mr. Mertex went up to customer service and inquired, they sent someone to help us. Well, long story short, they didn't have a door to fit our measurements, and they don't cut or custom make doors, so we just wasted a whole week with them, damn. I found another place that has a web-site and advertises just what we need. Hope this one doesn't do the same as Home Depot!
I have had a lot of trouble there recently as well. They have screwed up several orders for us. I wish we had the old fashioned local hardware stores here but they all went out when HD and Lowes opened.

Oh, and welcome to the Forum pepperpot. I believe you are new. Hope you enjoy posting here.
Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I am super busy with work but I will try to stop by as often as I can. Do I have to be a coffee drinker to join? :wink:

I drink plenty of Caffeine otherwise, LOL.

If you drink beer or wine, you're still welcomed.

I like wine. Love a good margarita. Beer, I'm pickier about.
I love coffee and tea and am partial to whiskey. I won't refuse red wine.

For some reason white wine gives me a headache. Vodka gives me terrible hangovers.

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