The Cappucino Corral

Good Tuesday morning, fellow Cappucinistas of the world. I woke up with a massive headache today. Could be last night's whiskey, though. It's all her fault.... women absolutely make us do things we don't want to do, honest!!!!!!!!! :D

I think I'll make a Cappuccino now....


Funny you should mention "headache"......I fell on my ass this morning trying to put my sweat pants on....I should sit down for that, but I was standing up on one leg, had my other leg halfway into my sweat when I started to lose my balance.....couldn't save myself....hit my head on the edge of the hamper/medicine wood cabinet. I hit it hard....I now have a bump in my head and my whole head is sore....even my neck. Damn, I'm glad you all didn't see that!......:D

Yes, good thing only some of us saw. ;)

Darn, don't tell me you work for NSA?

I didn't know there was a No Sex Association. Fortunately, I'm not a member.

There is no "No Sex Association" - men would have voted it down..........but if you saw me in my have som splaining to do!

Not the first time I was asked to explain something...
Funny you should mention "headache"......I fell on my ass this morning trying to put my sweat pants on....I should sit down for that, but I was standing up on one leg, had my other leg halfway into my sweat when I started to lose my balance.....couldn't save myself....hit my head on the edge of the hamper/medicine wood cabinet. I hit it hard....I now have a bump in my head and my whole head is sore....even my neck. Damn, I'm glad you all didn't see that!......:D

Yes, good thing only some of us saw. ;)

Darn, don't tell me you work for NSA?

I didn't know there was a No Sex Association. Fortunately, I'm not a member.

There is no "No Sex Association" - men would have voted it down..........but if you saw me in my have som splaining to do!

Not the first time I was asked to explain something...

Tsk, tsk........:eusa_naughty:
This morning, I made a Veggie omelet, Mr. Mertex made bacon and we also had a fruit smoothie made with our Magic Bullet! Nice way to start the New Year.

Last night at friends, we had a bonfire, roasted marshmallows, and shot was freezing cold Derideo_Te but it was worth staying up till midnight to shoot the New Year in....or the old year out.....:)



Aw - looks fun.
Good morning, Cappucinistas of the world, and welcome to the 2nd day of 2015. Only 363 more days until 2016! :lol:

My little one spent a total of three hours yesterday, News Years Day, rollerskating, and got to the point where she didn't want to hold Papa's hand at all, but rather, just go it alone. She fell 3 times in 3 hours, got back up and went on. That's the spirit.

We also spent that day with good friends and made a traditional New Year's dinner of leftovers and meat called RACLETTE:

(I have the one with the granite-stone hot grill plate).

The Raclette grill comes out of Switzerland, but has become a real tradition in both Germany and Austria as well.

Plus, there is is longstanding German tradition of watching a short ENGLISH comedy (from the 60s) called "DINNER FOR ONE":

This is absolutely a cult-film in Germany, from which Germans love to sometimes use the phrase "Same procedure as last year?"

Watch it and laugh!!
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I'm better but I spoke too soon if I thought I was 100% again. I ran some errands and did a few things around the house and right now I am exhausted!! I guess I'm not fully recovered but better still. I seriously do not remember an illness kicking my ass this bad in a long, long time. I would blame my sister's kids but they are 7 and 9 so I guess, I'll give them a pass, LOL.
I'm better but I spoke too soon if I thought I was 100% again. I ran some errands and did a few things around the house and right now I am exhausted!! I guess I'm not fully recovered but better still. I seriously do not remember an illness kicking my ass this bad in a long, long time. I would blame my sister's kids but they are 7 and 9 so I guess, I'll give them a pass, LOL.

Take it easy. Enjoy a quiet weekend. Right, with a small child, as if that's possible...

Ok, route no. 2: drink a lot of whiskey in your Cappuccino.

I'm better but I spoke too soon if I thought I was 100% again. I ran some errands and did a few things around the house and right now I am exhausted!! I guess I'm not fully recovered but better still. I seriously do not remember an illness kicking my ass this bad in a long, long time. I would blame my sister's kids but they are 7 and 9 so I guess, I'll give them a pass, LOL.

Take it easy. Enjoy a quiet weekend. Right, with a small child, as if that's possible...

Ok, route no. 2: drink a lot of whiskey in your Cappuccino.


I've been downing the heavy duty Nyquil with the alcohol in it. That helps me sleep very well. I think another day or two and I'll be normal again.
I'm better but I spoke too soon if I thought I was 100% again. I ran some errands and did a few things around the house and right now I am exhausted!! I guess I'm not fully recovered but better still. I seriously do not remember an illness kicking my ass this bad in a long, long time. I would blame my sister's kids but they are 7 and 9 so I guess, I'll give them a pass, LOL.

Take it easy. Enjoy a quiet weekend. Right, with a small child, as if that's possible...

Ok, route no. 2: drink a lot of whiskey in your Cappuccino.


I've been downing the heavy duty Nyquil with the alcohol in it. That helps me sleep very well. I think another day or two and I'll be normal again.

I didn't drink alcohol for more than 30 years. Way back in the 80s, I was sick and we had gotten a sample of Nyquil in the mail. I would have taken anything to feel better. I glugged down that sample and was immediately dead drunk and passed out cold.

Glad you're feeling better.
G'Mornin all ...

Winter came on a Thursday this year. Its raining and feels like spring. 40 degrees.

The cats are playing Floor Is Lava. Every time they come by poor, long suffering Czar, he gives them a token g-r-r-r. They just ignore him and keep going.
I'm better but I spoke too soon if I thought I was 100% again. I ran some errands and did a few things around the house and right now I am exhausted!! I guess I'm not fully recovered but better still. I seriously do not remember an illness kicking my ass this bad in a long, long time. I would blame my sister's kids but they are 7 and 9 so I guess, I'll give them a pass, LOL.

Take it easy. Enjoy a quiet weekend. Right, with a small child, as if that's possible...

Ok, route no. 2: drink a lot of whiskey in your Cappuccino.


I've been downing the heavy duty Nyquil with the alcohol in it. That helps me sleep very well. I think another day or two and I'll be normal again.

I didn't drink alcohol for more than 30 years. Way back in the 80s, I was sick and we had gotten a sample of Nyquil in the mail. I would have taken anything to feel better. I glugged down that sample and was immediately dead drunk and passed out cold.

Glad you're feeling better.

I hate the taste of that stuff and the way it makes you feel after you drink it.....:(

Glad you're feeling better, though, WS.
I'm better but I spoke too soon if I thought I was 100% again. I ran some errands and did a few things around the house and right now I am exhausted!! I guess I'm not fully recovered but better still. I seriously do not remember an illness kicking my ass this bad in a long, long time. I would blame my sister's kids but they are 7 and 9 so I guess, I'll give them a pass, LOL.

Take it easy. Enjoy a quiet weekend. Right, with a small child, as if that's possible...

Ok, route no. 2: drink a lot of whiskey in your Cappuccino.


I've been downing the heavy duty Nyquil with the alcohol in it. That helps me sleep very well. I think another day or two and I'll be normal again.

I didn't drink alcohol for more than 30 years. Way back in the 80s, I was sick and we had gotten a sample of Nyquil in the mail. I would have taken anything to feel better. I glugged down that sample and was immediately dead drunk and passed out cold.

Glad you're feeling better.

I hate the taste of that stuff and the way it makes you feel after you drink it.....:(

Glad you're feeling better, though, WS.

I haven't taken it since then but as I remember, it was sorta like a really icky ice cream topping with a lot of alcohol.

Looks like our balmy weather is coming to an end. Cold and windy during the night and light snow this morning.

Our juvie eagle was just in a tree right outside. I tried to get a photo but he wasn't having it. His head is almost all white now so pretty soon, we won't be able to tell him from his parents but that also means he'll be moving on soon.

We had to buy a new printer and $%^&%^&* so far, I haven't been able to get the software to load on my new laptop. It gets part way through and then I get an error message. Since we sell on Ebay and Amazon, I really need to be able to print postage paid labels.

I wish I were more of a computer nerd.

And a happy Sunday to all those wonderful Cappucinistas out there! Hope you all are enjoying a wonderful, peaceful, relaxed 1st Sunday in 2015. Only 361 days to go until 2016!!!


My little one went roller skating for two hours straight, we are now watching Bugs Bunny and the famous Marvin the Martian "Q 36 Ilonium Space Modulator" episide. Golden, I say, golden!!

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