The Carnival Triumph Disaster. A Preview Of Obama's Second Term?

Bush got on national TV and told the world that the US was about to crash.

That was BEFORE Obama was elected.

blaming Obama for what the Bush policy caused is just more proof your party cant understand the real world

Blaming Bush or any one President for the economic collapse is proof you don't understand the real world. 2008 collapse was going to happen and was predicted for many years before it happened. I am amazed it was held off until 2008. Policies from government for many decades, have caused it.
Ifthis was NOT the intent of holding back these regulations that had been MADE LAW by our demicratic system then there should be a reason OTHER than what I claim to hold these regualtions hostage for 8 years.


none of you know one huh
Bush got on national TV and told the world that the US was about to crash.

That was BEFORE Obama was elected.

blaming Obama for what the Bush policy caused is just more proof your party cant understand the real world

Blaming Bush or any one President for the economic collapse is proof you don't understand the real world. 2008 collapse was going to happen and was predicted for many years before it happened. I am amazed it was held off until 2008. Policies from government for many decades, have caused it.

Then tell me why the Bush team held back the broker rules for 8 years?
Lets remeber under glass steagal the banks could NOT sell securities.

That means the banks had NOT sold securities for decades.

They employed no brokers before GLBact.

then all of the sudden they could hire brokers to sell their NEW seciurities.

then Bush made sure there were no broker rules for them to have to comply to.

That meant you went from having Brokers with liescenses to maintain to any smuck the banks wanted to hire and train their own way to sell securities.
and what a cowinkydink ?

The banks cheated their mother loving hinies off.

Gee who could have seeen that coming?
Then on 9/24/08 bush gets up in front of the world and annouces to MOST Americans surprize that our economy is ABOUT to crash.

6 days later the banks have liecensed brokers.

So why isn't the main stream media comparing the Carnival debacle to our current and future economic future? Just look at the circumstances, Ship goes out to see, all seems to being going well, then suddenly there is an explosion/fire in the most important structure within the engine, Then All Stops!! Just like with the debt and deficit and unfunded liabilities. Any intelligent and concerned American is in fear of the day, "When The System Finally Implodes".
The liberals were completely ignoring the the long term affects of a trillion dollar debt, Now It's A Short Term Dilemma. Many "Older Libs" could care less about the debt/economy cause they already have millions, and will be dead by the time it affects the rest of the country. Just like when Daffy Duck said "Consequences Schmonqusences, SO LONG AS I'M RICH". Right, Prince Harry and Queen Pelosi ??:blahblah:

See what you miss when you only get news from FOX? The "major media" IS comparing that cruise ship to something political, but not the way you're gonna like. And, the New York Times is "major media" by anybody's definition.

"....And there’s Chuck Hagel, nominated yet totally-still-not-confirmed by the U.S. Senate. A Senate that is beginning to resemble a bad Carnival cruise. They’re dead in the water, nothing’s working and the chief engineer is Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina..."
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Then on 9/24/08 bush gets up in front of the world and annouces to MOST Americans surprize that our economy is ABOUT to crash.

6 days later the banks have liecensed brokers.

and in your small mind that action is totally responsible for our current fiscal mess?


So why isn't the main stream media comparing the Carnival debacle to our current and future economic future? Just look at the circumstances, Ship goes out to see, all seems to being going well, then suddenly there is an explosion/fire in the most important structure within the engine, Then All Stops!! Just like with the debt and deficit and unfunded liabilities. Any intelligent and concerned American is in fear of the day, "When The System Finally Implodes".
The liberals were completely ignoring the the long term affects of a trillion dollar debt, Now It's A Short Term Dilemma. Many "Older Libs" could care less about the debt/economy cause they already have millions, and will be dead by the time it affects the rest of the country. Just like when Daffy Duck said "Consequences Schmonqusences, SO LONG AS I'M RICH". Right, Prince Harry and Queen Pelosi ??:blahblah:

I will send this before your mommy finds out you are using her 'puter'...and spanks you again.

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)
only because you are affraid to face the reality redfish.

WHY did the Bush SEC hold back the LAWS o f this country for long years ?

why is it these were the VERY years that created this mess?
Then on 9/24/08 bush gets up in front of the world and annouces to MOST Americans surprize that our economy is ABOUT to crash.

6 days later the banks have liecensed brokers.

and in your small mind that action is totally responsible for our current fiscal mess?


How did they get brokers to sell sub prime contaminated securities as triple A?

No broker would have done that for FEAR of losing their liescense and in turn their job and

The Bush SEC fixed that little hurdle for the banks
Come on folks, the cruise ship thing was a mechanical failure that should have been fixed before the ship left Galveston. Carnival is responsible and is making restitution to the passengers.

My only issue with them is taking the ship to Mobile instead of back to Galveston. They did that because the repair yard is in Mobile and if the took the passengers to galveston (which would have been much easier for the passengers) they would have had to pay for a sea tow back to Mobile.
Now why is it when I bring this up NOT one person of ANY background can give me a reason that the Bush SEC would refuse to impliment the duly decided laws of this country ?
Then on 9/24/08 bush gets up in front of the world and annouces to MOST Americans surprize that our economy is ABOUT to crash.

6 days later the banks have liecensed brokers.

and in your small mind that action is totally responsible for our current fiscal mess?


How did they get brokers to sell sub prime contaminated securities as triple A?

No broker would have done that for FEAR of losing their liescense and in turn their job and

The Bush SEC fixed that little hurdle for the banks

OK OK, Bush screwed up. Obama has screwed up more. Can we move on?
there is a reason you cant answer.

There is NO good reason for the Bush SEC to do this

Its was deregulation by cheating
Bush got on national TV and told the world that the US was about to crash.

That was BEFORE Obama was elected.

blaming Obama for what the Bush policy caused is just more proof your party cant understand the real world

Blaming Bush or any one President for the economic collapse is proof you don't understand the real world. 2008 collapse was going to happen and was predicted for many years before it happened. I am amazed it was held off until 2008. Policies from government for many decades, have caused it.

Then tell me why the Bush team held back the broker rules for 8 years?

It wasn't holding back "the rules" that broke the economy. In 2001, we should have collapsed. We were coming off the dot com bubble, the housing bubble look like it was coming to an end. At that time most government, businesses and individuals were maxed out on credit. Yet, we revived the housing bubble, based on selling derivatives. Have you thought, without the buying of derivatives, the end would have been 2001, giving terrorist a huge ego boost.

Right or wrong, left or right, the economy and the excessive expansion had to stop. Just as this economy gets rolling, it isn't getting done the right way. There has to be a way for government to save, taxes and spending cuts need to be handed out. Businesses and individuals are saving and not spending, why, they learned the lesson. Time for government to also, it will be slow but it will be real. Unlike the last several decades.
Bush got on national TV and told the world that the US was about to crash.

That was BEFORE Obama was elected.

blaming Obama for what the Bush policy caused is just more proof your party cant understand the real world

Blaming Bush or any one President for the economic collapse is proof you don't understand the real world. 2008 collapse was going to happen and was predicted for many years before it happened. I am amazed it was held off until 2008. Policies from government for many decades, have caused it.

Then tell me why the Bush team held back the broker rules for 8 years?

He was wrong to do so. TM I can be bipartisan on this. ETA:I think you know by now that I'm a dual citizen. I know both our countries very well.

Your local bank teller is probably more qualified to be a Congressman or Senator or President these days.

Every body keeps electing these bozos. And once they get the "high" of the power of Washington all they seem to do is to campaign to get re-elected.

TM my Prime Minister actually has a Masters in Economics. There are great Americans out there.

I know they are out there.

Bloody hell though why can't you elect one? You keep electing the wealthy or those with star power.

Sheesh now you are probably going to have Jeb Bush go up against Hillary. Dynasties.

You treat your government like you're voting for American Idol. And consequently you have so many losers in Washington.
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