The Carnival Triumph Disaster. A Preview Of Obama's Second Term?

Timing and Temporary Exemption
As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008

The date the rules would FINNALLY be implimented.

Just a couple of days after Bush had to annouce that his policies were about to result in a HUGE economic crash.
how will it collapse? when the credit of the USA becomes worthless and no one will buy our bonds. When the dollar becomes worthless because it is not backed by anything of value. When the entire amount of tax revenue is used to pay the interest on the debt.

Its not going to happen tomorrow, or next month, or next year, but it is inevitable if we continue a trillion in deficit spending every year.

you must be smart enough to realize that.

Worthless to who?

Do you know what George W. Bush was saying about the debt and deficit? He was saying we had over a 13 trillion dollar a year we could manage a good amount of debt before hitting any tipping point. To a certain extent he was right.

So again. Worthless to who?

Do you even know who's the largest holder of US debt in the world?

Worthless to anyone, when there is doubt about whether the bond issuer can pay the interest and principle, then the bonds will not be bought.

Bush was wrong, Obama is wrong. Grow up, its not a partisan discussion, its an economic discussion.

Question for you: Would the coutry be better or worse off if it did not have 16 trillion in debt?

Again.."anyone" isn't an answer.

And most of the US bonds sell at a very brisk pace. That's even with the S&P downgrade. Why? Because the US economy is the largest, most robust, trusted, innovative and valuable economies in the world. Many of the world's currencies peg against the dollar.

Would the country be better off without the 16 trillion dollar debt? Sure..but it's a debt we can still manage..and manage way into the future. And actually having NO DEBT is worse.

As is this headlong blind rush into austerity.
I saw all of this coming in November 2008, as soon as I saw O'Bozo winning, first thing that came to mind of myself and 1/2 of America was,,,that's it,,,We're Going Down! Like The Titanic! and sure enough we did!! And we all know it was Obama that caused the Stock Market Crash of 2009.

The SP500 was up in 2009.
President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08

the broker rules would finnally take effect on 9/30/08

Now you know why he did that annoucment which caught so many Americans by surprize.
Timing and Temporary Exemption
As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008

The date the rules would FINNALLY be implimented.

Just a couple of days after Bush had to annouce that his policies were about to result in a HUGE economic crash.

got news for ya, TM. Bush has not been president for over 4 years, the current mess belongs to obozo the great kenyan messiah. Its his! he inherited it from himself.

Yes, Bush made mistakes. But Obama's are larger and more dangerous to the country.

Get over the bush bashing, it only makes you look like a fool. But I guess since you cannot defend obama's incompetence, its all you have
Once the broker rules were in place the games the banks palyed with all the sub prime rolling intpo what they claimed was triple A investments would be found out.

It was and then the economy tanked
Worthless to who?

Do you know what George W. Bush was saying about the debt and deficit? He was saying we had over a 13 trillion dollar a year we could manage a good amount of debt before hitting any tipping point. To a certain extent he was right.

So again. Worthless to who?

Do you even know who's the largest holder of US debt in the world?

Worthless to anyone, when there is doubt about whether the bond issuer can pay the interest and principle, then the bonds will not be bought.

Bush was wrong, Obama is wrong. Grow up, its not a partisan discussion, its an economic discussion.

Question for you: Would the coutry be better or worse off if it did not have 16 trillion in debt?

Again.."anyone" isn't an answer.

And most of the US bonds sell at a very brisk pace. That's even with the S&P downgrade. Why? Because the US economy is the largest, most robust, trusted, innovative and valuable economies in the world. Many of the world's currencies peg against the dollar.

Would the country be better off without the 16 trillion dollar debt? Sure..but it's a debt we can still manage..and manage way into the future. And actually having NO DEBT is worse.

As is this headlong blind rush into austerity.

We are currently borrowing 46 cents of every dollar spent by the govt. We are only paying the interest on the debt, nothing on the principle. What will happen when we are borrowing 100% of govt expenditures and all of the revenue is used to pay interest? That is the inevitible result if we do not balance the budget.
Timing and Temporary Exemption
As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008

The date the rules would FINNALLY be implimented.

Just a couple of days after Bush had to annouce that his policies were about to result in a HUGE economic crash.

got news for ya, TM. Bush has not been president for over 4 years, the current mess belongs to obozo the great kenyan messiah. Its his! he inherited it from himself.

Yes, Bush made mistakes. But Obama's are larger and more dangerous to the country.
Get over the bush bashing, it only makes you look like a fool. But I guess since you cannot defend obama's incompetence, its all you have

I have given you cold hard facts that prove what I say.

what have you given?

nothing but some internests posters rantings
Worthless to anyone, when there is doubt about whether the bond issuer can pay the interest and principle, then the bonds will not be bought.

Bush was wrong, Obama is wrong. Grow up, its not a partisan discussion, its an economic discussion.

Question for you: Would the coutry be better or worse off if it did not have 16 trillion in debt?

Again.."anyone" isn't an answer.

And most of the US bonds sell at a very brisk pace. That's even with the S&P downgrade. Why? Because the US economy is the largest, most robust, trusted, innovative and valuable economies in the world. Many of the world's currencies peg against the dollar.

Would the country be better off without the 16 trillion dollar debt? Sure..but it's a debt we can still manage..and manage way into the future. And actually having NO DEBT is worse.

As is this headlong blind rush into austerity.

We are currently borrowing 46 cents of every dollar spent by the govt. We are only paying the interest on the debt, nothing on the principle. What will happen when we are borrowing 100% of govt expenditures and all of the revenue is used to pay interest? That is the inevitible result if we do not balance the budget.

that happens when you cut taxes and wage wars that you commensed by LYING to the American people.
I remember seeing a commentator on FOX News say that if Obama had instead give every small/medium business a bailout (maybe between 50K&100K) it would of saved the economy. he took the 800 or so billion and divided it amongst the number of small businesses. Instead, where did the 800 billion go? I didn't go to help save the economy.
Worthless to who?

Do you know what George W. Bush was saying about the debt and deficit? He was saying we had over a 13 trillion dollar a year we could manage a good amount of debt before hitting any tipping point. To a certain extent he was right.

So again. Worthless to who?

Do you even know who's the largest holder of US debt in the world?

Worthless to anyone, when there is doubt about whether the bond issuer can pay the interest and principle, then the bonds will not be bought.

Bush was wrong, Obama is wrong. Grow up, its not a partisan discussion, its an economic discussion.

Question for you: Would the coutry be better or worse off if it did not have 16 trillion in debt?

Again.."anyone" isn't an answer.

And most of the US bonds sell at a very brisk pace. That's even with the S&P downgrade. Why? Because the US economy is the largest, most robust, trusted, innovative and valuable economies in the world. Many of the world's currencies peg against the dollar.

Would the country be better off without the 16 trillion dollar debt? Sure..but it's a debt we can still manage..and manage way into the future. And actually having NO DEBT is worse.

As is this headlong blind rush into austerity.

tell me how having no debt is worse than having a large debt. This should be interesting
Redfish ......WHY did the Bush sec hold back the broker rules in GLBact for 8 long years?
how will it collapse? when the credit of the USA becomes worthless and no one will buy our bonds. When the dollar becomes worthless because it is not backed by anything of value. When the entire amount of tax revenue is used to pay the interest on the debt.

Its not going to happen tomorrow, or next month, or next year, but it is inevitable if we continue a trillion in deficit spending every year.

you must be smart enough to realize that.

Worthless to who?

Do you know what George W. Bush was saying about the debt and deficit? He was saying we had over a 13 trillion dollar a year we could manage a good amount of debt before hitting any tipping point. To a certain extent he was right.

So again. Worthless to who?

Do you even know who's the largest holder of US debt in the world?

Worthless to anyone, when there is doubt about whether the bond issuer can pay the interest and principle, then the bonds will not be bought.

Bush was wrong, Obama is wrong. Grow up, its not a partisan discussion, its an economic discussion.

Question for you: Would the coutry be better or worse off if it did not have 16 trillion in debt?

Isn't it amazing? Instead of laying blame ad nauseum, no one is fixing "jack shit".

I mean holy toledo how many months could any household go without a budget. Let alone a government running a country. Harry Reid can't even deliver that.

I don't think he's even tried to.

The government these days is like a Fawlty Towers skit. Only Cleese was funny.

And most republicans are Manuel.

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what was the Bush SEC trying to get done by refusing to impliment the LAWS of this country?
they did it so the banks would NOT have to comply with the broker rules.

They GAMED our system of laws to get the deregulation they wanted even though it was NOT what our demoratic system had desided to do.

They cheated.

The American people got taken because the republican party cheated the system

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