The case for President Trump........point by point...

Looks like Jesus

And more.....

Well, it was hilarious. But Trump was right about China. Right that its behavior was unprincipled and dangerous. Right that our trade imbalance with them represented a power imbalance that they could abuse. He was right about China when the Democrats and their press were distracting the country’s attention with trivial Russian trolling. And he was right to engage them even though the Wall Street Journal types screamed like a girl in a horror movie over how his “trade war” might affect their portfolios.

Do you remember Trump’s inaugural address when he spoke about the “American carnage” of closed factories and unemployment that was already causing an epidemic of deaths by despair? He was right about that, too. Right that it required attention when every Democrat and his pet journalist said it was “dark” to mention it. Right that it could be fixed when Barack Obama said it couldn’t. And right that it was a matter of policy when conservatives said he was interfering with the magic of global capitalism and, anyway, those lazy, oxycontin-chugging crackers kind of deserved it.

He was right that globalism could not thrive without a strong self-defending nation state, because nations are not just economic structures, they are also moral entities and some (like China) are wicked and some (like us) are good and deserve favor.

He was right that borders must be secured when blithering leftists were ready to virtue signal the west to death and high-minded right wingers like myself were shrugging off a slow-motion invasion, trusting to some imagined protective magic in our creed.

He was also right that the American news media has become corrupt and fake and needs to be regularly savaged until they are shamed into reforming and playing fair with the public. The Left, of course, loves it this way, though it destroys any chance of American dialogue. The Right underplayed the problem and was resigned to long-term death-by-culture.

The current pandemic has only underscored how very right Trump was: it was unleashed by China, exacerbated by globalism and weak borders, and has been endlessly darkened by the lies of a Republican-hating press.
This guy makes the case for Trump.....

Just cementing my point that people on the right wing will dig up any asshole on the Internet with a microphone, a webcam, and a blog and take whatever they say as gospel.
Where's Fat Wesley Crusher at?
I don't care if he makes the greatest arguments in the world. I refuse to listen to a man who wears a leather jacket indoors in April. :eusa_snooty:
I don't care if he makes the greatest arguments in the world. I refuse to listen to a man who wears a leather jacket indoors in April. :eusa_snooty:

Bet you'd change your attitude if he wore assless leather chaps with his jacket.

My attitude wouldn't change, considering he's MOST LIKELY wearing assless chaps in the video.

He is a little freaky looking,but not in a gay way.
More like 60's hippy freaky.
First time I heard the guy I was shocked at his politics.

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