"The Case For Reparations"

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.

Well, that's anti p for you, ignoring the hundreds of thousands who died to free them. Their sacrifice means nothing to him.

No, I understand your perspective. It was the knuckle dragger perspective I was raised with. You don't understand the difference between slavery and the oppression that came after slavery.


Some come to learn. Others come because they KNOW. I openly change my mind when information is set in place and I'll change ANY of my perspectives if the right information is in place.

Westwall, you aren't exactly a source of information. You are just kind of a troll kiddo. :ahole-1:

I don't? Awful big assumption there junior. So, tell the class why the ultimate sacrifice by non slave owners, to free the oppressed is not worthy of consideration. Why is it that you would give yet more money, to those who DIDN'T suffer under slavery, after the trillions they have already received? How much is enough? Will the reparations ever be enough, or is this going to be a continuous grant of money?

Yea, I already covered this small brain. There is a clear and defined line between slavery and oppression. Already said it. We covered it. Sorry you cannot keep up.

Only Black Bathrooms are not slavery
Only Black drinking fountains are not slavery.

I know you are a Conservative of information. But you really should inform yourself on issues before responding to them.

You not understanding oppression after slavery is funny to me, but sad for America.

When you have learned English get back to us.

Oh, you don't know what ETC means. Brainy.

"et cetera" is a hard one for some. :blowup:
When an article starts out with "Two hundred fifty years of slavery", I'm just going to roll my eyes and move on.
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."

How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.

Well, that's anti p for you, ignoring the hundreds of thousands who died to free them. Their sacrifice means nothing to him.

No, I understand your perspective. It was the knuckle dragger perspective I was raised with. You don't understand the difference between slavery and the oppression that came after slavery.


Some come to learn. Others come because they KNOW. I openly change my mind when information is set in place and I'll change ANY of my perspectives if the right information is in place.

Westwall, you aren't exactly a source of information. You are just kind of a troll kiddo. :ahole-1:
While we're at it, where is the compensaiton for slave owners who had their property taken from them without compensation? Dont they deserve to be paid too?
Apparently a substantial number of my American neighbors believe Americans of African descent are entitled to compensation for the acts of racism, bigotry, greed and human ignorance that deprived for too many peaceful, caring, loving people from enjoying freedom and the pleasures of life other people on the continent were experiencing during that period of human history and human ignorance.

With all due respect to my American neighbors of African descent and those supporting Reparations I believe the oppression of humans that led to racism and slavery has *largely* been replaced with a new form of human oppression that for the past two generations impeded and deprived many American children from experiencing a fairly happy American kid childhood, as well as being denied Safe Streets to travel and play on every kid has a right to enjoy.

For far too long our prisons and far too many of our neighborhoods have been populated by significant numbers of depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* full of rage and resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles, primarily by single-moms who are responsible for creating the 'Gangstas and Thugs' social activist Sandra Bland declared 'War On' in a FB video she recorded a few months before leaving us.

Sandra Bland Indirectly Speaks About Child Abuse and Neglect Harming Her Quality of Life And Community

With all due respect to supporters of Reparations, I believe America should be compensated for the dollars invested in untold numbers of African American families and child care programs since the post civil rights era, dollars that were intended to help struggling moms raise fairly happy children maturing into fairly happy, reasonably responsible teens and adults.

Sadly it appears evident a significant number of moms abused and misused public assistance programs established by responsible citizens. Far too often resulting with depressed, angry, frustrated kids maturing into depressed, angry, frustrated teens and adults like Tupac Shakur, Kendrick Lamar, Freddie Gray, Michael Singleton, Curtis Jackson III, Dwayne Carter, the list of seriously depressed young Americans exposed to Childhood Trauma is seemingly endless.

With all due respect, I suggest peaceful, responsible Baltimore residents be fully compensated for the funds they offered Ms. Toya Graham, mom of depressed teen Michael Singleton, as well as Freddie Gray's mom Ms. Gloria Darden, two moms who clearly neglected their parental duty to raise children maturing into reasonably responsible teens and adults.

Both moms are maternal caregivers who ignored their moral and parental responsibility to place the well being of their children ABOVE ALL ELSE. As well as failing to recognize their societal obligation to their community to raise peaceful, fairly happy American children maturing into reasonably responsible, peaceful teens and adults who respect their peaceful neighbors.

With all due respect, I suggest the significant population of African Americans who irresponsibly built families depending on their responsible neighbor's support to raise and nurture society's children, compensate our society for recklessly creating poverty, hardships and suffering for children by irresponsibly building families with too many mouths to feed, clothe, house and supervise.

With all due respect, I believe America needs to be compensated for the $billions$ America has spent arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating my depressed African Americans neighbors who turned to crime and harming their peaceful neighbors due to the poor choices made by their immature, "living wild" parents *(2015 Grammy winner Kendrick Lamar's characterization of his parent's violent felon embracing lifestyle)* who built families before acquiring the skills and means to independently provide for their/society's children.

With all due respect, it is time America be compensated for all the heartache, misery, struggles, cruelty, grief and OPPRESSIVE CHILDHOOD TRAUMA grossly immature single and married moms caused for society's children, many who today and for the past thirty or more years write or are fans of popular music characterizing the MATERNAL HALF of our population as less than human *itches and *hores unworthy of respect.

With all due respect, I believe compensation should be offered to the countless numbers of crime victims of any flavor who were emotionally and/or physically harmed by kids, teens and adults raised by "living wild" moms and/or dads who subjected society's children to Child Abuse, Maltreatment and Neglect, aka Poverty, resulting with untold numbers of depressed children developing into angry, frustrated, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy, compassion and respect for their peaceful neighbors and the authority figures responsible for maintaining peace in all of our neighborhoods.

I believe teachers and educators should be offered compensation for the frustrations, heartache, anguish, emotional pain and anger they experienced witnessing and coping with young children being emotionally maltreated by their caregivers and community. Far too often teachers instill children with peaceful values, knowing many of their students are returning to a family and community environment instilling, often under duress, a different set of anti-social values.

Finally, and most importantly, respectfully I believe our Nation should be compensated for the WEALTH of human potential we were and continue to be deprived of due to generations of immature females irresponsibly raising and nurturing generations of American society's children who are full of resentment and emotional pain for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles by irresponsible "living wild" maternal caregivers.

Are my suggestions for Compensation unreasonable?

*Honestly*, I am not interested in compensation.

Currently my foremost desire is to witness virtually all American music performers of African descent writing and performing music admiring, praising, wooing, lamenting, loving and respecting our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts and nieces...much like virtually all mega talented music artists from back in my day offered their fans of all ages residing all around our tiny blue orb.

I'm sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep us safe, cared for and loved right from our start.


Related link:

Should The Black Lives Matter Movement Recognize Oppressive, Criminally Negligent Maternal Caregivers?
Doctors Ross and Dietz offer insights into how our Early Childhood Development plays a key role in determining the type of individual we mature into.

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, addressed inmates at Ironwood State Prison offering a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of *emotionally troubled* and chronically ill American teens and adults.

At 2:12:25 in this documentary about Mafia hitman and victim of Early Childhood Trauma/Abuse, Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz explains why young Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man who did not give a frig about anyone else, including his wife and kids.


Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
I read that Obama might pursue it in the waning year of his administration, but then no one takes him seriously.

I read that you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about and to not take your posts seriously.
I agree all former slave owners should pay up. As for the rest of the non slave owners it doesn't apply. In addition all those tax payer dollars paid should come off the top of what they get from their former slave masters right?
The Japanese did get reparations. I knew a Japanese kids who inherited reparations from an older relative and used the money to pay for law school.
The Japanese did get reparations. I knew a Japanese kids who inherited reparations from an older relative and used the money to pay for law school.

Yeah, but they lost actual property. And they were alive to submit the claims for it. Most of the stuff the claims of 'reparations' are called for are for people whose grandkids are already dead.
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."

There is no case...I don't believe there are any former slaves still alive. Their descendants should sue the democrat party.......they are the ones who owned the slaves, used Jim Crow and denied free men and women their Rights........
What about Native Americans? We owe them reparations for stealing 99% of their land don't we? And how about Japanese Americans since we imprisoned Japanese citizens during World War II in Internment camps? Let's just go right down the list for every Race that has ever suffered as a result of American policy and empty the Treasury paying off every single one of them and their kin so that we can at last be "whole".
Ummm, we gave the gooks reparations. Indians were paid for their land and they receive reparations in the form of reservations and a lot of Federal $$$$.

I am not saying blacks deserve reparations, I am simply pointing out your hypocrisy and low info.

No...the actual victims recieved the reparations...not their great, great, great grand kids.....
Black people have had to work twice as hard in a racist American. After slavery actually the black men were very skilled in all jobs. White men were not. The only skill they had was overseeing the black man. So Black men were working very hard for less than the average white man. I heard the union's were created to assure that the white man had a job. Because a black man could be hired for less pay. Over the white man. Black men still today have to train white people on the job who come in and make more money. It just happened to my son. Who has time for wallowing and self misery??? We have burned out of houses that we had to pay double what The white man paid. We have worked hard all of our lives. If you ever heard of Black wall street. Rich black community burned to the ground. Why? If you look it up, the surrounding white people were jealous. These black people were shopping in Paris, owned their own airplanes, had They own post offices, stores, restaurants. Why not do it for themselves. They had did it for white people for years. White people burned it to the ground. And many other black communities. The kkk would come in and just burn down as house or hang a man. So your the one who needs to grow up. And look up some black history. And as far as Union Soldiers. Who gives a flying f u c k! I don't. I'm black and Cherokee I was f u c k e d on both sides by the white Neanderthal. F u c k you mother f u c k e r s.

Sue the democrat party....they did those things and have lots of money.......
How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.

Well, that's anti p for you, ignoring the hundreds of thousands who died to free them. Their sacrifice means nothing to him.

No, I understand your perspective. It was the knuckle dragger perspective I was raised with. You don't understand the difference between slavery and the oppression that came after slavery.


Some come to learn. Others come because they KNOW. I openly change my mind when information is set in place and I'll change ANY of my perspectives if the right information is in place.

Westwall, you aren't exactly a source of information. You are just kind of a troll kiddo. :ahole-1:

I don't? Awful big assumption there junior. So, tell the class why the ultimate sacrifice by non slave owners, to free the oppressed is not worthy of consideration. Why is it that you would give yet more money, to those who DIDN'T suffer under slavery, after the trillions they have already received? How much is enough? Will the reparations ever be enough, or is this going to be a continuous grant of money?

Yea, I already covered this small brain. There is a clear and defined line between slavery and oppression. Already said it. We covered it. Sorry you cannot keep up.

Only Black Bathrooms are not slavery
Only Black drinking fountains are not slavery.

I know you are a Conservative of information. But you really should inform yourself on issues before responding to them.

You not understanding oppression after slavery is funny to me, but sad for America.

again....sue the democrats...they created Jim Crow and enforced it with guns, dogs, fire hoses, lynchings and bombings........they have lots of money.....get it from the ones who actually did those things....

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