"The Case For Reparations"

The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."

How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.
And we wonder why there s a hate narrative on USMB.

What hate? That's reality bub. While the reparation demanding blacks have been chilling their heels, the Chinese have educated themselves. They have bettered their station in life and all without whining about the evil white man. What makes them different? Why have they excelled, while the blacks haven't? Black people aren't stupid. They're not lazy. So why this constant whining for reparations? 5 TRILLION in welfare isn't enough?
It's fun to watch people bitch here, but I cannot blame them.

The idea of Reparations circa 150 years after a war is just ridiculous. And it ain't gonna happen.

I know of not one single friend of mine, white, black, yellow, brown or red (all Americans, I am referring to) who would think of this as a good idea.
Black people have had to work twice as hard in a racist American. After slavery actually the black men were very skilled in all jobs. White men were not. The only skill they had was overseeing the black man. So Black men were working very hard for less than the average white man. I heard the union's were created to assure that the white man had a job. Because a black man could be hired for less pay. Over the white man. Black men still today have to train white people on the job who come in and make more money. It just happened to my son. Who has time for wallowing and self misery??? We have burned out of houses that we had to pay double what The white man paid. We have worked hard all of our lives. If you ever heard of Black wall street. Rich black community burned to the ground. Why? If you look it up, the surrounding white people were jealous. These black people were shopping in Paris, owned their own airplanes, had They own post offices, stores, restaurants. Why not do it for themselves. They had did it for white people for years. White people burned it to the ground. And many other black communities. The kkk would come in and just burn down as house or hang a man. So your the one who needs to grow up. And look up some black history. And as far as Union Soldiers. Who gives a flying f u c k! I don't. I'm black and Cherokee I was f u c k e d on both sides by the white Neanderthal. F u c k you mother f u c k e r s.
Black people have had to work twice as hard in a racist American. After slavery actually the black men were very skilled in all jobs. White men were not. The only skill they had was overseeing the black man. So Black men were working very hard for less than the average white man. I heard the union's were created to assure that the white man had a job. Because a black man could be hired for less pay. Over the white man. Black men still today have to train white people on the job who come in and make more money. It just happened to my son. Who has time for wallowing and self misery??? We have burned out of houses that we had to pay double what The white man paid. We have worked hard all of our lives. If you ever heard of Black wall street. Rich black community burned to the ground. Why? If you look it up, the surrounding white people were jealous. These black people were shopping in Paris, owned their own airplanes, had They own post offices, stores, restaurants. Why not do it for themselves. They had did it for white people for years. White people burned it to the ground. And many other black communities. The kkk would come in and just burn down as house or hang a man. So your the one who needs to grow up. And look up some black history. And as far as Union Soldiers. Who gives a flying f u c k! I don't. I'm black and Cherokee I was f u c k e d on both sides by the white Neanderthal. F u c k you mother f u c k e r s.
You owe everyone reparations for that post.
Black people have had to work twice as hard in a racist American. After slavery actually the black men were very skilled in all jobs. White men were not. The only skill they had was overseeing the black man. So Black men were working very hard for less than the average white man. I heard the union's were created to assure that the white man had a job. Because a black man could be hired for less pay. Over the white man. Black men still today have to train white people on the job who come in and make more money. It just happened to my son. Who has time for wallowing and self misery??? We have burned out of houses that we had to pay double what The white man paid. We have worked hard all of our lives. If you ever heard of Black wall street. Rich black community burned to the ground. Why? If you look it up, the surrounding white people were jealous. These black people were shopping in Paris, owned their own airplanes, had They own post offices, stores, restaurants. Why not do it for themselves. They had did it for white people for years. White people burned it to the ground. And many other black communities. The kkk would come in and just burn down as house or hang a man. So your the one who needs to grow up. And look up some black history. And as far as Union Soldiers. Who gives a flying f u c k! I don't. I'm black and Cherokee I was f u c k e d on both sides by the white Neanderthal. F u c k you mother f u c k e r s.
You owe everyone reparations for that post.
At least he can't say rhetoric and literacy were taught to whites by blacks. I mean that would be absurd.
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."
I am in favor of reparations.
We need to see what the average family income of African Americans is. Then we need to compare that to the average family income of Africans. Then we need to collect the difference from the African American community.
They owe us.

^Holy crap this idiot just tried to say that African Americans that were denied jobs for being black still make more than their African ancestors and should be happy to be living here as some type of a savior.....
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."

How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.
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blacks should have to pay back whites and society for recieving all the money and benefits from welfare for 50 years. The blacks in jail should have to repay society for the 55,000 or so a year it costs to house and feed them. Most blacks have contributed SQUAT to society yet soak up all the freebies.
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."
Slavery still exists today and it's been going on for a lot more than 250 years.

And contrary to the popular belief of LWNJs, white folks were slaves too.
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."

How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.

Well, that's anti p for you, ignoring the hundreds of thousands who died to free them. Their sacrifice means nothing to him.
There were thousands and thousands of Irish slaves...where do I sign up for the free money? :)
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."
I am in favor of reparations.
We need to see what the average family income of African Americans is. Then we need to compare that to the average family income of Africans. Then we need to collect the difference from the African American community.
They owe us.

^Holy crap this idiot just tried to say that African Americans that were denied jobs for being black still make more than their African ancestors and should be happy to be living here as some type of a savior.....
Please show me all the African Americans denied jobs in the last 40 years because they were black.
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."

How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.

Well, that's anti p for you, ignoring the hundreds of thousands who died to free them. Their sacrifice means nothing to him.

No, I understand your perspective. It was the knuckle dragger perspective I was raised with. You don't understand the difference between slavery and the oppression that came after slavery.


Some come to learn. Others come because they KNOW. I openly change my mind when information is set in place and I'll change ANY of my perspectives if the right information is in place.

Westwall, you aren't exactly a source of information. You are just kind of a troll kiddo. :ahole-1:
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."

How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.

Well, that's anti p for you, ignoring the hundreds of thousands who died to free them. Their sacrifice means nothing to him.

No, I understand your perspective. It was the knuckle dragger perspective I was raised with. You don't understand the difference between slavery and the oppression that came after slavery.


Some come to learn. Others come because they KNOW. I openly change my mind when information is set in place and I'll change ANY of my perspectives if the right information is in place.

Westwall, you aren't exactly a source of information. You are just kind of a troll kiddo. :ahole-1:

I don't? Awful big assumption there junior. So, tell the class why the ultimate sacrifice by non slave owners, to free the oppressed is not worthy of consideration. Why is it that you would give yet more money, to those who DIDN'T suffer under slavery, after the trillions they have already received? How much is enough? Will the reparations ever be enough, or is this going to be a continuous grant of money?
The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."

How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.

Well, that's anti p for you, ignoring the hundreds of thousands who died to free them. Their sacrifice means nothing to him.

No, I understand your perspective. It was the knuckle dragger perspective I was raised with. You don't understand the difference between slavery and the oppression that came after slavery.


Some come to learn. Others come because they KNOW. I openly change my mind when information is set in place and I'll change ANY of my perspectives if the right information is in place.

Westwall, you aren't exactly a source of information. You are just kind of a troll kiddo. :ahole-1:

I don't? Awful big assumption there junior. So, tell the class why the ultimate sacrifice by non slave owners, to free the oppressed is not worthy of consideration. Why is it that you would give yet more money, to those who DIDN'T suffer under slavery, after the trillions they have already received? How much is enough? Will the reparations ever be enough, or is this going to be a continuous grant of money?

Yea, I already covered this small brain. There is a clear and defined line between slavery and oppression. Already said it. We covered it. Sorry you cannot keep up.

Only Black Bathrooms are not slavery
Only Black drinking fountains are not slavery.

I know you are a Conservative of information. But you really should inform yourself on issues before responding to them.

You not understanding oppression after slavery is funny to me, but sad for America.
How about they pay reparations for the 350,000 Union soldiers who lost their lives freeing them. And their families, and their loss of property. No black person living today has suffered under slavery other than that which they have created in their own minds.

The Chinese were treated like dogs. In fact they were murdered in the streets like dogs unlike the black slaves who actually had value and were at least accorded the defense of "property". Now, 150 years after slavery ended and only 125 years after the Chinese were considered target worthy, the Chinese are universally productive members of society and own more than most of the families of the scumbags who used to kill them for sport.

The reparation seeking blacks are still wallowing in self misery begging for handouts. It's time for them to grow up.

That's Weswall for ya. , "No black person living today has suffered under slavery".

After slavery,was massive oppression detailed in everything history that you don't seem to know about. Even when all of this information is right in front of your face.

I don't believe in profiling or the inability to change for most. But Westwall is the one that needs oppression of some sort so he can see things outside of his little window.

Well, that's anti p for you, ignoring the hundreds of thousands who died to free them. Their sacrifice means nothing to him.

No, I understand your perspective. It was the knuckle dragger perspective I was raised with. You don't understand the difference between slavery and the oppression that came after slavery.


Some come to learn. Others come because they KNOW. I openly change my mind when information is set in place and I'll change ANY of my perspectives if the right information is in place.

Westwall, you aren't exactly a source of information. You are just kind of a troll kiddo. :ahole-1:

I don't? Awful big assumption there junior. So, tell the class why the ultimate sacrifice by non slave owners, to free the oppressed is not worthy of consideration. Why is it that you would give yet more money, to those who DIDN'T suffer under slavery, after the trillions they have already received? How much is enough? Will the reparations ever be enough, or is this going to be a continuous grant of money?

Yea, I already covered this small brain. There is a clear and defined line between slavery and oppression. Already said it. We covered it. Sorry you cannot keep up.

Only Black Bathrooms are not slavery
Only Black drinking fountains are not slavery.

I know you are a Conservative of information. But you really should inform yourself on issues before responding to them.

You not understanding oppression after slavery is funny to me, but sad for America.

When you have learned English get back to us.

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