The case for the minimum wage

Wages should be set by the market, nothing else. Keep the Govt out of it.
Something does seem to be messing up the market. Low unemployment and stagnant wages is strange.

1,000s of highly paid baby boomers being replaced with lower age / lower wage workers that sounds strange to you?

That's what's messing up the stats

I’d like to see a study on that theory.

Kind of obvious ...

Baby boomers are retiring and they are not going to pay newbies the same wage with not 20 years plus experience are they?

Once again knowledge and wisdom are two different things

In theory it could have a downward effect on wages, but I don’t think there would be he numbers. People retiring isn’t new.

We are talking the massive population of the babby boomers here. This is a new thing, plus they are living a hell of alot longer and sucking up health care costs that puts an added burden on salary's .

it is astonishing and absurd that since Ted Kennedy died there have been few lawmakers campaigning to restore the minimum wage. a long overdue minimum wage hike would pour tens of billions of dollars into job-producing consumer demand, especially during a recession, which we're about to have.

Wages should be set by the market, nothing else. Keep the Govt out of it.
Something does seem to be messing up the market. Low unemployment and stagnant wages is strange.
Greed is the problem.
Something does seem to be messing up the market. Low unemployment and stagnant wages is strange.

1,000s of highly paid baby boomers being replaced with lower age / lower wage workers that sounds strange to you?

That's what's messing up the stats

I’d like to see a study on that theory.

Kind of obvious ...

Baby boomers are retiring and they are not going to pay newbies the same wage with not 20 years plus experience are they?

Once again knowledge and wisdom are two different things

In theory it could have a downward effect on wages, but I don’t think there would be he numbers. People retiring isn’t new.

We are talking the massive population of the babby boomers here. This is a new thing, plus they are living a hell of alot longer and sucking up health care costs that puts an added burden on salary's .

Aren’t people also working longer? There are a lot of factors. Sounds like a good study.
Sure, raise the minimum wage to $200 an hour then we'll all be rich.

You don't want to raise it that high, you would hurt American carmakers.

Folks that make $200 an hour or more usually ride high end European or Japanese vehicles, Mercedes, Bentley or Lexus. It would really damage other popularly price US industries like wine as well.
WalMart and Home Depot agree. It would put small businesses that compete against them out of business. Market needs to set the wage. Leftists want the Gov't to stay out of their lives when it comes to who they can or cannot marry but they want the Gov't to tell me how much to pay my employees? GTFO.
let the record show nobody challenged my prediction that we're about to have a recession
What is your reasoning for a recession? Earnings have been good in the market this last quarter. I don't see a bubble in any sector.
Is your reasoning because Trump in president?
Deficits out of control.
deficits out of control.....explain.
Too much spending during a good economy. Interest rates still real low. When it slows there will be no options to speed it.
let the record show nobody challenged my prediction that we're about to have a recession
What is your reasoning for a recession? Earnings have been good in the market this last quarter. I don't see a bubble in any sector.
Is your reasoning because Trump in president?
Deficits out of control.
deficits out of control.....explain.
Too much spending during a good economy. Interest rates still real low. When it slows there will be no options to speed it.
But, we aren't there, yet. Yes, there will be another recession, there is always recessions. We just aren't there, yet.
Interest rates have been rising slowly since Trump has been in office and that will slow down the economy slowly so to keep inflation in check.
That's healthy for the market.
let the record show nobody challenged my prediction that we're about to have a recession

I think we all just ignored it. There are no recession warning signs at this time. It will be another 2 years at least
let the record show nobody challenged my prediction that we're about to have a recession
What is your reasoning for a recession? Earnings have been good in the market this last quarter. I don't see a bubble in any sector.
Is your reasoning because Trump in president?
Deficits out of control.
deficits out of control.....explain.
Too much spending during a good economy. Interest rates still real low. When it slows there will be no options to speed it.
But, we aren't there, yet. Yes, there will be another recession, there is always recessions. We just aren't there, yet.
Interest rates have been rising slowly since Trump has been in office and that will slow down the economy slowly so to keep inflation in check.
That's healthy for the market.
I wouldn’t guess at when, but we are already spending like we are trying to get out of a recession. It’s not sustainable.
it is astonishing and absurd that since Ted Kennedy died there have been few lawmakers campaigning to restore the minimum wage. a long overdue minimum wage hike would pour tens of billions of dollars into job-producing consumer demand, especially during a recession, which we're about to have.
job killer, history knows this as does basic economics. I wish folks like you knew how business worked before exercising your 1st amendment right.
it is astonishing and absurd that since Ted Kennedy died there have been few lawmakers campaigning to restore the minimum wage. a long overdue minimum wage hike would pour tens of billions of dollars into job-producing consumer demand, especially during a recession, which we're about to have.

a long overdue minimum wage hike would pour tens of billions of dollars into job-producing consumer demand,

And then subtract all the demand from the people who would lose their minimum wage jobs.
And subtract all the demand from employers who would go out of business.
What is your reasoning for a recession? Earnings have been good in the market this last quarter. I don't see a bubble in any sector.
Is your reasoning because Trump in president?
Deficits out of control.
deficits out of control.....explain.
Too much spending during a good economy. Interest rates still real low. When it slows there will be no options to speed it.
But, we aren't there, yet. Yes, there will be another recession, there is always recessions. We just aren't there, yet.
Interest rates have been rising slowly since Trump has been in office and that will slow down the economy slowly so to keep inflation in check.
That's healthy for the market.
I wouldn’t guess at when, but we are already spending like we are trying to get out of a recession. It’s not sustainable.
who is spending?

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