The case for voting Republican...

There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before

And it is all because of assholes like you.

All those people you claim pay no federal income tax is a fucking lie that you have been schooled on before. But here you are continuing to spread that lie.

Come on Ray, why do the working poor get a tax refund greater than they paid in? Is it the EITC? Yep brought to us by republicans. Fuck off dude.

Need the link?

Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income tax. That's it in a nutshell. And don't try to change the subject to earned income tax. It has nothing to do with what I said.

Bet those half that don't pay taxes would love to pay some taxes if they could earn more.
That could happen if both parties work together.

If that's your solution, you can cross that one off the list right now.

Both parties are drifting further and further from each other every year.

On the right, you have the Tea Party and what you see with this Donald Trump election. The right is torn between conservatives and establishment people, but moving more towards the right by force.

On the left, we have a President that had the support of the US Communist Party both elections, and the second place contender for his job is an admitted Socialist. You can't get much more left than that. While it may not look good for him now, a Hillary indictment could put him in the drivers seat.

There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before.
And the KKK supports Trump. Don't be a chump. We have to build a middle ground between the two parties, or one or other will establish an authoritarian government. The TPM would love to do so.

You can't build a middle ground when both parties are separating more and more every election. That was my point. You may want middle ground, but the party constituents don't.

Liberals want the country run their way, and conservatives want the country run their way. Where is the middle ground between capitalism and Communism?
It's not about doing everything one way or the other... It's about understanding the virtues of each method and having the ability to discuss, strategize, and compromise to get things done. It's also about good leadership and respect for those who are leading. Businesses do this all the time. Our government officials are so busy posturing and raising money for their campaigns, that they have lost their ability to work together. Problem is everybody thinks they are the leader... There can only be one CEO, he needs to be respected and with that respect will come respect for the people he works with... This attitude has gone out the window. We need to get it back.

It's not coming back.

Donald Trump is the creation of the RNC.

For years, we have been screaming at our party leaders to get things done our way. We wanted Obama Care to be defunded. We wanted Planned Parenthood to be defunded. We didn't want funding for illegal kids crossing our borders. We wanted a balanced budget, and what did we get? Excuses.

Donald Trump is the result of the Republican leadership ignoring us. Now the RNC is crapping themselves.

This is what happens when you try to "work' together." Your constituents will revolt.
These demands that your party scream ARE THE PROBLEM. You need to except that we live in a diverse country with many different views. If you can't except that and if you simply demand that everything be done your way with no compromise then you end up in gridlock. Their side is yelling just as loud as your side. They believe in their ideology just as strongly as you believe in yours. Yelling and demanding isn't going to get things done. It is going to lock things up. Understanding, recognition, and smart leadership is what it will take to bring things back. It can be done.
Neither the free loading left nor the welfare hard right can have it all their way,
If that's your solution, you can cross that one off the list right now.

Both parties are drifting further and further from each other every year.

On the right, you have the Tea Party and what you see with this Donald Trump election. The right is torn between conservatives and establishment people, but moving more towards the right by force.

On the left, we have a President that had the support of the US Communist Party both elections, and the second place contender for his job is an admitted Socialist. You can't get much more left than that. While it may not look good for him now, a Hillary indictment could put him in the drivers seat.

There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before.
And the KKK supports Trump. Don't be a chump. We have to build a middle ground between the two parties, or one or other will establish an authoritarian government. The TPM would love to do so.

You can't build a middle ground when both parties are separating more and more every election. That was my point. You may want middle ground, but the party constituents don't.

Liberals want the country run their way, and conservatives want the country run their way. Where is the middle ground between capitalism and Communism?
It's not about doing everything one way or the other... It's about understanding the virtues of each method and having the ability to discuss, strategize, and compromise to get things done. It's also about good leadership and respect for those who are leading. Businesses do this all the time. Our government officials are so busy posturing and raising money for their campaigns, that they have lost their ability to work together. Problem is everybody thinks they are the leader... There can only be one CEO, he needs to be respected and with that respect will come respect for the people he works with... This attitude has gone out the window. We need to get it back.

It's not coming back.

Donald Trump is the creation of the RNC.

For years, we have been screaming at our party leaders to get things done our way. We wanted Obama Care to be defunded. We wanted Planned Parenthood to be defunded. We didn't want funding for illegal kids crossing our borders. We wanted a balanced budget, and what did we get? Excuses.

Donald Trump is the result of the Republican leadership ignoring us. Now the RNC is crapping themselves.

This is what happens when you try to "work' together." Your constituents will revolt.
These demands that your party scream ARE THE PROBLEM. You need to except that we live in a diverse country with many different views. If you can't except that and if you simply demand that everything be done your way with no compromise then you end up in gridlock. Their side is yelling just as loud as your side. They believe in their ideology just as strongly as you believe in yours. Yelling and demanding isn't going to get things done. It is going to lock things up. Understanding, recognition, and smart leadership is what it will take to bring things back. It can be done.

It's been tried and people rejected it.

You never see the Democrats give in on anything, yet you think Republicans should be the ones meeting half-way? Meeting half-way to a Democrat means doing things their way.

There is a way to avoid gridlock, and that is put your people in power. Once they have the majority in both houses and the presidency, they can advance their agenda. That's how we got Commie Care.

You either have certain principles or you don't. There is no half-way on something you truly believe in. It's like the Israel--Palestinian conflict. The Palestinians believe the solution is to kill all Jews. What's the half-way point on that, killing only half of them? And even if they could, do you think that would make them happy?

We can't only abort half of the fetuses in this Country. We can't take away firearms from only half of the people. We can't tax the hell out of only half of the wealthy in this country. And no matter what the issue, considering the Republicans stance on them, it's already half-way to the Democrats satisfaction, and they are still complaining and pushing their agenda when given the chance.
There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before

And it is all because of assholes like you.

All those people you claim pay no federal income tax is a fucking lie that you have been schooled on before. But here you are continuing to spread that lie.

Come on Ray, why do the working poor get a tax refund greater than they paid in? Is it the EITC? Yep brought to us by republicans. Fuck off dude.

Need the link?

Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income tax. That's it in a nutshell. And don't try to change the subject to earned income tax. It has nothing to do with what I said.

Bet those half that don't pay taxes would love to pay some taxes if they could earn more.

No reason they can't pay them now. Even if it's a small tax, it's something.

The problem in our country is that we are allowed to vote money out of the pockets of others.

Free college, fix the infrastructure, make the air and water cleaner, healthcare for everybody Yeah, I'll vote for that because I'm not going to pay for it. Somebody else will.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection. If everybody has a dog in the race, you would see how fast that "free" anything would come to a halt.

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