The case for voting Republican...

And, Ray, that is because of both parties, not just the one or the other.

One party promotes it and the other party goes along.

But the fact of the matter is Democrats have done a terrible job when it comes to the economy. Even if it's claimed there have been 400 thousand new jobs a month, they don't do any good if they don't pay anything or are part-time to avoid Commie Care.
And the dems gave us the Great Recession. You are simply condemning one half of the problem and offering no solutions.

You sound like a fifth grade girl crying it is not fair.
And, Ray, that is because of both parties, not just the one or the other.

One party promotes it and the other party goes along.

But the fact of the matter is Democrats have done a terrible job when it comes to the economy. Even if it's claimed there have been 400 thousand new jobs a month, they don't do any good if they don't pay anything or are part-time to avoid Commie Care.
And the dems gave us the Great Recession. You are simply condemning one half of the problem and offering no solutions.

You sound like a fifth grade girl crying it is not fair.

I don't cry about anything.

Solution one is to close the borders and get all the foreigners out of this country who are keeping wages down and taking our jobs.

Solution two is to decrease all welfare programs because in some cases, they pay better than jobs and people just opt to stay home or work minimum hours in order to keep their benefits.
I could vote either way depending on the candidates... The only republican who is still in the race that i'd consider is Kasich but he isn't getting the nomination... If you are choosing based on general "ideology" then it is a better time to vote democratic simply because economically speaking the Liberal policy's are better for our current economic status. With low interest rates we are in need of government stimulus and liberals have better policy's to do this. I believe in 4 years once the stimulus has boosted/grown the economy and interest rates are up it will be more appropriate to cut taxes and implement conservative policies.

The Democrats have a better economic plan? Let's look:

45 million Americans still on food stamps.

Stagnant wages for the middle-class throughout the entire 7 plus years of DumBama.

Legal and illegal foreigners coming to America taking our jobs.

The rich have never gotten richer thanks to the Federal reserve propping up the stock market.

Record number (11 million) Americans on disability for some strange reason.
Liberal economic policy's are better for today's economic condition... Here's why:
Liberal policy's promote more government investment/spending. The state of our economy and current low interest rates create an environment where these fiscal activities can make the most impact for stimulation and job growth.

Conservative policy is necessary to balance our debt and reduce taxes once revenues have risen, infrastructure is solid and our industries are growing. Policy should get more conservative after our recovery is more advanced.

To your points:

45 million Americans still on food stamps.
We need to invest in education, infrastructure, and domestic business growth to create jobs.

Stagnant wages for the middle-class throughout the entire 7 plus years of DumBama.
We do need more economic growth which is better stimulated through government investment, not tax cuts. You had a typo... its President Obama. Grow up and show some respect.

Legal and illegal foreigners coming to America taking our jobs.
Not a huge problem if we can be smart and utilize the immigrant work force to build communities, domestic industry, and grow the economy. We waste way too much money fighting immigration when we could be using it.

The rich have never gotten richer thanks to the Federal reserve propping up the stock market.
The rich have gotten richer while the poor are getting poorer... Income inequality is a very large underlying issue. And I agree that there is still a lot of corruption in our government and private financial industry. Deregulation is only going to make it worse.

Record number (11 million) Americans on disability for some strange reason
Many of our welfare programs need reform. To many are taking advantage or not getting the help they need. Only way to do this is to invest into making them more efficient... not cut them.
The "Old Dude", white supremacist, who punched the protestor in NC is reason enough to not vote republican.
The judges a republican president would appoint to Federal benches, and justices to the Supreme Court, is reason enough to not vote republican.

The GOP's propensity for war is reason enough to not vote republican.

Failed conservative economic policy, an unwarranted hostility toward necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy, and the inherent nativism of republicans are reasons enough to not vote republican.

Indeed, given the fear of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty common to most on the right, there is no good reason to vote republican.
I could vote either way depending on the candidates... The only republican who is still in the race that i'd consider is Kasich but he isn't getting the nomination... If you are choosing based on general "ideology" then it is a better time to vote democratic simply because economically speaking the Liberal policy's are better for our current economic status. With low interest rates we are in need of government stimulus and liberals have better policy's to do this. I believe in 4 years once the stimulus has boosted/grown the economy and interest rates are up it will be more appropriate to cut taxes and implement conservative policies.

The Democrats have a better economic plan? Let's look:

45 million Americans still on food stamps.

Stagnant wages for the middle-class throughout the entire 7 plus years of DumBama.

Legal and illegal foreigners coming to America taking our jobs.

The rich have never gotten richer thanks to the Federal reserve propping up the stock market.

Record number (11 million) Americans on disability for some strange reason.
Liberal economic policy's are better for today's economic condition... Here's why:
Liberal policy's promote more government investment/spending. The state of our economy and current low interest rates create an environment where these fiscal activities can make the most impact for stimulation and job growth.

Conservative policy is necessary to balance our debt and reduce taxes once revenues have risen, infrastructure is solid and our industries are growing. Policy should get more conservative after our recovery is more advanced.

To your points:

45 million Americans still on food stamps.
We need to invest in education, infrastructure, and domestic business growth to create jobs.

Stagnant wages for the middle-class throughout the entire 7 plus years of DumBama.
We do need more economic growth which is better stimulated through government investment, not tax cuts. You had a typo... its President Obama. Grow up and show some respect.

Legal and illegal foreigners coming to America taking our jobs.
Not a huge problem if we can be smart and utilize the immigrant work force to build communities, domestic industry, and grow the economy. We waste way too much money fighting immigration when we could be using it.

The rich have never gotten richer thanks to the Federal reserve propping up the stock market.
The rich have gotten richer while the poor are getting poorer... Income inequality is a very large underlying issue. And I agree that there is still a lot of corruption in our government and private financial industry. Deregulation is only going to make it worse.

Record number (11 million) Americans on disability for some strange reason
Many of our welfare programs need reform. To many are taking advantage or not getting the help they need. Only way to do this is to invest into making them more efficient... not cut them.

I'll try to address a few points here:

45 million on food stamps, you say the solution is education and infrastructure. No, the solution is what they did in Maine. In Maine, they created requirements to collect food stamps. Of course they gave choices: have a part-time job working at least 20 hours per week; be enrolled in an vocational program to get training for a job; or volunteer 24 hours A MONTH. That's it, and guess what? Most people didn't stay on the program. Unlike infrastructure and education, their methods didn't cost taxpayers a dime and in fact, saved the taxpayers millions. Bottom line: they never really needed SNAP's in the first place. It was there so they took advantage of it.

Stagnant wages: stagnant wages are the result of equal or more supply than demand. When supply is low and demand is high, that's when prices increase. As long as we keep this train of foreigners coming to our country to take these low wage jobs, the supply never dwindles. It will always be high guaranteeing stagnant wages. It's a stab in the back to American workers, so show some respect and grow up!

Income inequality: In a free country, anybody can be whatever they desire. If you want to be poor, don't work or work low wage jobs. If you want to be middle-class, then learn a trade or skill and be middle-class. If you want to be upper-middle-class or even wealthy, go to college and get a degree, or save all your working money and open up your own business.

If you really believe in income inequity, then quit giving rich people all of your money. Get rid of that cable television, get rid of that cell phone, take public transportation and quit giving billion dollar oil companies your money for gasoline, get rid of your internet and computer built by a multi-billion dollar company.
I could vote either way depending on the candidates... The only republican who is still in the race that i'd consider is Kasich but he isn't getting the nomination... If you are choosing based on general "ideology" then it is a better time to vote democratic simply because economically speaking the Liberal policy's are better for our current economic status. With low interest rates we are in need of government stimulus and liberals have better policy's to do this. I believe in 4 years once the stimulus has boosted/grown the economy and interest rates are up it will be more appropriate to cut taxes and implement conservative policies.

The Democrats have a better economic plan? Let's look:

45 million Americans still on food stamps.

Stagnant wages for the middle-class throughout the entire 7 plus years of DumBama.

Legal and illegal foreigners coming to America taking our jobs.

The rich have never gotten richer thanks to the Federal reserve propping up the stock market.

Record number (11 million) Americans on disability for some strange reason.
Liberal economic policy's are better for today's economic condition... Here's why:
Liberal policy's promote more government investment/spending. The state of our economy and current low interest rates create an environment where these fiscal activities can make the most impact for stimulation and job growth.

Conservative policy is necessary to balance our debt and reduce taxes once revenues have risen, infrastructure is solid and our industries are growing. Policy should get more conservative after our recovery is more advanced.

To your points:

45 million Americans still on food stamps.
We need to invest in education, infrastructure, and domestic business growth to create jobs.

Stagnant wages for the middle-class throughout the entire 7 plus years of DumBama.
We do need more economic growth which is better stimulated through government investment, not tax cuts. You had a typo... its President Obama. Grow up and show some respect.

Legal and illegal foreigners coming to America taking our jobs.
Not a huge problem if we can be smart and utilize the immigrant work force to build communities, domestic industry, and grow the economy. We waste way too much money fighting immigration when we could be using it.

The rich have never gotten richer thanks to the Federal reserve propping up the stock market.
The rich have gotten richer while the poor are getting poorer... Income inequality is a very large underlying issue. And I agree that there is still a lot of corruption in our government and private financial industry. Deregulation is only going to make it worse.

Record number (11 million) Americans on disability for some strange reason
Many of our welfare programs need reform. To many are taking advantage or not getting the help they need. Only way to do this is to invest into making them more efficient... not cut them.

I'll try to address a few points here:

45 million on food stamps, you say the solution is education and infrastructure. No, the solution is what they did in Maine. In Maine, they created requirements to collect food stamps. Of course they gave choices: have a part-time job working at least 20 hours per week; be enrolled in an vocational program to get training for a job; or volunteer 24 hours A MONTH. That's it, and guess what? Most people didn't stay on the program. Unlike infrastructure and education, their methods didn't cost taxpayers a dime and in fact, saved the taxpayers millions. Bottom line: they never really needed SNAP's in the first place. It was there so they took advantage of it.

Stagnant wages: stagnant wages are the result of equal or more supply than demand. When supply is low and demand is high, that's when prices increase. As long as we keep this train of foreigners coming to our country to take these low wage jobs, the supply never dwindles. It will always be high guaranteeing stagnant wages. It's a stab in the back to American workers, so show some respect and grow up!

Income inequality: In a free country, anybody can be whatever they desire. If you want to be poor, don't work or work low wage jobs. If you want to be middle-class, then learn a trade or skill and be middle-class. If you want to be upper-middle-class or even wealthy, go to college and get a degree, or save all your working money and open up your own business.

If you really believe in income inequity, then quit giving rich people all of your money. Get rid of that cable television, get rid of that cell phone, take public transportation and quit giving billion dollar oil companies your money for gasoline, get rid of your internet and computer built by a multi-billion dollar company.
To your points:
food stamps:
You make good points, which I agree with. I've seen people take advantage of other programs, such as unemployment in the same way and think they need to be reformed to provide for those in need but have better purpose to push people into self-sufficiency. There is too much abuse and that needs to be addressed.

Stagnant wages:
I see you point but think there is a better approach to solving... More people in the workforce means more potential! If we can invest in small businesses, industry growth, and create more jobs across the board, we have tremendous potential to utilize our unemployed and willing immigrants to dramatically grow our economy.

Income inequality:
I get it and don't disagree with you. Its all relative though. Im assuming you'd agree that taxation is a necessary element of our government and economy. So it's just numbers and strategy that determines how much. If I am creating a bill to help schools or build a bridge and need to raise fund, I would personally go to the deeper pockets for more instead of the guy struggling to make payments, or the guy saving to send his kid to college. The situation is too complex and dependent on many factors for a simple easy solution...

Appreciate your input
And, Ray, that is because of both parties, not just the one or the other.

One party promotes it and the other party goes along.

But the fact of the matter is Democrats have done a terrible job when it comes to the economy. Even if it's claimed there have been 400 thousand new jobs a month, they don't do any good if they don't pay anything or are part-time to avoid Commie Care.
And the dems gave us the Great Recession. You are simply condemning one half of the problem and offering no solutions.

You sound like a fifth grade girl crying it is not fair.

I don't cry about anything.

Solution one is to close the borders and get all the foreigners out of this country who are keeping wages down and taking our jobs.

Solution two is to decrease all welfare programs because in some cases, they pay better than jobs and people just opt to stay home or work minimum hours in order to keep their benefits.
That could happen if both parties work together.
I could vote either way depending on the candidates... The only republican who is still in the race that i'd consider is Kasich but he isn't getting the nomination... If you are choosing based on general "ideology" then it is a better time to vote democratic simply because economically speaking the Liberal policy's are better for our current economic status. With low interest rates we are in need of government stimulus and liberals have better policy's to do this. I believe in 4 years once the stimulus has boosted/grown the economy and interest rates are up it will be more appropriate to cut taxes and implement conservative policies.

The Democrats have a better economic plan? Let's look:

45 million Americans still on food stamps.

Stagnant wages for the middle-class throughout the entire 7 plus years of DumBama.

Legal and illegal foreigners coming to America taking our jobs.

The rich have never gotten richer thanks to the Federal reserve propping up the stock market.

Record number (11 million) Americans on disability for some strange reason.
Liberal economic policy's are better for today's economic condition... Here's why:
Liberal policy's promote more government investment/spending. The state of our economy and current low interest rates create an environment where these fiscal activities can make the most impact for stimulation and job growth.

Conservative policy is necessary to balance our debt and reduce taxes once revenues have risen, infrastructure is solid and our industries are growing. Policy should get more conservative after our recovery is more advanced.

To your points:

45 million Americans still on food stamps.
We need to invest in education, infrastructure, and domestic business growth to create jobs.

Stagnant wages for the middle-class throughout the entire 7 plus years of DumBama.
We do need more economic growth which is better stimulated through government investment, not tax cuts. You had a typo... its President Obama. Grow up and show some respect.

Legal and illegal foreigners coming to America taking our jobs.
Not a huge problem if we can be smart and utilize the immigrant work force to build communities, domestic industry, and grow the economy. We waste way too much money fighting immigration when we could be using it.

The rich have never gotten richer thanks to the Federal reserve propping up the stock market.
The rich have gotten richer while the poor are getting poorer... Income inequality is a very large underlying issue. And I agree that there is still a lot of corruption in our government and private financial industry. Deregulation is only going to make it worse.

Record number (11 million) Americans on disability for some strange reason
Many of our welfare programs need reform. To many are taking advantage or not getting the help they need. Only way to do this is to invest into making them more efficient... not cut them.

I'll try to address a few points here:

45 million on food stamps, you say the solution is education and infrastructure. No, the solution is what they did in Maine. In Maine, they created requirements to collect food stamps. Of course they gave choices: have a part-time job working at least 20 hours per week; be enrolled in an vocational program to get training for a job; or volunteer 24 hours A MONTH. That's it, and guess what? Most people didn't stay on the program. Unlike infrastructure and education, their methods didn't cost taxpayers a dime and in fact, saved the taxpayers millions. Bottom line: they never really needed SNAP's in the first place. It was there so they took advantage of it.

Stagnant wages: stagnant wages are the result of equal or more supply than demand. When supply is low and demand is high, that's when prices increase. As long as we keep this train of foreigners coming to our country to take these low wage jobs, the supply never dwindles. It will always be high guaranteeing stagnant wages. It's a stab in the back to American workers, so show some respect and grow up!

Income inequality: In a free country, anybody can be whatever they desire. If you want to be poor, don't work or work low wage jobs. If you want to be middle-class, then learn a trade or skill and be middle-class. If you want to be upper-middle-class or even wealthy, go to college and get a degree, or save all your working money and open up your own business.

If you really believe in income inequity, then quit giving rich people all of your money. Get rid of that cable television, get rid of that cell phone, take public transportation and quit giving billion dollar oil companies your money for gasoline, get rid of your internet and computer built by a multi-billion dollar company.
To your points:
food stamps:
You make good points, which I agree with. I've seen people take advantage of other programs, such as unemployment in the same way and think they need to be reformed to provide for those in need but have better purpose to push people into self-sufficiency. There is too much abuse and that needs to be addressed.

Stagnant wages:
I see you point but think there is a better approach to solving... More people in the workforce means more potential! If we can invest in small businesses, industry growth, and create more jobs across the board, we have tremendous potential to utilize our unemployed and willing immigrants to dramatically grow our economy.

Income inequality:
I get it and don't disagree with you. Its all relative though. Im assuming you'd agree that taxation is a necessary element of our government and economy. So it's just numbers and strategy that determines how much. If I am creating a bill to help schools or build a bridge and need to raise fund, I would personally go to the deeper pockets for more instead of the guy struggling to make payments, or the guy saving to send his kid to college. The situation is too complex and dependent on many factors for a simple easy solution...

Appreciate your input

But isn't that always the answer, tax the rich?

Free college, tax the rich.
19 trillion in debt and growing, tax the rich.
Income inequality, tax the rich.
Infrastructure crumbling, tax the rich.
Healthcare needs, tax the rich.
Social Security going broke, tax the rich.

Given the fact nearly half of Americans pay no income tax at all, I think a better strategy would be tax those people to pay for these things. After all, the top 10% of wage earners in this country already pay 70% of all collected income taxes. 90% of us pay the other 30%.

Government doesn't need to invest in businesses to make them grow. Government needs to get the hell out of their way to make them grow. We have plenty of jobs out there for those that really want one, but if you don't reduce welfare to the point people have to work, it doesn't matter how many jobs we create.

In my line of work, they predict that we need 60,000 new workers this year alone---most of whom industry can't find. In the last few years, industry has depended on foreigners to come here and take the jobs Americans are too lazy to do. I spend much of my day in industrial complexes. They are loaded with businesses that have HELP WANTED signs on the buildings. Some of these businesses are our customers. I talk to them when looking for help. These jobs don't pay too badly and many of them are monkey jobs. But...... if nobody wants to take them or they can't pass a drug test because smoking pot is paramount to getting a decent full-time job, then the problem is not enough jobs around, the problem is the government and our people.
And, Ray, that is because of both parties, not just the one or the other.

One party promotes it and the other party goes along.

But the fact of the matter is Democrats have done a terrible job when it comes to the economy. Even if it's claimed there have been 400 thousand new jobs a month, they don't do any good if they don't pay anything or are part-time to avoid Commie Care.
And the dems gave us the Great Recession. You are simply condemning one half of the problem and offering no solutions.

You sound like a fifth grade girl crying it is not fair.

I don't cry about anything.

Solution one is to close the borders and get all the foreigners out of this country who are keeping wages down and taking our jobs.

Solution two is to decrease all welfare programs because in some cases, they pay better than jobs and people just opt to stay home or work minimum hours in order to keep their benefits.
That could happen if both parties work together.

If that's your solution, you can cross that one off the list right now.

Both parties are drifting further and further from each other every year.

On the right, you have the Tea Party and what you see with this Donald Trump election. The right is torn between conservatives and establishment people, but moving more towards the right by force.

On the left, we have a President that had the support of the US Communist Party both elections, and the second place contender for his job is an admitted Socialist. You can't get much more left than that. While it may not look good for him now, a Hillary indictment could put him in the drivers seat.

There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before.
There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before

And it is all because of assholes like you.

All those people you claim pay no federal income tax is a fucking lie that you have been schooled on before. But here you are continuing to spread that lie.

Come on Ray, why do the working poor get a tax refund greater than they paid in? Is it the EITC? Yep brought to us by republicans. Fuck off dude.
Stagnant wages: stagnant wages are the result of equal or more supply than demand. When supply is low and demand is high, that's when prices increase. As long as we keep this train of foreigners coming to our country to take these low wage jobs, the supply never dwindles. It will always be high guaranteeing stagnant wages. It's a stab in the back to American workers, so show some respect and grow up!

Hey Ray, if so many Americans are lazy fucks waiting for you to give them a check, why aren't those lazy Americans taking the jobs the illegals are taking?

Why can't you force Americans to take those jobs Ray. Plenty of Americans not working according to you.

Make America great again Ray force people to work. Maybe work internment camps would be good.
And, Ray, that is because of both parties, not just the one or the other.

One party promotes it and the other party goes along.

But the fact of the matter is Democrats have done a terrible job when it comes to the economy. Even if it's claimed there have been 400 thousand new jobs a month, they don't do any good if they don't pay anything or are part-time to avoid Commie Care.
And the dems gave us the Great Recession. You are simply condemning one half of the problem and offering no solutions.

You sound like a fifth grade girl crying it is not fair.

I don't cry about anything.

Solution one is to close the borders and get all the foreigners out of this country who are keeping wages down and taking our jobs.

Solution two is to decrease all welfare programs because in some cases, they pay better than jobs and people just opt to stay home or work minimum hours in order to keep their benefits.
That could happen if both parties work together.

If that's your solution, you can cross that one off the list right now.

Both parties are drifting further and further from each other every year.

On the right, you have the Tea Party and what you see with this Donald Trump election. The right is torn between conservatives and establishment people, but moving more towards the right by force.

On the left, we have a President that had the support of the US Communist Party both elections, and the second place contender for his job is an admitted Socialist. You can't get much more left than that. While it may not look good for him now, a Hillary indictment could put him in the drivers seat.

There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before.
And the KKK supports Trump. Don't be a chump. We have to build a middle ground between the two parties, or one or other will establish an authoritarian government. The TPM would love to do so.
One party promotes it and the other party goes along.

But the fact of the matter is Democrats have done a terrible job when it comes to the economy. Even if it's claimed there have been 400 thousand new jobs a month, they don't do any good if they don't pay anything or are part-time to avoid Commie Care.
And the dems gave us the Great Recession. You are simply condemning one half of the problem and offering no solutions.

You sound like a fifth grade girl crying it is not fair.

I don't cry about anything.

Solution one is to close the borders and get all the foreigners out of this country who are keeping wages down and taking our jobs.

Solution two is to decrease all welfare programs because in some cases, they pay better than jobs and people just opt to stay home or work minimum hours in order to keep their benefits.
That could happen if both parties work together.

If that's your solution, you can cross that one off the list right now.

Both parties are drifting further and further from each other every year.

On the right, you have the Tea Party and what you see with this Donald Trump election. The right is torn between conservatives and establishment people, but moving more towards the right by force.

On the left, we have a President that had the support of the US Communist Party both elections, and the second place contender for his job is an admitted Socialist. You can't get much more left than that. While it may not look good for him now, a Hillary indictment could put him in the drivers seat.

There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before.
And the KKK supports Trump. Don't be a chump. We have to build a middle ground between the two parties, or one or other will establish an authoritarian government. The TPM would love to do so.

You can't build a middle ground when both parties are separating more and more every election. That was my point. You may want middle ground, but the party constituents don't.

Liberals want the country run their way, and conservatives want the country run their way. Where is the middle ground between capitalism and Communism?
Stagnant wages: stagnant wages are the result of equal or more supply than demand. When supply is low and demand is high, that's when prices increase. As long as we keep this train of foreigners coming to our country to take these low wage jobs, the supply never dwindles. It will always be high guaranteeing stagnant wages. It's a stab in the back to American workers, so show some respect and grow up!

Hey Ray, if so many Americans are lazy fucks waiting for you to give them a check, why aren't those lazy Americans taking the jobs the illegals are taking?

Why can't you force Americans to take those jobs Ray. Plenty of Americans not working according to you.

Make America great again Ray force people to work. Maybe work internment camps would be good.

Sorry about your comprehension problems. So I'll try it again:

Lower the standards and pay of these social programs, and yes, Americans will take those jobs that the illegals and legal foreigners currently have.
There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before

And it is all because of assholes like you.

All those people you claim pay no federal income tax is a fucking lie that you have been schooled on before. But here you are continuing to spread that lie.

Come on Ray, why do the working poor get a tax refund greater than they paid in? Is it the EITC? Yep brought to us by republicans. Fuck off dude.

Need the link?

Nearly half of Americans pay no federal income tax. That's it in a nutshell. And don't try to change the subject to earned income tax. It has nothing to do with what I said.
A good argument for voting Republican even if you don't like Trump or Cruz...

Unimpressed and Undecided | John C. Wright's Journal

Come the general election, all who are not yearning with their whole hearts for the destruction of his nation at the hands either of the aging felon Mrs. Clinton or the aging Bolshevik Mr. Sanders, must rally around whichever candidate is nominated.

Better to vote for Cthulhu than for a democrat, because life in R’lyeh is better than life in the third world banana republic hellhole. That is where the nation is headed, and at full throttle. The economic and racial policies which made Detroit into one of the wonders of the world — from richest city on Earth to a garbage pile on one generation is truly a wonder, merely an appalling one — will do the same when applied to the rest of the nation.

What a fucking nightmare. Vote Libertarian.
And the dems gave us the Great Recession. You are simply condemning one half of the problem and offering no solutions.

You sound like a fifth grade girl crying it is not fair.

I don't cry about anything.

Solution one is to close the borders and get all the foreigners out of this country who are keeping wages down and taking our jobs.

Solution two is to decrease all welfare programs because in some cases, they pay better than jobs and people just opt to stay home or work minimum hours in order to keep their benefits.
That could happen if both parties work together.

If that's your solution, you can cross that one off the list right now.

Both parties are drifting further and further from each other every year.

On the right, you have the Tea Party and what you see with this Donald Trump election. The right is torn between conservatives and establishment people, but moving more towards the right by force.

On the left, we have a President that had the support of the US Communist Party both elections, and the second place contender for his job is an admitted Socialist. You can't get much more left than that. While it may not look good for him now, a Hillary indictment could put him in the drivers seat.

There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before.
And the KKK supports Trump. Don't be a chump. We have to build a middle ground between the two parties, or one or other will establish an authoritarian government. The TPM would love to do so.

You can't build a middle ground when both parties are separating more and more every election. That was my point. You may want middle ground, but the party constituents don't.

Liberals want the country run their way, and conservatives want the country run their way. Where is the middle ground between capitalism and Communism?
It's not about doing everything one way or the other... It's about understanding the virtues of each method and having the ability to discuss, strategize, and compromise to get things done. It's also about good leadership and respect for those who are leading. Businesses do this all the time. Our government officials are so busy posturing and raising money for their campaigns, that they have lost their ability to work together. Problem is everybody thinks they are the leader... There can only be one CEO, he needs to be respected and with that respect will come respect for the people he works with... This attitude has gone out the window. We need to get it back.
I don't cry about anything.

Solution one is to close the borders and get all the foreigners out of this country who are keeping wages down and taking our jobs.

Solution two is to decrease all welfare programs because in some cases, they pay better than jobs and people just opt to stay home or work minimum hours in order to keep their benefits.
That could happen if both parties work together.

If that's your solution, you can cross that one off the list right now.

Both parties are drifting further and further from each other every year.

On the right, you have the Tea Party and what you see with this Donald Trump election. The right is torn between conservatives and establishment people, but moving more towards the right by force.

On the left, we have a President that had the support of the US Communist Party both elections, and the second place contender for his job is an admitted Socialist. You can't get much more left than that. While it may not look good for him now, a Hillary indictment could put him in the drivers seat.

There is less middle-ground between the two parties than ever before.
And the KKK supports Trump. Don't be a chump. We have to build a middle ground between the two parties, or one or other will establish an authoritarian government. The TPM would love to do so.

You can't build a middle ground when both parties are separating more and more every election. That was my point. You may want middle ground, but the party constituents don't.

Liberals want the country run their way, and conservatives want the country run their way. Where is the middle ground between capitalism and Communism?
It's not about doing everything one way or the other... It's about understanding the virtues of each method and having the ability to discuss, strategize, and compromise to get things done. It's also about good leadership and respect for those who are leading. Businesses do this all the time. Our government officials are so busy posturing and raising money for their campaigns, that they have lost their ability to work together. Problem is everybody thinks they are the leader... There can only be one CEO, he needs to be respected and with that respect will come respect for the people he works with... This attitude has gone out the window. We need to get it back.

It's not coming back.

Donald Trump is the creation of the RNC.

For years, we have been screaming at our party leaders to get things done our way. We wanted Obama Care to be defunded. We wanted Planned Parenthood to be defunded. We didn't want funding for illegal kids crossing our borders. We wanted a balanced budget, and what did we get? Excuses.

Donald Trump is the result of the Republican leadership ignoring us. Now the RNC is crapping themselves.

This is what happens when you try to "work' together." Your constituents will revolt.

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