The case of the 6 year old drag queen 😶

This is truly disturbing.
And every single person on this forum who is not a sick fuck sees it instantly.
This child will be damaged for life. His own parents.

We are talking Biblical proportion evil.
Maybe he'll escape the demonic clutches of these sickos & grow to be an IDF soldier; he can then help blow Palestinian children to pieces?

You'd be ecstatic then, yes?
It is very obvious what sort of subhuman piece of shit would defend this.

It is against the rules on this forum to point to any individuals, and to tell us what this clearly says about them, but we all know.
You'll be shocked to learn that there's an entire allegedly Christian religion which worships a child rapist.

Based in Utah.

Millions of members.

Shocking stuff.

But the kid seems fine. :)
This is a delicate subject. Many thoughts go through my head. Who is responsible for this. How did this happen?
Who should be held accountable? What is a suitable punishment? This has been seen in public. Authorities not alerted?

"He was taught as a toddler to dress up as a girl and perform provocatively for adults as they hand him cash tips." :confused:

Who taught this child this behavior?

Astoundingly depraved. Anybody who defends what they did to that poor child needs an enema of the brain.
You'll be shocked to learn that there's an entire allegedly Christian religion which worships a child rapist.

Based in Utah.

Millions of members.

Shocking stuff.

But the kid seems fine. :)
you sure do know a lot about children and rapists.
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So so sad....

The parents of that poor child on the OP, put an end to his life - in a manner of speaking - while he was so young.

I have never seen so much defense of a child drag queen. Seems MinTrut is on full defense.
I am thinking one of three things...

The first I can't mention or I will get banned.
Mini is a Drag Queen
the third I can't or I will get banned.

I guess read between the lines
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This is the second set of parents abusing their son for money. Desmond was the first boy child stripper. He also started at six. Parents would dress Desmond up as a girl and take him around to gay bars where the child would bump and grind. Drunk child molesters would shove dollar bills into his g string. Of course, no alcohol was served during the performance. That would be illegal.

These parents decided to turn their son into the same kind of pervert food for money. This isn't a child having a little dance and so much fun. This is an underage child trained to remove clothing in front of cheering predators then bend over and shake his ass in front of their faces. There IS NO DEFENSE of this despicable behavior. The child should be removed from this home immediately. Victorian times had underage lady boys that did the same thing. Until they died of syphilis.

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