Liberalism comes from stupid voters

mueller has proven totally corrupt and now hiding like a rat

A big lie about his investigation being private

His whole investigation was set up front and center to scare trump to cover up the deep states serious crimes

Private BS!!

He let it leak all prosecutors were Hilary supporters

He sent out the Whoie army of swat teams to raid trump connections and let CNN broadcast it

Private investigation BS !!

An investigation to totally scare trump and any friends he may have. Mueller brought that scare job VERY PUBLIC !!

Mueller must be tried for high treason for trying to cover up the deep states serious crimes by scaring trump
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words
Is that Adams or Washington in your picture?
Tax cuts, the wars, the fiscal messes made that of lead us to this point are Republican made. By every measure the liberal administrations of Obama and Clinton were far more successful both fiscally and in providing benefits to the country.

What war has President Donald Trump started?

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, against advice, pulled all our troops out of Iraq. How did that work out? Russia and ISIS filled the vacuum. How was that a good thing? Who was it that ELIMINATED the Caliphate?

Here is a map. This shows the Caliphate created by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's negligence. President Donald Trump has eliminated the ISIS caliphate. How is that not a great thing?

After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words

Is there anything in this post that isn't bullshit?


Hey, wasn't it reagan who cut and ran from Lebanon in the 1980's? Sold chemical weapons to Iraq?

President Barack Hussein Obama cut what from the military? Any ya know, facts to back that crap ass statement up?
There is nothing funnier than the minions on the left who believe all of the lies of the master’s on the left.
President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the poor during his time in the White House.
The fact is - all of the wealth went to the Top 1% under the Obama reign of terror. He openly admitted as much.

Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1%
Of course Obama "admits" this. Its because Obama had an obstructionist congress. Obama attempted to pass legislation, but a republican congress will have none of it. You guys were calling him a marxist, and are still calling him a marxist. But marxist teachings of capitalist surplus theory is necessary to address the issue.
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.

As Ronald Reagan stated - "weakness invites aggression". When Bill Clinton refused to deal with Al Qaeda and pulled out of Somalia at the first sign of a fight (like a coward), he convinced the world that America was cowardly. That emboldened the world. That coupled with failing to deal with Al Qaeda gave them the time and motivation to plan and execute 9/11. The mastermind of the attack - Khalid Sheik Mohammed - admitted that they were stunned by the response by the Bush Administration and that the Bush strategy prevented more attacks.

“Then he looked at me and said, ‘How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?’” Mitchell writes.

“KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks.” He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned “by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush’s response.”

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens. Weakness invites aggression. And the progressive idealistic weakness has invited unspeakable horrors against the U.S. It was done once again by Barack Obama - by making heavy cuts to our U.S. military (sending a signal to enemies) and by sending billions in ransom money to Iran.

A horrifying look into the mind of 9/11’s mastermind, in his own words

Is there anything in this post that isn't bullshit?


Hey, wasn't it reagan who cut and ran from Lebanon in the 1980's? Sold chemical weapons to Iraq?

President Barack Hussein Obama cut what from the military? Any ya know, facts to back that crap ass statement up?

Patriot never has facts to back up his assertions. And what he posts as "facts" are not only proveably false, but generally in direct opposition to reality.
Of course Obama "admits" this. Its because Obama had an obstructionist congress.
Bwahahaha! MaObama had two years of a near supermajority in Congress. He got every piece of legislation he wanted.

He wanted Obamacare. He got it. He wanted his “stimulus package”. He got it. He wanted his Omnibus spending bill. He got it. He wanted “finance reform”. He got it (the Dodd-Frank WallStreet Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act, and the Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act).

Sorry lying little snowflake, but MaObama got 100% of every piece of legislation he wanted in his first two years. And the results? Unemployment when from 7.8% to over 10% and 95% of the wealth went to the top 1%. That’s what failed left-wing policy does.
Patriot never has facts to back up his assertions.
The Canadian c*nt actually has the audacity to post this in a reply that included a link. That’s the epitome of “facts to back up assertions”. :laugh:

God I love watching Dragon lose her tiny little mind. She’s so pissed that her ideology has been proven to be a failed ideology (which is causing her to become unglued).
Of course Obama "admits" this. Its because Obama had an obstructionist congress.
Bwahahaha! MaObama had two years of a near supermajority in Congress. He got every piece of legislation he wanted.

He wanted Obamacare. He got it. He wanted his “stimulus package”. He got it. He wanted his Omnibus spending bill. He got it. He wanted “finance reform”. He got it (the Dodd-Frank WallStreet Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act, and the Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act).

Sorry lying little snowflake, but MaObama got 100% of every piece of legislation he wanted in his first two years. And the results? Unemployment when from 7.8% to over 10% and 95% of the wealth went to the top 1%. That’s what failed left-wing policy does.
Its neo-liberal policies which lead to those levels of inequality, and they are today more than ever.

Because republicans contested Al Fraken's election, he didnt get seated for 7 months. 60 senators are required for super-majorty, but with that delay there were only 58. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died and the number went back down to 59 again until Paul Kirk temporarily filled Kennedy’s seat.

The swearing in of Kirk finally gave Democrats 60 votes (at least potentially) in the Senate. “Total control” of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months. From September 24, 2009 through February 4, which point Scott Brown, a Republican, was sworn in to replace Kennedy’s Massachusetts seat.
This is hilariously wrongheaded.

It was PRECISELY America's INVOLVEMENT in overseas conflicts that invited al qaeda to attack us. Specifically, Bin Laden was emboldened by the 91 Gulf War.

Twenty Years Later, First Iraq War Still Resonates

the first Gulf War did lead to further confrontations — and its reverberations are still felt today. ... [It became] a cause celebre for Osama bin Laden and one of the factors that led to al-Qaida's attacks against the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001. Bin Laden was incensed that "filthy, infidel crusaders," as he called American troops, were based in his homeland of Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's two holiest sites.

Speaking of hilariously wrongheaded - well, it might be hilarious if it wasn't such a damn tragic view.

Al Qaeda was not 'invited' to attack. They were led by a radical religious fanatic who'd been disowned by his family and stripped of his Saudi citizenship 7 years before 9/11. Bin Laden issued two declarations of war (fatwah) against the US and western civilization during the Clinton administration - and Clinton did little to nothing.

The US did not force a military presence in SA, they were invited - under an agreement that the troops would adhere to SA law off base. Head coverings for women, no religious materials (Bible's, etc.) for example.

How bizarre to blame the 'victim' and not the perpetrator...a militant ideological this case,religious but ideological fanaticism willing to destroy non-believers is not limited to followers of religion, as history has often shown us.
“Total control” of Congress by Democrats lasted all of 4 months. From September 24, 2009 through February 4, which point Scott Brown, a Republican, was sworn in to replace Kennedy’s Massachusetts seat.
Snowflake....all the Scott Brown election did was eliminate the SUPER MAJORITY. You still had full majority in both chambers to achieve any legislation. And MaObama got EVERYTHING he wanted. I just proved you lied.
Of course Obama "admits" this. Its because Obama had an obstructionist congress.
Bwahahaha! MaObama had two years of a near supermajority in Congress. He got every piece of legislation he wanted.

He wanted Obamacare. He got it. He wanted his “stimulus package”. He got it. He wanted his Omnibus spending bill. He got it. He wanted “finance reform”. He got it (the Dodd-Frank WallStreet Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act, and the Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act).

Sorry lying little snowflake, but MaObama got 100% of every piece of legislation he wanted in his first two years. And the results? Unemployment when from 7.8% to over 10% and 95% of the wealth went to the top 1%. That’s what failed left-wing policy does.


President Barack Hussein Obama inherited the Great Recession from bush and his republic polices. While unemployment peaked in October 2009 at 10.8% that was a year before passage of the PPACA. Also, unlike reagan who had 10 months of over 10% unemployment starting 1982, Obama only had one month.

When Obama finished his TWO TERMS the unemployment rate was at 4.8%. reagan ended his at 5.4%, so Obama and Democratic polices were better.
Of course Obama "admits" this. Its because Obama had an obstructionist congress.
Bwahahaha! MaObama had two years of a near supermajority in Congress. He got every piece of legislation he wanted.

He wanted Obamacare. He got it. He wanted his “stimulus package”. He got it. He wanted his Omnibus spending bill. He got it. He wanted “finance reform”. He got it (the Dodd-Frank WallStreet Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act, and the Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act).

Sorry lying little snowflake, but MaObama got 100% of every piece of legislation he wanted in his first two years. And the results? Unemployment when from 7.8% to over 10% and 95% of the wealth went to the top 1%. That’s what failed left-wing policy does.
President Barack Hussein Obama inherited the Great Recession from bush and his republic polices.
Is that your new lie? I just proved you don’t know what you’re talking about and thus that you make shit up, in my last post.
When Obama finished his TWO TERMS the unemployment rate was at 4.8%. reagan ended his at 5.4%, so Obama and Democratic polices were better.
His two terms dominated by 6 (of the 8) years controlled by Republicans coast-to-coast? Meanwhile, Reagan had the failed Dumbocrats, lead by Tip O’Neill, pulling down his successful policies.

Just stop, mindless little minion. You’re embarrassing yourself. You’re not informed about these issues. Trying to debate me on this is suicide.
Of course Obama "admits" this. Its because Obama had an obstructionist congress.
Bwahahaha! MaObama had two years of a near supermajority in Congress. He got every piece of legislation he wanted.

He wanted Obamacare. He got it. He wanted his “stimulus package”. He got it. He wanted his Omnibus spending bill. He got it. He wanted “finance reform”. He got it (the Dodd-Frank WallStreet Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act, and the Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act).

Sorry lying little snowflake, but MaObama got 100% of every piece of legislation he wanted in his first two years. And the results? Unemployment when from 7.8% to over 10% and 95% of the wealth went to the top 1%. That’s what failed left-wing policy does.


President Barack Hussein Obama inherited the Great Recession from bush and his republic polices. While unemployment peaked in October 2009 at 10.8% that was a year before passage of the PPACA. Also, unlike reagan who had 10 months of over 10% unemployment starting 1982, Obama only had one month.

When Obama finished his TWO TERMS the unemployment rate was at 4.8%. reagan ended his at 5.4%, so Obama and Democratic polices were better.
And doubled the national debt - more debt than all the previous presidents combined.
Nothing ends in castrophic failure like ignorant left-wing policies...
However, financing plans remained blurry after Frederiksen, together with three leftist parties, presented an 18-page paper...“We still lack the whole financing part of this draft. It is a lot of good intentions but not much on how it concretely will be realized,” Nordea economist Jan Storup told Reuters.
Leftists in Europe are just as stupid and unrealistic as leftists in America. And that is why everything they do ends in catastrophic failure.

Denmark becomes third Nordic country to form leftist government this year - Reuters
Nothing ends in castrophic failure like ignorant left-wing policies...
Aging populations have prompted Nordic governments to chip away at the cradle-to-grave welfare state
Ponzi scheme crumble once there are more pulling from the scam than paying into the scam.

It’s such a shame that the left places the ideology they were conditioned to believe over reality. It’s also a shame that the left refuses to study and learn from history. We could easily avoid all of the mistakes of Europe simply by not doing the same thing.

Denmark becomes third Nordic country to form leftist government this year - Reuters

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