It is interesting, and frustrating, that people are so hung up on their perception of time based on their own existence. All the while ignoring the vast time scale of history.

We are crazy monkeys. :rolleyes:
Uh…the Dumbocrats. And even devout liberal UCLA admitted that the policies of FDR greatly prolonged the Great Depression - as did the architect of the “New Deal” - Henry Morgenthua.

Uh…the Dumbocrats (Jimmy Carter was a “D”)

Republicans. Now which party committed Blowjob Gate?

Republican. Now which party committed the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, the Fast & Furious scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the spying on reporters scandal, and the spying on an opposing campaign scandal?

Thanks for playing! Greatly appreciate you defeating yourself for me :laugh:

When will your list of scandals actually include one?

Also, I would read up on Henry Morgenthau Jr. before trying to claim something about him.

So, I look forward to you playing.
But please explain how privatisation of all the roads would work, privatisation of the Police and Fire Dept?
Astounding ignorance. I never made a claim that police and/or fire should be “privatized”. Some things simply must be done through government.

Doesn’t change the indisputable fact that all things are done infinitely more efficiently and effectively by private industry.
The left-wing ideology produces catastrophic failure every time…
Astounding ignorance. I never made a claim that police and/or fire should be “privatized”. Some things simply must be done through government.

Doesn’t change the indisputable fact that all things are done infinitely more efficiently and effectively by private industry.
How come the healthcare industry can’t complete with Medicare?

Provide reliable energy (Enron) like public utilities?
When will your list of scandals include an actual scandal? 🤷‍♂️
Was Watergate it a major scandal? Did not a president resign?

Was Iran/Contra not a major scandal? Dealing with terrorists and selling arms illegally to terrorists?

And now the orange Insurrection and anti-Democracy actions against our country….
You want to pander to criminals for votes with “Defund the Police”? Well - you got it! Enjoy.
Was not a Liberal study.

It was a libertarian greedy asshole claiming some association with UCLA to fane credibility.
It was a liberal study at liberal UCLA and no amount of your lies will change that fact.
Instead of focusing on success, the Dumbocrats focus on feelings. Which is why everything they do is a catastrophic failure.
How come the healthcare industry can’t complete with Medicare?
Medicare is a type of fucking insurance, you fucking high school dropout. The healthcare industry is not “competing” with Medicare. 🤦‍♂️

You’re literally too stupid to be discussing even the basics.
Medicare is a type of fucking insurance, you fucking high school dropout. The healthcare industry is not “competing” with Medicare. 🤦‍♂️

You’re literally too stupid to be discussing even the basics.
So, the healthcare industry would welcome competing with Medicare?
Dumbocrats don’t even attempt to deny failing anymore. Instead, they just demand that you accept their incompetence, like typical totalitarian fascists.
After studying hundreds of years of history, conservatives have the solutions down to a science - while progressives continue to toil in catastrophic failure as they ignore reality in favor of ideology.
Reality - and The Truth - lie somewhere in the middle, between the two...
Dumbocrats don’t even attempt to deny failing anymore. Instead, they just demand that you accept their incompetence, like typical totalitarian fascists.
Failing how?

Not continuing the pandemic to keep prices low?

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