The Chick-Fil-A Controversy

Should a city deny a business license due to a 'wrong' political/social stance?

  • Yes, I can see a justification for that.

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No,I can't see a justification for that.

    Votes: 69 84.1%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
Sorry, but this is not a freedom of speech issue.

Your freedom of speech ends when you discriminate against people you don't like.

When did Chick-Fil-A discriminate gays?

Please provide evidence that they refused to either serve or hire gays.

His ass won't be back.

He made a bullshit claim and got called on it.

He's twitching in the corner somewhere

I personally have no problems with what the CEO of Chik-Fil-A said. He supports traditional marriage, which is what he supports. He merely shared his beliefs in a statement and I think people's reaction to that has been unfair. But that's just my POV. (We live in a free country and freedom of speech is so important).

I've never eaten there and never will, but not for the reason so many others won't eat there. (Refer to my name - chicken is off my menu! lol)
I love how people love to turn prejudice and discrimination into a positive thing. "He supports traditional marriage." Oh isn't that nice... he supports a husband and a wife having kids together and living in a nice cozy nuclear family.

Well fuck, I support that too. But I don't do what they do and make that also a definition for being opposed to gay marriage. I support both.
^And that's your choice, which is cool. But everyone has a different worldview and we can't (and shouldn't) expect everyone to feel exactly the same about issues like these.
^And that's your choice, which is cool. But everyone has a different worldview and we can't (and shouldn't) expect everyone to feel exactly the same about issues like these.

Well we can certainly let them know how backwards they are. Societies as a whole have been evolving away from such throwback opinions.

Just like I'm not going to sit by with some old racist woman spouting shit with the comment of "Ohhh, well she lived in a different time!" as if that somehow justifies it.
I don't think anyone would respond well to being called "backwards." Which everyone has their own definition for anyway. I have a simple way of looking at these kinds of things; I say: agree to disagree when two people can't compromise. It's the most polite and respectful way to let someone know your POV without belitting theirs.
^And that's your choice, which is cool. But everyone has a different worldview and we can't (and shouldn't) expect everyone to feel exactly the same about issues like these.

Well we can certainly let them know how backwards they are. Societies as a whole have been evolving away from such throwback opinions.

Just like I'm not going to sit by with some old racist woman spouting shit with the comment of "Ohhh, well she lived in a different time!" as if that somehow justifies it.

Explain how a gay society can "evolve".

NYC mayor: Chick-fil-A flap not govt's business | Fox News

Mayors of three cities--Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco--are on record that Chick-Fil-A franchises are not welcome in their cities because of Chick-Fil-A's support of traditional marriage and opposition to same sex marriage. Mayor Bloomberg of NYC is a strong advocate of same sex marriage but opposes restrictions on free enterprise based on political views.

The ACLU has gotten involved and though they too are strong advocates of same sex marriage, they oppose denying franchise privileges to Chick-Fil-A based on this issue. As they point out, if you can deny a business the right to do business based on their anti-gay marriage position, then there is nothing to deny a business the right to do business if it is pro same sex marriage.

Discuss and please try to keep it civil and on topic.

This is NOT about the pros and cons of same sex marriage, but rather the concept of denying a business ability to do business based purely on its social or political views.

Common sense dictates that what The ACLU said is true. No need to discuss.

Menino himself came out the other day and said "Ooops, I guess I really don't have this authority" Menino says he can’t actively block Chick-fil-A -

Granted he DOES have the authority to direct the board of health and other state agencies to be extremely "thorough" when inspecting the facilities...just sayin ;)
^And that's your choice, which is cool. But everyone has a different worldview and we can't (and shouldn't) expect everyone to feel exactly the same about issues like these.

Well we can certainly let them know how backwards they are. Societies as a whole have been evolving away from such throwback opinions.

Just like I'm not going to sit by with some old racist woman spouting shit with the comment of "Ohhh, well she lived in a different time!" as if that somehow justifies it.

Explain how a gay society can "evolve".


Did I ever say a "gay society"? And do you actually fucking believe I meant evolve in the literal reproductive sense over generations?

Besides, even if there were a fictitious gay society, why wouldn't they be able to philosophically evolve with the assumption that they could somehow keep shoring up their numbers?
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I miss the In N Out burgers...Give me a double double. :D

You don't like the Double Whammy at Dick's??

This reminds me, I haven't been to Dick's in awhile.

Where is Dick's?

Right off the Division street exit, right by I 90. You need to go.
People from all walks of life go there. People watching there is great and their whammies are greasy perfection. Lol
If you are lucky Vinnie will be there.
To me people should not be denied access to anything because of where they stand on anything.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The last time that I checked, this was a free country and if some people don't like that it applies to everyone, then people can be the ones who up and leave.
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Chic-fil-a has every right to open stores there, Personally I think the bigger issue is the concept that Chic-Fil-A is even capable of having an opinion, they make sandwiches not policy. I think the issue that they have a charitable arm that donates to causes like the fellowship of christian athletes and Exodus international is reprehensible, but legal. The only grounds I could see for denying a franchise location within a city limits would be to audit the franchise application process, and deny them if it does not meet anti-discrimination standards .
Just like I'm not going to sit by with some old racist woman spouting shit with the comment of "Ohhh, well she lived in a different time!" as if that somehow justifies it.

I can relate to that, and I hate it when people justify their bigotry by saying they were born in a different time, blah blah. My nana is like that - racist and homophobic, because she was raised in that era. Not that I give a shit. Other people are tolerant, why the hell can't she?
^And that's your choice, which is cool. But everyone has a different worldview and we can't (and shouldn't) expect everyone to feel exactly the same about issues like these.

Well we can certainly let them know how backwards they are. Societies as a whole have been evolving away from such throwback opinions.

Just like I'm not going to sit by with some old racist woman spouting shit with the comment of "Ohhh, well she lived in a different time!" as if that somehow justifies it.

why? you don't want a chirisitans beliefs shoved down your throat? what makes you think you have a right to shove your bullshit down a christians throat? hypocrite.
I love how people love to turn prejudice and discrimination into a positive thing. "He supports traditional marriage." Oh isn't that nice... he supports a husband and a wife having kids together and living in a nice cozy nuclear family.

Well fuck, I support that too. But I don't do what they do and make that also a definition for being opposed to gay marriage. I support both.

Lack of conviction ever wake you up?

The fence sitters in society, which you proclaim to be one, have no spine, choose one or the other...

We have become weak with our success, there is either right or wrong, not both, there is away to make a choice, it's called conviction...
NYC mayor: Chick-fil-A flap not govt's business | Fox News

Mayors of three cities--Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco--are on record that Chick-Fil-A franchises are not welcome in their cities because of Chick-Fil-A's support of traditional marriage and opposition to same sex marriage. Mayor Bloomberg of NYC is a strong advocate of same sex marriage but opposes restrictions on free enterprise based on political views.

The ACLU has gotten involved and though they too are strong advocates of same sex marriage, they oppose denying franchise privileges to Chick-Fil-A based on this issue. As they point out, if you can deny a business the right to do business based on their anti-gay marriage position, then there is nothing to deny a business the right to do business if it is pro same sex marriage.

Discuss and please try to keep it civil and on topic.

This is NOT about the pros and cons of same sex marriage, but rather the concept of denying a business ability to do business based purely on its social or political views.

Mississippi Church Rejects Black Wedding - ABC News
Someday there will be demands that pastors marry gay couples even if it costs them the pastorship. This is exactly how gays will demand and get into churches despite the fact that they "promise" that they will never be able to do it.

If this is the church this couple normally attended, there is no way they didn't know this might happen until a day before the wedding. There might even be more to this tale of latest woe than the liberals say.

The very non-racist pastor will marry the couple, just at another church. He is to be commended. After all, he doesn't OWN the church, nor does he make the rules in the Church. He is an employee, nothing more.
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Someday there will be demands that pastors marry gay couples even if it costs them the pastorship. This is exactly how gays will demand and get into churches despite the fact that they "promise" that they will never be able to do it.

If this is the church this couple normally attended, there is no way they didn't know this might happen until a day before the wedding. There might even be more to this tale of latest woe than the liberals say.

The very non-racist pastor will marry the couple, just at another church. He is to be commended. After all, he doesn't OWN the church, nor does he make the rules in the Church. He is an employee, nothing more.

There maybe more to the story; based on what is known would the mayor of said town have the right to deny the church a business license (if a church is not exempt from any form of governmental licensing).

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