The child tax credit and an overpopulated Earth


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
While Global Warming is a complete fraud, the Earth has real problems, and the migration/immigration issue and the fresh water shortage issue are both the result of the fact that there are already too many humans on this planet, and if we continue to grow the population, we will have a 10 billion human death event in the next 100 or so years.

I have a simple solution. I am a Libertarian and a libertarian. I do not like taxes and big government.

But I do support one tax hike.

Change the child tax credit to as follows

Your first 2 kids are deductible.
The third kid is not, but the first two still are.
Have a fourth kid and you lose all tax credit

In other words, you can have a big family, but YOU WILL PAY FOR IT, not the taxpayer.

How about that proposal???
The tax code is Just for our country. Our country is not dangerously overpopulated .

Society alreday is limiting births.
For the last few weeks and including today I've read where Trump's tax proposal eliminates the personal exemption completely. On a joint return that's $4050 for dad, mom and each kid.

From Forbes:

Devoid Of Details, Trump's Latest Tax Plan Nothing But Empty Promises

In addition, the plan would increase the standard deduction from $12,600 to $24,000 ($12,000 if single), and eliminate personal exemptions.

So if you're scoring at home, a family of five that currently claims the standard deduction will actually lose deductions under the Trump plan. Under current law, they would be entitled to a $12,600 standard deduction and $20,250 of personal exemptions, for a total tax benefit of $32,850. Under this latest proposal, that would be replaced with a $24,000 standard deduction and no personal exemptions. That's going to be a tough sell
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How about we just tax religion instead?

There is no question that Christianity and Islam are two religions who push their followers to reproduce at a reckless and unsustainable pace. We ought to sit the leaders from all religions down and tell them that if they keep encouraging unsustainable human reproduction, there will be serious consequences... for them, the leaders.
How about we just tax religion instead?

There is no question that Christianity and Islam are two religions who push their followers to reproduce at a reckless and unsustainable pace. We ought to sit the leaders from all religions down and tell them that if they keep encouraging unsustainable human reproduction, there will be serious consequences... for them, the leaders.

What part of "Congress shall make no law" is difficult to understand?
How about we just tax religion instead?

There is no question that Christianity and Islam are two religions who push their followers to reproduce at a reckless and unsustainable pace. We ought to sit the leaders from all religions down and tell them that if they keep encouraging unsustainable human reproduction, there will be serious consequences... for them, the leaders.
You're an idiot.
While Global Warming is a complete fraud, the Earth has real problems, and the migration/immigration issue and the fresh water shortage issue are both the result of the fact that there are already too many humans on this planet, and if we continue to grow the population, we will have a 10 billion human death event in the next 100 or so years.

I have a simple solution. I am a Libertarian and a libertarian. I do not like taxes and big government.

But I do support one tax hike.

Change the child tax credit to as follows

Your first 2 kids are deductible.
The third kid is not, but the first two still are.
Have a fourth kid and you lose all tax credit

In other words, you can have a big family, but YOU WILL PAY FOR IT, not the taxpayer.

How about that proposal???

All tax incentives are an abuse of state power.
How about we just tax religion instead?

There is no question that Christianity and Islam are two religions who push their followers to reproduce at a reckless and unsustainable pace. We ought to sit the leaders from all religions down and tell them that if they keep encouraging unsustainable human reproduction, there will be serious consequences... for them, the leaders.
You're an idiot.
The papacy isn't poor, they should give away their accumulated wealth if they want to follow Jesus...
You're an idiot.

This from a sub human coward too chicken to actually answer a question, one who doesn't understand basic math, science, and doesn't care. All your beaked birdbrain does is parrot your preacher, who likely isn't even Christian...
It's not even safely overpopulated

Let's try Global Overpopulation for the mentally retarded....

Over the past ten years, California has experienced record droughts.... because of...

1. Global "warming"
2. too many humans consuming a finite supply of fresh water

start the Jeopardy! music
While Global Warming is a complete fraud, the Earth has real problems, and the migration/immigration issue and the fresh water shortage issue are both the result of the fact that there are already too many humans on this planet, and if we continue to grow the population, we will have a 10 billion human death event in the next 100 or so years.

I have a simple solution. I am a Libertarian and a libertarian. I do not like taxes and big government.

But I do support one tax hike.

Change the child tax credit to as follows

Your first 2 kids are deductible.
The third kid is not, but the first two still are.
Have a fourth kid and you lose all tax credit

In other words, you can have a big family, but YOU WILL PAY FOR IT, not the taxpayer.

How about that proposal???

I agree.

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