The Chinese Military Engineered And Intentionally Unleashed COVID-19

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It Trump told people what he was told on January 28th, instead of "playing it down" Biden and everybody else would have been in 100% support of whatever actions Trump took.
I call bull shit!

Everyone including the CDC said there was no reason for concern..

Once more. That;s because Trump was the only one briefed, and Trump "played it down" and didn't tell anybody else. He didn't tell the doctors, the scientists, the governors or the mayors. They went by what Trump was saying publicly. That it was going away soon to be almost zero cases,.
Pelosie was given the same briefing as she is third in line of presidential succession. Its a matter of protocol.
Surgical masks are designed to halt the spread of BACTERIA, not virus’.

We identified seasonal human coronaviruses, influenza viruses and rhinoviruses in exhaled breath and coughs of children and adults with acute respiratory illness. Surgical face masks significantly reduced detection of influenza virus RNA in respiratory droplets and coronavirus RNA in aerosols, with a trend toward reduced detection of coronavirus RNA in respiratory droplets. Our results indicate that surgical face masks could prevent transmission of human coronaviruses and influenza viruses from symptomatic individuals.
I have requested the papers this Chinese virologist has put out to the US intelligence community on the virus make up. According to sources, this virus has several "splice" points that are clearly visible in the genetic material. This Dr has described these in great detail to include what other viruses were used in the construction.

Characterization and Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel ... › pmc › articles › PMC538593

The complete genome sequence of CoV-HKU1 is a 29,926-nucleotide, polyadenylated RNA, with G+C content of 32%, the lowest among all known coronaviruses ...

"G+C content of 32%, the lowest among all known coronaviruses"

Which is the hallmark of a bio-engineered virus... The level and type of material is un-natural.
Surgical masks are designed to halt the spread of BACTERIA, not virus’.

We identified seasonal human coronaviruses, influenza viruses and rhinoviruses in exhaled breath and coughs of children and adults with acute respiratory illness. Surgical face masks significantly reduced detection of influenza virus RNA in respiratory droplets and coronavirus RNA in aerosols, with a trend toward reduced detection of coronavirus RNA in respiratory droplets. Our results indicate that surgical face masks could prevent transmission of human coronaviruses and influenza viruses from symptomatic individuals.
" could "

The operative OPINION word without scientific testing to back it up.
Pelosie was given the same briefing as she is third in line of presidential succession. Its a matter of protocol.
Under other presidents that may have been so. But Trump has to personally authorize who gets to read the PDB's.

And I doubt Trump would let Pelosi be better informed than he was.
Once more, why would they create a weapon that can be defeated by wisdom. That would only work on countries stupid enough to ignore their scientists. And would have little effect on a nations military.
Any number of reasons. This is obviously a low-level weapon......maybe a test run before unleashing the real nasties.

But you said this was a big time bio-weapon. Now you say it's like a low-level test. Well if it was a test, it was apparently an IQ test. Countries that listened to their scientists passed. Those that didn't failed.
As biological weapons go this is a big one.. It laid waste to our nations economy and almost kicked over our ability to remain energy independent and GROW FOOD.

HAD TRUMP NOT ACTED WHEN HE DID, OUR NATION WOULD HAVE COLLAPSED! You simply do not know how close it really was... Had Trump pulled an Obama/Biden and waited 6 months to respond it would have been way to late...
None of that was happening is the point. Trump made an easily retrievable situation much, much more onerous.
"G+C content of 32%, the lowest among all known coronaviruses"

Which is the hallmark of a bio-engineered virus... The level and type of material is un-natural.

Read the science

We found that CG reduction in SARS-CoV-2 is achieved mainly through mutating C/G into A/T, and CG is the best target for mutation.

Notably, genomes of cellular organisms also have very low CG abundance, suggesting that mutating C/G into A/T occurs universally in all life forms.
YES, Biden asked the President of China, President Xi, to HELP get him elected President of the United States.

"After Chinese President Xi Jinping assumed the top job in his country, “I congratulated him on his elevation, I asked if he could possibly help me,” Biden said to laughter from the assembled US and Chinese dignitaries."

Now I am not saying that Joe would contemplate such a diabolic plan, BUT President Xi would not hesitate a nanosecond.
Nope, it was Trump that asked Xi to help him get re-elected by working with him on trade deals.
Working with a foreign leader on trade deals, who would have ever thought an American president would do that? What was he supposed to do, unilaterally make a deal with, who, exactly?

Tell us, how are you supposed to make a deal with someone if you DON'T work with them on it?
Once more, why would they create a weapon that can be defeated by wisdom. That would only work on countries stupid enough to ignore their scientists. And would have little effect on a nations military.
Any number of reasons. This is obviously a low-level weapon......maybe a test run before unleashing the real nasties.

But you said this was a big time bio-weapon. Now you say it's like a low-level test. Well if it was a test, it was apparently an IQ test. Countries that listened to their scientists passed. Those that didn't failed.
As biological weapons go this is a big one.. It laid waste to our nations economy and almost kicked over our ability to remain energy independent and GROW FOOD.

HAD TRUMP NOT ACTED WHEN HE DID, OUR NATION WOULD HAVE COLLAPSED! You simply do not know how close it really was... Had Trump pulled an Obama/Biden and waited 6 months to respond it would have been way to late...
None of that was happening is the point. Trump made an easily retrievable situation much, much more onerous.
Give it up Billy_Bob. These two are obviously afflicted with severe TDS. Russia, Ukraine , Pandemic, Stormy Daniels, raxism, Tax Returns,'s all the same. Weaponize it against Donald Trump.

And Democrats always kiss China's ass.
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I'm somewhat skeptical, but it was a compelling segment.

This has been suspected since the very beginning. The proximity to that virology lab in Wuhan made it suspect. Then the misinformation put out by China and the WHO was more confirmation. Some word leaked out and researchers disappeared. Then China destroyed all the samples they had of the virus.

China desperately wants Joe Biden in the Oval Office instead of Donald Trump. China has Joe Boden in their pocket just as they did with President Clinton. They knew that one of President Trump's strongest points was the economy along with the magnificent trade deals he was responsible for and would guarantee his re-election.
The TDS rage-filler orange ones become even more spittlesome the closer judgement election day comes for them.

No escape from defeat awaits them; all of them are condemnded.
Biden did not ask for help, and Trump's deal with China mangled our farmers in the midWest.

Slow Joe doesn't have to ask for help, they have him by the short and curlies just as they did with President Clinton. China needs Slow Joe in the Oval Office.
This is a problem when a bunch of ignorant weakling people believe everything what they see on TV especially Fox News. This rogue Dr. Yan works for Steve Obanon. She was not even involved in this kinds of works.

1. US intelligence is the best in the world we have people all over the world and all over the place. So why we have not heard from them?

US military intelligence Chairman of the joint Chief of Staff General Mark Miley. Works for Trump. Coronavirus was not created in lab. Link below.
2. New Director of Intelligence Ratcliffe also works for Trump confirmed there are no evidence created at labs. Link below.

Citing five and six-month-old information about a subject that changes daily if not hourly. Impressive!l,
Biden did not ask for help, and Trump's deal with China mangled our farmers in the midWest.

Slow Joe doesn't have to ask for help, they have him by the short and curlies just as they did with President Clinton. China needs Slow Joe in the Oval Office.

Indeed. :up:

What you left out is that Trump didn't bother telling anybody how bad the coronavirus was. In fact Trump publicly told people to continue like normal. There were 15 cases soon to go down to almost zero. And it would go away by itself.

Specifically, what would you have preferred President Trump to do until we learned much more about the virus?

Under other presidents that may have been so. But Trump has to personally authorize who gets to read the PDB's.

And I doubt Trump would let Pelosi be better informed than he was.

Better informed than President Trump? Of course not. As informed? Of course. As are a number of other Committee chairs in the House and Senate.

The problem came from the fact that Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats were preoccupied with IMPEACHING the President rather than attending to the actual business of the House. Remember in January that Nancy and the rest of the Democrats were screaming that President Trump was using COVID-19 to distract from the Impeachment?
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