The Chris Lang Murder Cover Up: SHAME ON CNN, FOX, MSNBC ETC!!!

1. Have the police released the shooters with no charges?

2. Are people saying they were justified and the victim a punk?

IT was proven in a court of law zimmerman was justified but it still did not stop others saying other wise ..

No it did not....but has that happened in this case? Or does it seem like everything is up and up and the victim ISN'T the bad guy and the perps are arrested right away?

Yes or no.

Yes or no to an incoherent question?

Have you been drinking sir?

The media bias is awful. I miss the days when news was actually about facts. I could never tell which party the anchors of yesterday were part of because they had the integrity to be fair to both sides.

It is inexcusable that the media goes full tilt when they can push an agenda. They misreported facts in the Trayvon Martin case to help their agenda. Now they totally ignore facts because they think it's politically incorrect to honestly discuss violent black offenders and it would hurt their race baiting ways.
Another darkies-behaving-badly topic. Oh goody.

That's not the point of the OP as I read it.

He's pissed that none of the main media outlets could bring themselves to mention the race of the perpetrators.

You know as compared to "white man kills unarmed young black kid with skittles"?

There have been pics. they need to point out that "Hey! This is a black person here!"
IT was proven in a court of law zimmerman was justified but it still did not stop others saying other wise ..

No it did not....but has that happened in this case? Or does it seem like everything is up and up and the victim ISN'T the bad guy and the perps are arrested right away?

Yes or no.

Yes or no to an incoherent question?

Have you been drinking sir?


They were well laid out questions and numbered even. Sorry that was above you. I should have known.
To bad I was not on patrol. Could of used some targets of opportunity


If you go out murdering people of any color, I hope you go to jail for life.

And, its "could HAVE".

NOT, "could OF".

None of this has anything to do with the president of the United States.
No it did not....but has that happened in this case? Or does it seem like everything is up and up and the victim ISN'T the bad guy and the perps are arrested right away?

Yes or no.

Yes or no to an incoherent question?

Have you been drinking sir?


They were well laid out questions and numbered even. Sorry that was above you. I should have known.

I fail to see numbers to these incoherent questions

Try again

To bad I was not on patrol. Could of used some targets of opportunity


If you go out murdering people of any color, I hope you go to jail for life.

And, its "could HAVE".

NOT, "could OF".

None of this has anything to do with the president of the United States.

It has everything to do with Adolf Obama. We need him to comfort the White people who are victims of black crime. Where's the outrage?

Imagine their Daddy Obama has been in the White House since they were 11-12 and this is what they become, little Trayvons

... They saw Christopher jog by the house they were at, they chose him to be the target, they got in the car, drove up behind him and shot him in the back," Chief Ford said.

Chief Ford said the teens had no motive other than to ''make a name for themselves''.

That's what "going NRA" is all about. Get a gun you don't need and walk around with it until you find someone you want to shoot.
The only thing proven in Zimmerman was that there was reasonable doubt about what happened.

This case is just stupidity. Nothing that will rise to national importance.
I just have to wonder how many Liberals
will be fine with this feeling that it's a very small
payback to the black community for what we did to Trayvon.
An Australian politician is calling for a tourist boycott on the US. Good. I hope the whole world stops coming here until we restrict gun ownership. Make the tourist businesses suffer until their customers can be assured of their safety. Right now, because of the GOP/NRA, they are in danger of getting shot.

Perhaps the suffering tourist industry can bring our gun crazies to heel once and for all.

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