The Chris Lang Murder Cover Up: SHAME ON CNN, FOX, MSNBC ETC!!!

Conservatives have done all they could to make sure those kids had guns. Thanks, big helpers.

Typical liberal response.
It wasn't the shooters fault.
He has been oppressed by the white man all his life.
He had no choice but to strike back at society.

What the!!! Where did I say their oppression justified the shooting? Point it out, or apologize to me.

It was mostly the shooters fault. But the policies that the GOP/NRA support also are to blame.

If I had my way, they wouldn't have had access to guns. But your side got its way on gun policy instead, and the blood-soaked results have made the USA a global disgrace.
Conservatives have done all they could to make sure those kids had guns. Thanks, big helpers.

Typical liberal response.
It wasn't the shooters fault.
He has been oppressed by the white man all his life.
He had no choice but to strike back at society.

What the!!! Where did I say their oppression justified the shooting? Point it out, or apologize to me.

It was mostly the shooters fault. But the policies that the GOP/NRA support also are to blame.

If I had my way, they wouldn't have had access to guns. But your side got its way on gun policy instead, and the blood-soaked results have made the USA a global disgrace.

The only disgrace here is the wrong person(s) has blood stained clothes. These three deserve this suggestion

Conservatives have done all they could to make sure those kids had guns. Thanks, big helpers.

Typical liberal response.
It wasn't the shooters fault.
He has been oppressed by the white man all his life.
He had no choice but to strike back at society.

What the!!! Where did I say their oppression justified the shooting? Point it out, or apologize to me.

It was mostly the shooters fault. But the policies that the GOP/NRA support also are to blame.

If I had my way, they wouldn't have had access to guns. But your side got its way on gun policy instead, and the blood-soaked results have made the USA a global disgrace.
Skin color is not the issue. Easy access to guns is.

International tourist boycotts of the US are just now getting underway because of our lax gun laws and the gun violence that results from it.

A lot of tourist businesses are gonna suffer in the US soon, and it's conservative gun polices that will be to blame.

That's right, blame an inanimate object instead of the criminal. Typical.:doubt:

Take away the gun, and Chris Lang is alive. Instead, conservatives have dominated gun politics, and so guns are everywhere...and so gun violence. Your side got its way, not mine. The murder of Chris Lang is a result of laws and policies that you support.

Really? Are you that thick? Do you think these three shit stains were in compliance with the laws of the state of Oklahoma? Even a halfwit such as yourself should be able to guess the answer to that one.

These three wastes of space wanted to kill someone. Do you think they wouldn't have done it without a gun? I say they would have found another way. A bat. A hammer. More likely, being nothing more than rabid animals, they would have exited their car and kicked the shit out Chris Lang.

No, you fool, the murder of Chris Lang was not the result of "laws and policies" people who appreciate the Constitution support. It was the result of three psychopathic wanna be hoods who illegally possessed a handgun decided to go out and kill someone.

For fun.
Disgusting ---

Those three murderers ought to be strung up by their balls.

Instead they will get a PC slap on the wrist....:mad:

how soon before the NAACP organizes riots?

will Obama weigh in?

I hope so. I'm on pins and needles like America was earlier. Maybe he will call for a federal investigation for a second time that never happens

These kids parents need sent to Sheriff Joe's tent city

Typical liberal response.
It wasn't the shooters fault.
He has been oppressed by the white man all his life.
He had no choice but to strike back at society.

What the!!! Where did I say their oppression justified the shooting? Point it out, or apologize to me.

It was mostly the shooters fault. But the policies that the GOP/NRA support also are to blame.

If I had my way, they wouldn't have had access to guns. But your side got its way on gun policy instead, and the blood-soaked results have made the USA a global disgrace.

Easy there pumpkin, sometimes even the best parenting can not overcome the true nature of some people. Don't go blaming the parents until all the facts are in...
What the!!! Where did I say their oppression justified the shooting? Point it out, or apologize to me.

It was mostly the shooters fault. But the policies that the GOP/NRA support also are to blame.

If I had my way, they wouldn't have had access to guns. But your side got its way on gun policy instead, and the blood-soaked results have made the USA a global disgrace.

Easy there pumpkin, sometimes even the best parenting can not overcome the true nature of some people. Don't go blaming the parents until all the facts are in...

Right, only can blame the Mom and they likely don't know who their daddy is, if not in the big house

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