The Chris Lang Murder Cover Up: SHAME ON CNN, FOX, MSNBC ETC!!!

again the difference between this and Zimmerman escapes your limited mind.

true dat...

big difference between a black kid shooting a white kid in the back for no particular reason

and an Hispanic dude shooting a black kid in the front while engaged in hand-to-hand combat...

well no, the difference is this has a very clear cut story behind it where Zimmerman was more grey. Thats why it was an issue. We didnt really have concrete facts. Here we do.
This was a lazy way of trying to have a point.
again the difference between this and Zimmerman escapes your limited mind.

The difference is that this one wasn't in self defense. The jury spoke on Zimmerman.

The real problem is the amount of violence across the country that never gets talked about because it doesn't fit in with what some race baiters preach.
again the difference between this and Zimmerman escapes your limited mind.

The difference is easy to spot. It's black kids killing a cracker. An Aussie cracker mind you.
But still a cracker.

They were bored and the cracker was an easy target.

Why would Sharpton or Jackson or Obama care about a white kid?

Three teens charged with murder after 'shooting college baseball star dead because they were BORED'


Three teenagers have been charged over the murder of Australian baseball student Chris Lane, pictured with his girlfriend, who was shot as he jogged. From left, James Edwards, 15 and, Chancey Luna, 16, have been charged as adults with first-degree murder. Michael Jones, 17, third from left, faces charges of accessory after the fact of first degree murder. Chris Lane, 21, was running in Duncan, Oklahoma, on Friday when he was shot in the back and left to die in the gutter. He was in the U.S. on a baseball scholarship. [/B]

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CORRECTION !!! Two ******* and a fucking mulatto have been charged with the murder of Australian baseball student

perfect examples of what i call "*******".., all three of them, i do not care one bit about a persons skin shade when they act like this, they ARE "*******"
Now is not enough for these @#$%^&*()() to kill Americans.

They have to kill Australians too.

Burning in hell is too good for them! :mad:
Australian baseball player killed by Oklahoma teens

Ever notice that when a white person is killed by a black person, the problem is lack of gun control laws...but when a black person is killed by whitey, it's because of racism?

Why is that?
Another darkies-behaving-badly topic. Oh goody.

First, your word "darkies" is on you- you penned it- you moronic lying hack.. Secondly, no one forced these BLACK THUGZ to slaughter an innocent white boy. You and your nasty cohorts have soo enraged the black community with your race baiting propaganda that it's open season and even "ok" in the minds of these nasty racist murderers. If you don't like the subject matter, get the fuck out of the thread and stop your spewing.. whiney ass librul
An Australian politician is calling for a tourist boycott on the US. Good. I hope the whole world stops coming here until we restrict gun ownership. Make the tourist businesses suffer until their customers can be assured of their safety. Right now, because of the GOP/NRA, they are in danger of getting shot.

Perhaps the suffering tourist industry can bring our gun crazies to heel once and for all.

Yes, of course the gun made them do it...:cuckoo:
I think we've all about had it with the ZOMBIE RACE FESTIVAL of perpetuating racist hatred.. Throw these low life thugs in a prison like Turkey has and be done with it..
Skin color is not the issue. Easy access to guns is.

International tourist boycotts of the US are just now getting underway because of our lax gun laws and the gun violence that results from it.

A lot of tourist businesses are gonna suffer in the US soon, and it's conservative gun polices that will be to blame.

That's right, blame an inanimate object instead of the criminal. Typical.:doubt:

Take away the gun, and Chris Lang is alive. Instead, conservatives have dominated gun politics, and so guns are everywhere...and so gun violence. Your side got its way, not mine. The murder of Chris Lang is a result of laws and policies that you support.
You're full of shit. Are you so stupid that you don't realize if someone is intent on killing someone, there are other ways of doing it? Guns just make it easier. Why are you blaming an inanimate object instead of some asshole's sick twisted mind?
That's right, blame an inanimate object instead of the criminal. Typical.:doubt:

Take away the gun, and Chris Lang is alive. Instead, conservatives have dominated gun politics, and so guns are everywhere...and so gun violence. Your side got its way, not mine. The murder of Chris Lang is a result of laws and policies that you support.

Really? Are you that thick? Do you think these three shit stains were in compliance with the laws of the state of Oklahoma? Even a halfwit such as yourself should be able to guess the answer to that one.

These three wastes of space wanted to kill someone. Do you think they wouldn't have done it without a gun? I say they would have found another way. A bat. A hammer. More likely, being nothing more than rabid animals, they would have exited their car and kicked the shit out Chris Lang.

No, you fool, the murder of Chris Lang was not the result of "laws and policies" people who appreciate the Constitution support. It was the result of three psychopathic wanna be hoods who illegally possessed a handgun decided to go out and kill someone.

For fun.

All the networks are the same shit.......its all rigged. Waste of time to watch anything on there anymore from any network......all frauds. Cant believe there are still idiots out there that think FOX is any different. Its ALL part of the Reality Manufacturing Company.

Ammo up, make a plan and be ready when it all implodes.
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Oh.....people need to know the level of k00k we are dealing with here with the gun grabber nutters......these people are beyond fucked >>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

They live in a complete fantasy world!! They get methodically pwned on facts but don't waver a smidge........THATS FUCKED!!:2up:

LOAD UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
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