The Chris Lang Murder Cover Up: SHAME ON CNN, FOX, MSNBC ETC!!!

You're one to talk. We've listened to a year about how "white" Zimmerman (black AND Hispanic, incidentally) is...and how his assigned whiteness was to blame for EVERYTHING, lol.
Was the one dude with the white mom was the triggerman?

Then the story gets even better, 0.5 black guys murder a white guy.
So people dropping the n bomb on these 3 need to go to sensitivity training

Uh oh the PC cop is here!

When they act like ******* they deserve to be called *******, even that mongoloid looking white kid. I don't go down the street looking at black folks while thinking "look at that stupid ******", but If I were stupid enough to explore the street of Detroit or some other ghetto town then I would probably be thinking the opposite.

Three OKC teens killed a 22 year-old Aussie baseball player as he jogged in broad daylight for "the fun of it" and cos they were "bored."

Naturally, not one AP story has reported the races of the kids. Somehow, we all knew and the top comments regard their willful blindness. But, I'm sure we can count on them making as big a deal out of this egregious action as they did the Trayvon Martin (non) case.

The police chief also opined that the kids were about to go on a killing spree; that they had no intention of stopping at one victim.

The one on the right may be white, more or less. Sheeeesh, I'm sure everyone supposed it was a white killing spree: who would have thought Oklahoma would have that kind of ghetto black problem!!

Darn, it's really hard to get away from blacks and their crimes anymore. If you can't even trust living in Okalahoma, where you gonna run to?

We so badly need quick trials and capital punishment, quickly. One month, crime to execution.
It just shows the media hypocrisy. They want racial tension but only one way.
Another darkies-behaving-badly topic. Oh goody.

That's not the point of the OP as I read it.

He's pissed that none of the main media outlets could bring themselves to mention the race of the perpetrators.

You know as compared to "white man kills unarmed young black kid with skittles"?

There have been pics. they need to point out that "Hey! This is a black person here!"

They didn't need to point it out in the Zimmerman case either, yet they did.
Skin color is not the issue. Easy access to guns is.

International tourist boycotts of the US are just now getting underway because of our lax gun laws and the gun violence that results from it.

A lot of tourist businesses are gonna suffer in the US soon, and it's conservative gun polices that will be to blame.

Will they keep it up if we don't ban knives?
Skin color is not the issue. Easy access to guns is.

International tourist boycotts of the US are just now getting underway because of our lax gun laws and the gun violence that results from it.

A lot of tourist businesses are gonna suffer in the US soon, and it's conservative gun polices that will be to blame.

That's right, blame an inanimate object instead of the criminal. Typical.:doubt:

Take away the gun, and Chris Lang is alive. Instead, conservatives have dominated gun politics, and so guns are everywhere...and so gun violence. Your side got its way, not mine. The murder of Chris Lang is a result of laws and policies that you support.

Because they could not have used the car they were in to kill him, brilliant.
Why would they? Pre-meditated murder, shot in the back?

I hope the police give them a Rodney King moment


Gosh..they should have claimed self defense..and that the jogger was a "suspect".

Then you folks would be backing them.


Maybe if the jogger beat their faces to a pulp before being shot.

Now now, you're not allowed to defend yourself against a thug- especially it he's black. It's not PC. Stand there, get beat up and die like a good creepy-ass cracka.

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