The CIA Top Brass was ***SUPPORTING*** Hillary Clinton

Obama Bin Lying single handedly destroyed the credibility of The CIA, DOJ, FBI, and IRS

No, he just continued to sell us out for cash and favorable media coverage to this individual...


The Zionists butts also hurt because they are afraid that a Trump administration won't start WWIII in order to allow them to (1) keep the Golan Heights and (2) weaken Syria so that it won't retaliate when the Zionists attack Iran
He writes: “President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia was a career intelligence officer, trained to identify vulnerabilities in an individual and to exploit them. That is exactly what he did early in the primaries. Mr. Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr. Putin had calculated…

“Mr. Trump has also taken policy positions consistent with Russian, not American, interests—endorsing Russian espionage against the United States, supporting Russia’s annexation of Crimea and giving a green light to a possible Russian invasion of the Baltic States. In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.”

This extraordinary allegation adds fuel to the campaign launched by pro-Clinton pundits like New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, portraying Trump as a “Siberian candidate” whose campaign represents a Russian intervention into the US elections
The Clinton campaign has embraced and promoted these McCarthyite smears, issuing a video Friday posing the question, “What is Donald Trump's connection to Vladimir Putin?” The video, available on YouTube, consists of clips of right-wing media figures, including Joe Scarborough, Charles Krauthammer and George Will, denouncing Trump for his praise for Putin, interspersed with questions suggesting that Trump has secret business ties to Russia and is being financed by Russian oligarchs.

In style and political content, the video recalls the ravings of the John Birch Society, the anticommunist organization of the 1950s and 1960s that claimed leading US political figures, including President Eisenhower, were Soviet agents.

This underscores the drastic shift to the right in the political orientation of the Democratic Party. It does not oppose Trump on the basis of his militarism or his authoritarian contempt for democratic rights. Instead, the Clinton campaign is presenting itself as the authoritative party of the military-intelligence complex and the political establishment, appealing to billionaires, the military brass and the intelligence agencies.

In the form of Trump vs. Clinton, the US electoral system has provided working people the “choice” between an openly fascistic demagogue and an avowed representative of the Pentagon, the CIA and the financial establishment hell-bent on launching new imperialist wars."

This poses immense dangers to the working class. The logic of the Democrats’ anti-Trump campaign is to channel mass opposition to Trump behind preparations for war with Russia, a nuclear-armed power. In the event of a Democratic victory—increasingly likely according to polling this week—Clinton will claim a mandate for war policies that can be carried out only through a frontal assault on the living standards and democratic rights of American workers. This demonstrates that the differences between Clinton and Trump are purely tactical: how best to subordinate the working class to the war drive of American imperialism."

Wake up to what? Right now the US seems to be waking up to whatever they're told to wake up to. That's not what I'd call waking up, that's what I'd call sleeping walking through something they believe to be real.

Yeah, pretend you do not understand.


What? My point is about your "Americans must wake the fuck up" bit, and I agree, however I don't think what you wrote is Americans waking up, that's still part of the "dream".

To really truly wake up, the people need to decided to reduce the power of the two main parties. It's the ONLY WAY.

Why the CIA is for Hillary Clinton

Morell retired from the CIA in 2013 after a 33-year career, having spent two decades in high-level positions in Washington. His duties included preparing the President’s Daily Brief for George W. Bush. For three years he was deputy director, running the agency day-to-day, and he had two stints as acting director, for three months in 2011 and for four months in 2012-2013.

The crimes with which Morell is associated are legion. He was a top official throughout the period of CIA kidnappings (renditions) of victims who were then held in secret prisons and tortured. He helped lead the CIA when it was carrying out drone missile assassinations and other forms of covert state terrorism. Throughout his tenure in Langley, Virginia, the CIA was engaged in war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and many other countries.

After Morell left the agency, Obama appointed him to the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, which prepared a whitewash of National Security Agency spying following the revelations by Edward Snowden. He then moved seamlessly to a position as a well-paid media commentator for CBS News, while joining the campaign of former CIA officials to block the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture."


So, what's your point? I mean, this is just copy and paste.

The CIA is a rogue agency which has decided that they - not the elective process - will determined who our president will be.


Really? Seeing as it turned out that this came from a British former agent and not from the CIA.
The credibility of the "US" CIA depends on whether you think a 757 can fly at 400 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground.... (which puts its engines IN THE GROUND....)

Or whether you think an aircraft doesn't have to fly STRAIGHT before hitting it's target, and whether you think an aircraft can hit the ground and keep moving AFTER it hit the ground, I guess.
Yeah, pretend you do not understand.


What? My point is about your "Americans must wake the fuck up" bit, and I agree, however I don't think what you wrote is Americans waking up, that's still part of the "dream".

To really truly wake up, the people need to decided to reduce the power of the two main parties. It's the ONLY WAY.

Why the CIA is for Hillary Clinton

Morell retired from the CIA in 2013 after a 33-year career, having spent two decades in high-level positions in Washington. His duties included preparing the President’s Daily Brief for George W. Bush. For three years he was deputy director, running the agency day-to-day, and he had two stints as acting director, for three months in 2011 and for four months in 2012-2013.

The crimes with which Morell is associated are legion. He was a top official throughout the period of CIA kidnappings (renditions) of victims who were then held in secret prisons and tortured. He helped lead the CIA when it was carrying out drone missile assassinations and other forms of covert state terrorism. Throughout his tenure in Langley, Virginia, the CIA was engaged in war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and many other countries.

After Morell left the agency, Obama appointed him to the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, which prepared a whitewash of National Security Agency spying following the revelations by Edward Snowden. He then moved seamlessly to a position as a well-paid media commentator for CBS News, while joining the campaign of former CIA officials to block the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture."


So, what's your point? I mean, this is just copy and paste.

The CIA is a rogue agency which has decided that they - not the elective process - will determined who our president will be.


Really? Seeing as it turned out that this came from a British former agent and not from the CIA.

Is that right?


CIA activities in the United Kingdom

There is a long history of close cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom intelligence services; see Clandestine HUMINT and Covert Action for World War II and subsequent relationships. There are permanent liaison officers of each country in major intelligence agencies of the other, such as CIA and Secret Intelligence Service ("MI6"), FBI and the Security Service (MI5), and National Security Agency (NSA) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

Come on dude , change your handle to frigid, ignorant & weirdo,

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Why does it come as a surprise to lefties that gigantic "intelligence" bureaucracies are immune from political influence when Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser became a freaking thief and stealing documents from the National Archives? The ironic thing was that the criminal conspiracy known as the "mainstream media" managed to circle the wagons around the former president and nobody ever asked Sandy Berger what the hell he was doing. Drain the freaking swamp.
What? My point is about your "Americans must wake the fuck up" bit, and I agree, however I don't think what you wrote is Americans waking up, that's still part of the "dream".

To really truly wake up, the people need to decided to reduce the power of the two main parties. It's the ONLY WAY.

Why the CIA is for Hillary Clinton

Morell retired from the CIA in 2013 after a 33-year career, having spent two decades in high-level positions in Washington. His duties included preparing the President’s Daily Brief for George W. Bush. For three years he was deputy director, running the agency day-to-day, and he had two stints as acting director, for three months in 2011 and for four months in 2012-2013.

The crimes with which Morell is associated are legion. He was a top official throughout the period of CIA kidnappings (renditions) of victims who were then held in secret prisons and tortured. He helped lead the CIA when it was carrying out drone missile assassinations and other forms of covert state terrorism. Throughout his tenure in Langley, Virginia, the CIA was engaged in war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and many other countries.

After Morell left the agency, Obama appointed him to the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, which prepared a whitewash of National Security Agency spying following the revelations by Edward Snowden. He then moved seamlessly to a position as a well-paid media commentator for CBS News, while joining the campaign of former CIA officials to block the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture."


So, what's your point? I mean, this is just copy and paste.

The CIA is a rogue agency which has decided that they - not the elective process - will determined who our president will be.


Really? Seeing as it turned out that this came from a British former agent and not from the CIA.

Is that right?


CIA activities in the United Kingdom

There is a long history of close cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom intelligence services; see Clandestine HUMINT and Covert Action for World War II and subsequent relationships. There are permanent liaison officers of each country in major intelligence agencies of the other, such as CIA and Secret Intelligence Service ("MI6"), FBI and the Security Service (MI5), and National Security Agency (NSA) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

Come on dude , change your handle to frigid, ignorant & weirdo,


Er... A) You're insulting me and B) you're posting something that has nothing to do with what I say. Right....
I Ran the C.I.A. Now I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton.


It is not hard to understand why the CIA preferred Clinton over Trump. Clinton was critical of Obama for restraining the CIA’s proxy war in Syria and was eager to expand that war, while Trump denounced it. Clinton clearly wanted a harder line than Obama took against the CIA’s long-standing foes in Moscow, while Trump wanted improved relations and greater cooperation. In general, Clinton defended and intended to extend the decades long international military order on which the CIA and Pentagon’s preeminence depends, while Trump — through a still-uncertain mix of instability and extremist conviction — posed a threat to it.

The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer

Since 1971 Libertarians have been warning Americans of the dangers of the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE - Here a government agency arbitrarily attacks an elected official and attempts to remove him from office just like it has done in numerous other foreign countries.

Americans must wake the fuck up.........NOW


Former CIA brass. Current FBI brass was supporting Trump.
Why the CIA is for Hillary Clinton

Morell retired from the CIA in 2013 after a 33-year career, having spent two decades in high-level positions in Washington. His duties included preparing the President’s Daily Brief for George W. Bush. For three years he was deputy director, running the agency day-to-day, and he had two stints as acting director, for three months in 2011 and for four months in 2012-2013.

The crimes with which Morell is associated are legion. He was a top official throughout the period of CIA kidnappings (renditions) of victims who were then held in secret prisons and tortured. He helped lead the CIA when it was carrying out drone missile assassinations and other forms of covert state terrorism. Throughout his tenure in Langley, Virginia, the CIA was engaged in war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and many other countries.

After Morell left the agency, Obama appointed him to the President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, which prepared a whitewash of National Security Agency spying following the revelations by Edward Snowden. He then moved seamlessly to a position as a well-paid media commentator for CBS News, while joining the campaign of former CIA officials to block the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture."


So, what's your point? I mean, this is just copy and paste.

The CIA is a rogue agency which has decided that they - not the elective process - will determined who our president will be.


Really? Seeing as it turned out that this came from a British former agent and not from the CIA.

Is that right?


CIA activities in the United Kingdom

There is a long history of close cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom intelligence services; see Clandestine HUMINT and Covert Action for World War II and subsequent relationships. There are permanent liaison officers of each country in major intelligence agencies of the other, such as CIA and Secret Intelligence Service ("MI6"), FBI and the Security Service (MI5), and National Security Agency (NSA) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

Come on dude , change your handle to frigid, ignorant & weirdo,


Er... A) You're insulting me and B) you're posting something that has nothing to do with what I say. Right....

Yes, I am insulting you. But 'fess up, you needed it.

The bond between the CIA and M16 is solid.

I Ran the C.I.A. Now I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton.


It is not hard to understand why the CIA preferred Clinton over Trump. Clinton was critical of Obama for restraining the CIA’s proxy war in Syria and was eager to expand that war, while Trump denounced it. Clinton clearly wanted a harder line than Obama took against the CIA’s long-standing foes in Moscow, while Trump wanted improved relations and greater cooperation. In general, Clinton defended and intended to extend the decades long international military order on which the CIA and Pentagon’s preeminence depends, while Trump — through a still-uncertain mix of instability and extremist conviction — posed a threat to it.

The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer

Since 1971 Libertarians have been warning Americans of the dangers of the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE - Here a government agency arbitrarily attacks an elected official and attempts to remove him from office just like it has done in numerous other foreign countries.

Americans must wake the fuck up.........NOW


Former CIA brass. Current FBI brass was supporting Trump.

If by "current" you mean "incoming" , maybe. The top bureaucrats still believe that cold war bullshit.

I can not believe that you an anti war liberal supports CONFRONTING Putin instead of having a peaceful friendship.

Go fig

So, what's your point? I mean, this is just copy and paste.

The CIA is a rogue agency which has decided that they - not the elective process - will determined who our president will be.


Really? Seeing as it turned out that this came from a British former agent and not from the CIA.

Is that right?


CIA activities in the United Kingdom

There is a long history of close cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom intelligence services; see Clandestine HUMINT and Covert Action for World War II and subsequent relationships. There are permanent liaison officers of each country in major intelligence agencies of the other, such as CIA and Secret Intelligence Service ("MI6"), FBI and the Security Service (MI5), and National Security Agency (NSA) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

Come on dude , change your handle to frigid, ignorant & weirdo,


Er... A) You're insulting me and B) you're posting something that has nothing to do with what I say. Right....

Yes, I am insulting you. But 'fess up, you needed it.

The bond between the CIA and M16 is solid.


Ah, typical bully response, to justify your insults and bullying. Well done.

So what if there's a bond between the CIA and MI6. I didn't say there wasn't. What I said is that it came from a FORMER British agent. It didn't come from the CIA. So, why the hell you thought to A) insult and B) say something that doesn't have anything to do with what I said, I'll never know, but keep up the insulting and you go on the ignore list.
The CIA is a rogue agency which has decided that they - not the elective process - will determined who our president will be.


Really? Seeing as it turned out that this came from a British former agent and not from the CIA.

Is that right?


CIA activities in the United Kingdom

There is a long history of close cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom intelligence services; see Clandestine HUMINT and Covert Action for World War II and subsequent relationships. There are permanent liaison officers of each country in major intelligence agencies of the other, such as CIA and Secret Intelligence Service ("MI6"), FBI and the Security Service (MI5), and National Security Agency (NSA) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

Come on dude , change your handle to frigid, ignorant & weirdo,


Er... A) You're insulting me and B) you're posting something that has nothing to do with what I say. Right....

Yes, I am insulting you. But 'fess up, you needed it.

The bond between the CIA and M16 is solid.


Ah, typical bully response, to justify your insults and bullying. Well done.

So what if there's a bond between the CIA and MI6. I didn't say there wasn't. What I said is that it came from a FORMER British agent. It didn't come from the CIA. So, why the hell you thought to A) insult and B) say something that doesn't have anything to do with what I said, I'll never know, but keep up the insulting and you go on the ignore list.

You are mighty sensitive for someone who loves to insult our new President.

Christopher Steele the lying scumbag

The source also questioned the extent to which Mr Steele – a former MI6 officer who once worked in Moscow – would have been able to visit Russia in person.

“I would be surprised if he could go to Russia [himself],” the source said. “The Russians don’t believe you ever leave the intelligence services. I would imagine the Russian state would continue to be interested in someone who had served, particularly undercover in the embassy, and who knew where the British resources were in Russia.

“I’m told he would have had to ask permission [from the British Government] before going to a country like Russia.”

Instead, the source said, Mr Steele may have had to work through Russian subcontractors – who might have a financial incentive to please their paymasters with impressive-looking information, or who may have gossiped with other Russians keen to exaggerate the extent of their knowledge.

“I would imagine he worked through Russian subcontractors,” the source said. “We all [sometimes] work through subcontractors. Then we have to test the information they supply to us. And on a big case you should test the information more than you do on a small case.”

The source added: “I know there is a danger if you are doing a very big case and you are a small company, and you get something that seems really great, that you develop patterns of group think, and you start to believe your stuff – as happened for example with the Niger yellowcake story [that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy yellowcake uranium for nuclear weapons].”


I view Hillary Clinton as being a Neocon Establishment-type. It makes sense the CIA preferred her. Trump's a bit of a wildcard. He prides himself on taking on the Establishment. That makes old secretive bureaucracies Like the FBI, NSA, and CIA a bit nervous.
Maybe the characterization of the CIA as a "rogue agency" isn't too far off. Can we agree in retrospect that the JFK administration illegally used the Central Intelligence Agency to recruit, train, equip and feed an illegal army to invade a sovereign country which they abandoned at the Bay of Pigs? It's no secret that LBJ's CIA ran the Vietnam War while the Pentagon was kept on the sidelines. How did that work out? Where was the "CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY" when foreign agents and illegal aliens were attending flight school in the freaking U.S. and learning to steer a 747 into a freaking building? President Bush should have fired every incompetent bureaucrat in the CIA but he kept the bureaucrat partisans on the job in an effort to show a stupid support of the corrupt Clinton administration. Later he would learn that the CIA cared more about the alleged "outing" of a socialite than they cared about U.S. security after we were warned about a potential attack at the Boston Marathon.
Really? Seeing as it turned out that this came from a British former agent and not from the CIA.

Is that right?


CIA activities in the United Kingdom

There is a long history of close cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom intelligence services; see Clandestine HUMINT and Covert Action for World War II and subsequent relationships. There are permanent liaison officers of each country in major intelligence agencies of the other, such as CIA and Secret Intelligence Service ("MI6"), FBI and the Security Service (MI5), and National Security Agency (NSA) and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

Come on dude , change your handle to frigid, ignorant & weirdo,


Er... A) You're insulting me and B) you're posting something that has nothing to do with what I say. Right....

Yes, I am insulting you. But 'fess up, you needed it.

The bond between the CIA and M16 is solid.


Ah, typical bully response, to justify your insults and bullying. Well done.

So what if there's a bond between the CIA and MI6. I didn't say there wasn't. What I said is that it came from a FORMER British agent. It didn't come from the CIA. So, why the hell you thought to A) insult and B) say something that doesn't have anything to do with what I said, I'll never know, but keep up the insulting and you go on the ignore list.

You are mighty sensitive for someone who loves to insult our new President.

Christopher Steele the lying scumbag

The source also questioned the extent to which Mr Steele – a former MI6 officer who once worked in Moscow – would have been able to visit Russia in person.

“I would be surprised if he could go to Russia [himself],” the source said. “The Russians don’t believe you ever leave the intelligence services. I would imagine the Russian state would continue to be interested in someone who had served, particularly undercover in the embassy, and who knew where the British resources were in Russia.

“I’m told he would have had to ask permission [from the British Government] before going to a country like Russia.”

Instead, the source said, Mr Steele may have had to work through Russian subcontractors – who might have a financial incentive to please their paymasters with impressive-looking information, or who may have gossiped with other Russians keen to exaggerate the extent of their knowledge.

“I would imagine he worked through Russian subcontractors,” the source said. “We all [sometimes] work through subcontractors. Then we have to test the information they supply to us. And on a big case you should test the information more than you do on a small case.”

The source added: “I know there is a danger if you are doing a very big case and you are a small company, and you get something that seems really great, that you develop patterns of group think, and you start to believe your stuff – as happened for example with the Niger yellowcake story [that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy yellowcake uranium for nuclear weapons].”



Ah, another attack. "mighty sensitive"? No, I just don't come on here to act like a fucking high school bully. Is that okay with you? I come on here to talk politics. You choose not to talk politics but to talk bullshit.
Maybe the characterization of the CIA as a "rogue agency" isn't too far off. Can we agree in retrospect that the JFK administration illegally used the Central Intelligence Agency to recruit, train, equip and feed an illegal army to invade a sovereign country which they abandoned at the Bay of Pigs? It's no secret that LBJ's CIA ran the Vietnam War while the Pentagon was kept on the sidelines. How did that work out? Where was the "CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY" when foreign agents and illegal aliens were attending flight school in the freaking U.S. and learning to steer a 747 into a freaking building? President Bush should have fired every incompetent bureaucrat in the CIA but he kept the bureaucrat partisans on the job in an effort to show a stupid support of the corrupt Clinton administration. Later he would learn that the CIA cared more about the alleged "outing" of a socialite than they cared about U.S. security after we were warned about a potential attack at the Boston Marathon.

The warmongers have given the CIA so much power that now they feel that they can depose a duly elected US PRESIDENT.

I Ran the C.I.A. Now I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton.


It is not hard to understand why the CIA preferred Clinton over Trump. Clinton was critical of Obama for restraining the CIA’s proxy war in Syria and was eager to expand that war, while Trump denounced it. Clinton clearly wanted a harder line than Obama took against the CIA’s long-standing foes in Moscow, while Trump wanted improved relations and greater cooperation. In general, Clinton defended and intended to extend the decades long international military order on which the CIA and Pentagon’s preeminence depends, while Trump — through a still-uncertain mix of instability and extremist conviction — posed a threat to it.

The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer

Since 1971 Libertarians have been warning Americans of the dangers of the ADMINISTRATIVE STATE - Here a government agency arbitrarily attacks an elected official and attempts to remove him from office just like it has done in numerous other foreign countries.

Americans must wake the fuck up.........NOW


Former CIA brass. Current FBI brass was supporting Trump.

Such as who?

This is where Lakhota fails....he lost all the war making foreign policy folks to were the one toting their support....the necons....went for clinton...lololok

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