The Circus Is Set To Close This Week

What's the significance of a trial without witnesses?

The GRAND JURY aka the House should've called those witnesses, but did not.

Negligence and sloppy hurried "work" gets rejected.

Now, on to whether the Dems have a serious Prez candidate, which they do not....
"'Today, the most serious problem we face is the grotesque and growing level of wealth and income inequality,' said Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday."

and what is not a problem to Bernie....

Our Federal Debt growing four fold over the past 20 years.
The fact that single payer healthcare has failed miserably every time it has been tried
if you guys remember, the Johnson period, the Bill Clinton period, and the Nixon period were all dark moments because of impeachment

yet right now this is a happy time in america even though Trump is being impeached!
Andrew Johnson was a traitor, and should've been removed from office, put in front of a firing squad, and shot.
big waste of tax $$$ and time ....

I think we could have re-paved every mile of US Highways, rebuilt every bridge in America and cured the common cold with the money the Dems have thrown to the wind chasing after collusion and impeachment TDS delusions.

On the up side, I'm sure a slew of new Dem millionaires have been created from these travesties
hat was seen as a sign by several senators that Democrats will fail to convince four Republicans to join them in calling for witnesses. Without a vote to hear from witnesses, the trial could end as soon as Friday
What's the significance of a trial without witnesses?

Trump is already guilty in the Russia scandal—here’s the evidence

They had their witness in the house, shitforbrains. In fact they had all the witnesses because they would not only not let Trump's team call witnesses they weren't even allowed to participate or even be present. Now fool, SIT DOWN and STFU! You've had your dumb stupid ass handed to you yet AGAIN.
he GRAND JURY aka the House should've called those witnesses, but did not.
Trump refused to supply any witnesses or evidence to House investigators, remember? If he resorted to those same tactics in the Senate, any attempt to withhold evidence would be decided by the Chief Justice of SCOTUS.

Come to think of it, why doesn't Trump testify UNDER OATH and drain this particular swamp?
Our Federal Debt growing four fold over the past 20 years.
The fact that single payer healthcare has failed miserably every time it has been tried
Do you have any examples of single payer heathcare failures?
There's no doubt for-profit healthcare has resulted in poor quality medical care for a majority of Americans as well as an epidemic of medical bankruptcies unseen anywhere else on the planet.

Single-Payer vs. Multi-Payer; Why We Need to Switch

As far as the national debt is concerned, do you think it's possible that a sovereign country can be forced to default on debt denominated in its own currency?

Modern Monetary Theory - Wikipedia
he GRAND JURY aka the House should've called those witnesses, but did not.
Trump refused to supply any witnesses or evidence to House investigators, remember? If he resorted to those same tactics in the Senate, any attempt to withhold evidence would be decided by the Chief Justice of SCOTUS.

Come to think of it, why doesn't Trump testify UNDER OATH and drain this particular swamp?

Democrats aren't used to someone who knows what they're doing and actually has some business sense. :rolleyes:

GeorgePhillips replies in squeaky voice...."butt butt....we don't need no stinking business....goobermint can do it ALL !!! :spinner:
Democrats aren't used to someone who knows what they're doing and actually has some business sense.
Your idea of a winner?

Will you cry when he's gone?

So, you think Donnie is a "failure" at business because not every thing he has tried worked??


Just more proof you also are clueless (as are 90% of Snowflakes) as to what business success takes.

Here's a short list of a FEW of Microsoft's "Biggest" failures. Not ALL of them sport, just the BIGGEST.....enjoy !!
Microsoft’s 15 Biggest Flops

In fact, the vast majority of business startups fail. But you wouldn't know that would you?
But hey, you flip a mean Big Mac patty there, snowflake. :113:
I would not be a bit surprised that faced with the silliness of the Hysterical House Dems and the unwillingness of Senators to join in, that a motion to dismiss the "case" on the grounds that "Trump is a mean poopy-head" - even if true - is not an impeachable offense, will garner bipartisan support.

GOP senators believe they have the votes to block witnesses
It was clear to Senate Republicans on Wednesday after a morning meeting between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) that the question of having additional witnesses is settled, and the Senate will vote Friday to wrap up the impeachment trial of President Trump.

There was no discussion of witnesses at a Senate GOP lunch meeting Wednesday, which was held a couple hours after McConnell and Murkowski met for about 20 to 30 minutes.

That was seen as a sign by several senators that Democrats will fail to convince four Republicans to join them in calling for witnesses. Without a vote to hear from witnesses, the trial could end as soon as Friday.

You's over.

Maybe you slept thru the 2-years of the Mueller Investigation when the democrats had their turn at bat against Trump to prove he colluded with the Russians? Enjoy the next 5-years of Trump in the WH....
I never expected lifelong Republican fixer Robert Mueller to examine Trump any more carefully than he "investigated" BCCI or 911. Once Donald is out of office and Democrats control the White House and Congress, we will all find out how corrupt Trump's presidency has been.
Elizabeth Warren wants to create a Justice Department task force to investigate Trump administration corruption

  • "Elizabeth Warren said she would create an independent DOJ task force to investigate corruption by government officials during the Trump administration.
  • The Democratic presidential hopeful said her goal is to restore 'integrity and competence' to the federal government after President Trump leaves office.
  • "'If we are to move forward to restore public confidence in government and deter future wrongdoing, we cannot simply sweep this corruption under the rug in a new administration,' Warren wrote."

Warren is fading. She can pander to her "base" all she wants. Her threats against Trump are as empty as her ____.
Warren is fading. She can pander to her "base" all she wants. Her threats against Trump are as empty as her ____
There's a much bigger threat to Trump (and capitalism) than Warren on the horizon:
Do you think Bernie will be any more sympathetic to "Don the Con" than any of his rivals?

Bernie Sanders: 'The business model of Wall Street is fraud and deception'

"'Today, the most serious problem we face is the grotesque and growing level of wealth and income inequality,' said Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday."

The problem to be solved is the path we are all on with a $trillion deficit a year, and a $23T National Debt, is that if we stay on this path a few more years the financial system will collapse. The GAO says that the US is on a "fiscally unsustainable" path. The US will default on its Debt.

National debt of the United States - Wikipedia
According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the United States is on a "fiscally unsustainable" path because of projected future increases in Medicare and Social Security spending.

According to the Treasury report in early October, summarized by Business Insider's Bob Bryan, the US federal budget deficit rose as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 signed into law by President Donald Trump on December 22, 2017 and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 signed into law on March 23, 2018.

The bitch of it is that what Bernie is preaching is basically true. The wealthy are too wealthy.
So whether Bernie wins in 2024 or Warren wins in 2024, they will not fix the fiscal disaster we are in. Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 unless its fixed. My solutions are a State Convention and a Balanced Budget Amendment, then higher taxes and a VAT (Fed sales tax) to get us out of the red.


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