The 'Classified' Documents DOJ / FBI Raid Targeted ARE ALREADY UNCLASSIFIED...& They Knew It

It maybe. But what it shows is, Trump had nuclear info that was taken from an area it was not supposed to leave from. It means those documents are missing. What did he do with them, if the FBI can't find them? To me, it's more problematic for Trump if they don't find them, than if they do.
You mean he probably pulled a Hillary?
As reported and I have pointed out repeatedly, President Trump is the DECLASSIFYING AGENT for all of the classified documents he intended to tale with him when he left office / the WH.

That means he could- AND DID - personally declassify all of the documents he took with him BEFORE HE LEFT.

“Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves.”

Once declassified, the documents markings must be updated, which takes time to do. Once the documents have been declassified, however, the declassification is recorded and the process of updating the markings begin. The documents, however, remain 'Unclassified'.

It is being reported that the DOJ and FBI wanted to raid / collect the UNCLASS documents whose markings had not been fully updated and potentially charge Trump with having classified documents.

“The White House counsel failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn’t mean the information wasn’t declassified."



The WH Counsel was aware of the declassification of the documents - its on record.

The DOJ was aware of the documents being declassified because Trump's team was already working with them on it and had turned over 15 boxes of documents voluntarily to have them checked out!

The FBI LIED AGAIN, claimi h Trump had taken CLASSIFIED docu.ents, which was already on record and communicated as NOT the case.

There was no need for a search warrant.

There was no need for an historic, unprecedented edented, dangerous political raid.

It's all being reported....

....but let's see how Garland, Wray, & Biden can spin / manufacture shit to get out of this one!

My, what stupid lies you tell. Oh well, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is going down. Espionage is a serious felony. More years than the fat swine has left in jail.
My, what stupid lies you tell. Oh well, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is going down. Espionage is a serious felony. More years than the fat swine has left in jail.
Actually, you are an idiot.

I posted several links to a story that goes hand-in-hand with this.

Thedocuments were already declassified by Presidential order before Trump left office. It's on official record.

The second story involves the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane. President Trump is on record as demanding all documents about this criminal / treasonous FBI Op be declassified so the American people could see for themselves what the FBI was up to. He issued a direct order to declassify the documents, again, before he left office.

The article tells how 19 months later Wray, the FBI, & the DOJ have refused to comply with that lawful Presidential order.

Now, gee, why would the FBI refuse to declassify all information on an illegal, seditious failed Op that was part of an attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing a President from office?

Why would the FBI refuse to declassify details of a rogue FBI Op that could potentially land a LOT of them in jail?

So, again, 19 months later Wray refused to declassify the information, despite the Presidential Order being on the books.....and he was stupid enough to believe once Trump was out of the WH that would be the end of it.

Instead, as a precaution, Trump takes copies of the DECLASSIFIED information with him - Trump has in his possession evidence of what the FBI did.....and Wray can't have that.

Since he never complied with the Presidential Order by taking the steps to declassify the documents, according to Wray, the documents are still classified....even though the order making the documents declassified is still on record.

So Wray goes to Garland, says Trump has 'classified' Crossfire Hurricane documents / evidence, gets the ok (political cover) to RAID Trump's house, and retrieves the evidence of Wray's / the FBI's criminal Op.

This is why you have the criminal FBI and DOJ claiming Trump had classified documents, why Trump and his team is saying the documents were declassified, why there is still records of Trump's official order 19 months later declassifying the documents - an order with which the FBI to date has refused to comply.

I know there are a lot of facts here and with your low reading comprehension level and IQ it's hard to follow, but ask your friends, if you have any,to explain it to you.
My, what stupid lies you tell. Oh well, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is going down. Espionage is a serious felony. More years than the fat swine has left in jail.
Jo Biden this idiot is talking about you
Actually, you are an idiot.

I posted several links to a story that goes hand-in-hand with this.

Thedocuments were already declassified by Presidential order before Trump left office. It's on official record.

The second story involves the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane. President Trump is on record as demanding all documents about this criminal / treasonous FBI Op be declassified so the American people could see for themselves what the FBI was up to. He issued a direct order to declassify the documents, again, before he left office.

The article tells how 19 months later Wray, the FBI, & the DOJ have refused to comply with that lawful Presidential order.

Now, gee, why would the FBI refuse to declassify all information on an illegal, seditious failed Op that was part of an attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing a President from office?

Why would the FBI refuse to declassify details of a rogue FBI Op that could potentially land a LOT of them in jail?

So, again, 19 months later Wray refused to declassify the information, despite the Presidential Order being on the books.....and he was stupid enough to believe once Trump was out of the WH that would be the end of it.

Instead, as a precaution, Trump takes copies of the DECLASSIFIED information with him - Trump has in his possession evidence of what the FBI did.....and Wray can't have that.

Since he never complied with the Presidential Order by taking the steps to declassify the documents, according to Wray, the documents are still classified....even though the order making the documents declassified is still on record.

So Wray goes to Garland, says Trump has 'classified' Crossfire Hurricane documents / evidence, gets the ok (political cover) to RAID Trump's house, and retrieves the evidence of Wray's / the FBI's criminal Op.

This is why you have the criminal FBI and DOJ claiming Trump had classified documents, why Trump and his team is saying the documents were declassified, why there is still records of Trump's official order 19 months later declassifying the documents - an order with which the FBI to date has refused to comply.

I know there are a lot of facts here and with your low reading comprehension level and IQ it's hard to follow, but ask your friends, if you have any,to explain it to you.
Any evidence the FBI planted should be kept for historical purposes.
The Nixon Library did not release the final batch of his secret tapes until 2013—39 yrs after Nixon was driven from office. The LBJ Library delayed releasing the final batch of his secret tapes…until 2016—47 yrs after he left office.

obvious double standard going after Trump
TS/SCI documents discovered at Mar-a-lago near Trump's pool pump room before the FBI raid to recover them.

Trump should be jailed or executed for that crime!
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Actually, you are an idiot.

I posted several links to a story that goes hand-in-hand with this.

Thedocuments were already declassified by Presidential order before Trump left office. It's on official record.

The second story involves the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane. President Trump is on record as demanding all documents about this criminal / treasonous FBI Op be declassified so the American people could see for themselves what the FBI was up to. He issued a direct order to declassify the documents, again, before he left office.

The article tells how 19 months later Wray, the FBI, & the DOJ have refused to comply with that lawful Presidential order.

Now, gee, why would the FBI refuse to declassify all information on an illegal, seditious failed Op that was part of an attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing a President from office?

Why would the FBI refuse to declassify details of a rogue FBI Op that could potentially land a LOT of them in jail?

So, again, 19 months later Wray refused to declassify the information, despite the Presidential Order being on the books.....and he was stupid enough to believe once Trump was out of the WH that would be the end of it.

Instead, as a precaution, Trump takes copies of the DECLASSIFIED information with him - Trump has in his possession evidence of what the FBI did.....and Wray can't have that.

Since he never complied with the Presidential Order by taking the steps to declassify the documents, according to Wray, the documents are still classified....even though the order making the documents declassified is still on record.

So Wray goes to Garland, says Trump has 'classified' Crossfire Hurricane documents / evidence, gets the ok (political cover) to RAID Trump's house, and retrieves the evidence of Wray's / the FBI's criminal Op.

This is why you have the criminal FBI and DOJ claiming Trump had classified documents, why Trump and his team is saying the documents were declassified, why there is still records of Trump's official order 19 months later declassifying the documents - an order with which the FBI to date has refused to comply.

I know there are a lot of facts here and with your low reading comprehension level and IQ it's hard to follow, but ask your friends, if you have any,to explain it to you.
Total BS!

Crossfire Hurricane was before Trump was elected in 2016. He had 4 years to prosecute this in a Top Secret SCIF. If these documents were about that, they have no political or legal value to Trump today & he should not have attempted to expose TS/SCI documents now.

Lock him up!
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Total BS!

Crossfire Hurricane was before Trump was elected in 2016. He had 4 years to prosecute this in a Top Secret SCIF. If these documents were about that, they have no political or legal value to Trump today & he should not have attempted to expose TS/SCI documents now.

Lock him up!

Again, you are an idiot who has no idea what you are talking about.

Crossfire Hurricane started during Trump's campaign and ran through the start of his Presidency.


"Crossfire Hurricane was the code name for the counterintelligence investigation undertaken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from July 31, 2016, to May 17, 2017, into links between Russian officials and associates of Donald Trump and "whether individuals associated with [his] presidential campaign were coordinating, wittingly or unwittingly, with the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election".

The Op targeted Trump's team and therefore Trump's presidential election.

Gee, as the FBI began targeting Trump and his team priorto the election, continued to do so through his entire 4 years as President, and here we are almost 2 years after his leaving office & the FBI is STILL going after Trump, why would President Trump want to declassify all the information on what the FBI was ILLEGALLY doing and have his own copies to ensure the rogue agency did not make it all disappear like Hunter's laptop?!

Gee, why would a rogue govt agency proven to have participated in a failed coup attempt, violated tge Patriot Act, violated Constitution and law, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans, and illegally spied on the Ptesident refuse to comply with Trump's presidential order to declassify and release allthe documents, to Include Crossfire Hurricane?

Why would this same agency lie now by claiming no such order was given, despite the order being on record, conduct a raid to get back the declassified evidence Trump had, and seek to set up the man they tried and failed to take down who had evidence on them?

Why has this same proven criminal agency broken the law and continues to do so by 1) still refusing to comply with Trump's lawfulorder & 2) refusing to release Crossfire Hurricane documents IAW tge FOIA?

As Joe Biden loves to say, "C'mon man!"

Even you aren't THIS stupid ... but you are obviously that big of a liar and FBI apologist.

TS/SCI documents discovered at Mar-a-lago near Trump's pool pump room before the FBI raid to recover them.

Trump should be jailed or executed for that crime!
Qualifications for having TS/SCI clearance: Be president and have power to say what's classified or not.

The End.
Qualifications for having TS/SCI clearance: Be president and have power to say what's classified or not.

The End.


TS/SCI programs are special programs those with the proper security clearance must be 'read into'.

To get access you must pass a thorough security check, have a need to know, and be 'read in'.

You do not maintain clearance / access to TS/SCI permanently.

For example, when Hilkary stopped being Sect of State she lost eligibility to have access to these programs, was 'read out' of the programs, and from that point on it was illegal for to even TALK about the info let alone have it in her possession.

Having the authority to de lassify information is something totally different, and whether Trump-haters like it or not SITTING US PRESIDENTS HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DECLASSIFY CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, which Trump is on record as having done.

Secretaries of State, former Secretaries of State, and even FORMER US President's do not have that authority.

TS/SCI programs are special programs those with the proper security clearance must be 'read into'.

To get access you must pass a thorough security check, have a need to know, and be 'read in'.

You do not maintain clearance / access to TS/SCI permanently.

For example, when Hilkary stopped being Sect of State she lost eligibility to have access to these programs, was 'read out' of the programs, and from that point on it was illegal for to even TALK about the info let alone have it in her possession.

Having the authority to de lassify information is something totally different, and whether Trump-haters like it or not SITTING US PRESIDENTS HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DECLASSIFY CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, which Trump is on record as having done.

Secretaries of State, former Secretaries of State, and even FORMER US President's do not have that authority.
Did you not read the "Be president" part?
As easily as Trump could declassify docs… with no record and witnesses…
Biden could reclassify them

Lost that argument. It’s not going to work

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